This document is a security audit report performed by danbogd, where BinanceSmartChain_SHIELD has been reviewed.
- BinanceSmartChain_SHIELD.sol github commit hash f5c1a5d77c158f84889b65a4070f7b80c3cf6898.
In total,2 issues were reported including:
- 1 low severity issues.
- 1 notes
No critical security issues were found.
- Lack of transaction handling mechanism issue. WARNING! This is a very common issue and it already caused millions of dollars losses for lots of token users! More details here.
If you want to use the pragma solidity 0.7.6, I recommend you to upgrade your Ownable and Context contracts to the lates version contracts from openZeppelin library using abstract and the virtual keyword.
The review did not show any critical issues, some low severity issues and notes were found.