This document is a security audit report performed by danbogd, where ETHW tokens has been reviewed.
In total, 4 issue were reported including:
- 1 crittical issue.
- 2 medium issue.
- 1 minor observation.
Сritical security issue was found.
If there is a situation where the oracle can choose to either give funds to the user or to the provider, the unfair user/provider can watch the transaction pool for oracleEvaluateJob transaction contain the oraclePasswordUnhashed and create a new transaction of their own with a higher gasPrice and get their transaction included in a block before the original.
As described the contract allow the customer to get the funds back any time after the deadline, without needing the oracle, as long as they control the password.
However this do not make sense, the provider can finish his job perfectly and the customer can choose to not share the password with him and get his fund back after the deadline, if the oracle do not decide meanwhile.
The customer should not be allowed to withdraw his fund back except if the contractor accept or the oracle allows it.
The Oracle password hash can be set by the customer since createJob function is public and anyone can create a job using it (please not that the function is also payable so it will be mainly be used by the customer since he will lock his funds), which means that the customer can control both password, making him even able to withdraw his fund back before any deadline since he can use oracleEvaluateJob at any moment.
All parties can check the hashed passwords, however the customer can also just slightly change the oracle password hash and deceive the other parties by making them think that the hashed password is the same, wait for the deadline and use evaluateJob as described previously to get his fund back.
Many crosschecking can be done in the user interface but the main goal of the ethereum blockchain is to be by itself 100% safe if the contract are implemented correctly.
oracleEvaluateJob should be only accessible by the oracle (address or any other proof that can be used) on which both customer and provider have agreed upon, the contract should reflect this logic by not giving any chance for a possible manipulation.
The contracts use solidity version 0.4.21. It is suggested to use the latest version and fix all compiler warnings that arise.
Critical issues seriously endanger smart contracts security. We highly recommend fixing them.