API introspection report and testing interface (?) |
X |
Approach to data readiness, prevents Flash of Unstyled/compiled Content (FOUC) (?) |
X |
Authentication |
X |
X |
X |
Authentication, social sign-in |
X |
Authentication, with two-factor authentication |
X |
Can run on a desktop without a browser |
X |
Client-side performance monitoring & instrumentation (?) |
X |
Client-side unit tests |
X |
X |
X |
Clustered HTTP sessions |
X |
Code coverage reporting (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Command line interface (CLI) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Command line interface (CLI), can do database migration/evolution (?) |
X |
Components communicate with events |
X |
X |
X |
Concurrency (synchronization), with single-thread, non-blocking, event-driven I/O (?) |
X |
Core Module |
X |
CSS style checking |
X |
Data binding & change detection/tracking, dirty checks (bad), no getters/setters (good) |
X |
Database connection pooling |
X |
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, resolution time in under 3 months |
X |
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, response time mostly under a day |
X |
Dedicated/searchable user group for questions, using github issues (?) |
X |
Deployment automation, to a mobile native executable |
X |
Deployment automation, using Docker (?) |
X |
X |
Deployment automation, using Github Pages |
X |
X |
X |
Development build, html page processing, inject references automatically (?) |
X |
End-to-end tests (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Error handling, Server-side logging |
X |
X |
X |
FEATURE (a.k.a. module, entity) generator (?) |
X |
Hot reloading (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
In-memory server-side database |
X |
X |
X |
X |
JavaScript 5 best practices, Doesn't use JQuery (?) |
X |
X |
Live Retest (?) |
X |
Local storage |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Microservice generator |
X |
Minification, of HTML |
X |
Modularized Functionality (?) |
X |
Modularized, route-specific CSS |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Module marketplace (?) |
X |
No build process is required |
X |
X |
X |
Object-relational mapping (?) |
X |
Observables for databinding a.k.a. KVO (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Performance tests, profiling |
X |
Persistent data storage (?) |
X |
X |
X |
Preloads client-side data (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Production build, generate docs (?) |
X |
Production build, safe pre-minification |
X |
Reload app on file changes (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Separate route configuration files for each module |
X |
Separation of smart containers and dumb components |
X |
X |
Server-side integration & unit tests |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Shared Module |
X |
X |
Someone is paid to develop and support it (?) |
X |
State inspection tools |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Style guide for code |
X |
There is a book about it |
X |
Time travel, undo (?) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
UML to model generation (?) |
X |
Update generated code in an existing app |
X |
X |
X |
X |
User Experience |
JHipster |
angular-seed-advanced |
Angular-kitchen-sink |
great big angular2 example |
ngrx example app |
Account Management, add/remove user |
X |
Account Management, Forgotten Password with Resetting |
X |
X |
Account Management, login/logout |
X |
X |
X |
Account Management, recover/reset password |
X |
Admin page for users and roles |
X |
Analytics |
X |
X |
Breadcrumbs (?) |
X |
Buttons |
X |
Configurable User Interface, color theme/skin |
X |
Date picker |
X |
Deep linking with authentication (?) |
X |
Derived, computed properties |
X |
X |
Dynamic component creation |
X |
E-mail sending system, using SMTP with Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, etc. |
X |
External, 3rd party, API interaction |
X |
X |
X |
Footer |
X |
Front-end CRUD |
X |
Front-end CRUD, screencast of it |
X |
Front-end CRUD, with mock/seed data |
X |
Full-stack CRUD (?) |
X |
X |
X |
Full-stack CRUD, screencast of it |
X |
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete |
X |
X |
X |
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, individual records |
X |
X |
X |
Full-stack CRUD, with Create, Update and Delete, whole data structures |
X |
Full-stack CRUD, with Read |
X |
X |
X |
Grid, Editable |
X |
i18n, localization (?) |
X |
X |
Many-to-many data |
X |
Modals (popups, dialogs) (?) |
X |
Mouse wheel (?) |
X |
Navigation bar |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Pagination, paging (server-side) |
X |
Panels, draggable |
X |
X |
Responsive styles |
X |
X |
Search, actually works with backend API |
X |
X |
X |
Dependencies |
JHipster |
angular-seed-advanced |
Angular-kitchen-sink |
great big angular2 example |
ngrx example app |
Backend Frameworks |
Express |
Express |
Builders |
Yeoman, Maven, Gradle |
Client-side API interfaces |
$http, $resource |
Continuous integration testers |
Travis, drone.io, SonarSource |
Convenience method libraries |
lodash |
lodash |
lodash |
lodash |
lodash |
Databases |
MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQL Server, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, H2, Redis |
MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, CouchDB, ElasticSearch, LevelDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, Redis |
Redis |
MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, CouchDB, ElasticSearch, LevelDB, Cassandra, Neo4J, Redis |
Documentation generators |
typedoc |
Frontend Frameworks |
AngularJS 1.4, AngularJS 1.3, AngularJS 1.2 |
AngularJS 2.0 |
AngularJS 2.0 |
AngularJS 2.0 |
AngularJS 2.0 |
Fullstack Frameworks |
Spring MVC |
Languages |
JS ES6 (ES2015), Java 8, Java 7, JS ES5, SASS, SCSS |
Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 |
Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 |
Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 |
Typescript, JS ES6 (ES2015), JS ES5 |
Linters |
JSHint |
tslint |
stylelint |
tslint, codelyzer |
Loaders |
Spring |
SystemJS |
Webpack |
Webpack |
Webpack |
Misc |
wiredep, Logback, angular-omni-bar, ng-annotate, HikariCP, Liquibase, Jackson, cssnano, gulp-htmlmin, useref, Spring Boot |
Redux, RxJS, Electron, redux-devtools, cssnano, ngrx |
Redux, RxJS, Angular Material, Immutable, redux-devtools |
Redux, RxJS, redux-devtools, ngrx, Angular Style Guide |
Redux, RxJS, redux-devtools, ngrx |
Notification Systems |
Growl |
Growl |
Growl |
Package Managers |
bower, Yarn |
npm |
npm |
Performance Testers |
Gatling |
Routers |
Angular Component Router |
Angular Component Router |
Angular Component Router |
Angular Component Router |
Runtime Environments |
Node.js, NativeScript |
Node.js |
Node.js |
Security Frameworks |
Spring Social |
Stacks |
angular-cli |
angular-cli |
angular-cli |
Styles |
Normalize.css |
Task Runners |
Ant |
Gulp |
Gulp |
Templating Engines |
Angular directives, Thymeleaf |
Test assertion libraries |
Jasmine |
Jasmine |
Chai, Jasmine, Mocha |
Chai, Mocha |
Chai, Jasmine, Mocha |
Test coverage reporters |
karma-coverage |
Test runners |
Karma, BrowserSync |
Karma |
Sinon |
Karma, Protractor |
Transpilers |
libsass |
libsass |
libsass |
libsass |
Unit testers |
JUnit, Mockito |