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Last active December 21, 2015 06:18
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Save danclien/6262777 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Had a WTF moment figuring out how Actions in Play Framework could be defined with and without an implicit request.

package controllers

import play.api.mvc._

object ApplicationController extends Controller {
  def index = Action {
    Ok("Without implicit request")

  def indexWithImplicit = Action { implicit request => //WTF is this magic?
    Ok("With implicit request")

Figured out it was calling two seperate apply methods. Simplified example:

object Foo {
  def apply(f: Int => String) : String = {  //accept a function as a parameter
    println("apply with function")
    val num = 42
  def apply(input: String) : String = {     //accepts a string as a parameter
    println("apply with String")
    println(s"input: $input")

def withImplicit = Foo { implicit num =>    //anonymous function returning a string
  println(s"With implicit num = $num")      //`implicit num` is the same as
  num.toString                              //`num => implicit val numImp = num;`

def withoutImplicit = Foo {                 //block of type string
  println("Without implicit num")

withImplicit      //42
withoutImplicit   //0
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Yeah, total pros and cons of DSLs in action here.

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