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Created March 1, 2012 22:19
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CloudCore CentOS5.7 Android開発環境構築(CUI)メモ
# wget sdkのパス
# とりあえず /opt以下に展開
# パスを通す
# android update sdk -u
# -u は guiなしで動作させるオプション
# android -h update sdk の出力は以下
android [global options] update sdk [action options]
Global options:
-h --help : Help on a specific command.
-v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages.
-s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors only.
Action "update sdk":
Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
--proxy-port: HTTP/HTTPS proxy port (overrides settings if defined)
--proxy-host: HTTP/HTTPS proxy host (overrides settings if defined)
-s --no-https : Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads.
-f --force : Forces replacement of a package or its parts, even if
something has been modified.
-u --no-ui : Updates from command-line (does not display the GUI)
-o --obsolete : Installs obsolete packages.
-t --filter : A filter that limits the update to the specified types of
packages in the form of a comma-separated list of
[platform, system-image, tool, platform-tool, doc, sample,
extra, source]. This also accepts the identifiers returned
by 'list sdk --extended'.
-n --dry-mode : Simulates the update but does not download or install
# DLが始まるので放置
# MotorolaとかExtendsな方々が認証聞いてくるけどEnter押せば逃げられる
# 多分 -t でfilter掛けるのが正解?
# antのバージョンが古いと動かないらしいので先に入れる
# wget
# tar zxvf apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz
# 回答ディレクトリを適当に配置 (ここでは/opt/apache-ant とした)
# export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant & PATHに$ANT_HOME/bin追加
# HelloWorldを作ってみる
android create project \ [/tmp]
% -n HelloAnt \
% -k jp.omokageru.dnk.helloant \
% -a HelloAnt \
% -t 27 \
% -p ./HelloAnt
# ビルドしてみる
# ant clean debug
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