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Last active November 29, 2023 16:40
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import { Component, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, h } from 'vue'
export function hydrateNever(componentOrFactory: Component): Component {
return makeHydrationBlocker(componentOrFactory, {
beforeCreate() {
this.never = true
export function hydrateWhenVisible(componentOrFactory: Component, { observerOptions = undefined } = {}): Component {
return makeHydrationBlocker(componentOrFactory, {
beforeCreate() {
this.whenVisible = observerOptions || true
export function hydrateWhenIdle(componentOrFactory: Component, { timeout = 2000 } = {}): Component {
return makeHydrationBlocker(componentOrFactory, {
beforeCreate() {
this.whenIdle = true
this.idleTimeout = timeout
export function hydrateOnInteraction(componentOrFactory: Component, { event = 'focus' } = {}): Component {
const events = Array.isArray(event) ? event : [event]
return makeHydrationBlocker(componentOrFactory, {
beforeCreate() {
this.interactionEvents = events
const LazyHydrate = makeHydrationBlocker(null, {
props: {
idleTimeout: {
default: 2000,
type: Number,
never: {
type: Boolean,
onInteraction: {
type: [Array, Boolean, String],
triggerHydration: {
default: false,
type: Boolean,
whenIdle: {
type: Boolean,
whenVisible: {
type: [Boolean, Object],
computed: {
interactionEvents() {
if (!this.onInteraction) return []
// @ts-ignore
if (this.onInteraction === true) return ['focus']
return Array.isArray(this.onInteraction)
? this.onInteraction
: [this.onInteraction]
watch: {
triggerHydration: {
immediate: true,
handler(isTriggered) {
// @ts-ignore
if (isTriggered) this.hydrate()
} as Partial<Component>)
export default LazyHydrate
const observers = new Map()
const isServer = typeof window === 'undefined'
function resolveComponent(componentOrFactory: Component): Component {
if (typeof componentOrFactory === 'function') {
return (componentOrFactory as any)().then((componentModule: any) => componentModule.default)
return componentOrFactory
function makeNonce({ component, hydrationPromise }: {component: Component, hydrationPromise: Promise<unknown>}) {
if (isServer) {
if (typeof component === 'function') {
return defineAsyncComponent(component as any)
} else {
return component
return defineAsyncComponent(() => hydrationPromise.then(() => {
return resolveComponent(component)
function makeHydrationObserver(options: any) {
if (typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined') return null
const optionKey = JSON.stringify(options)
if (observers.has(optionKey)) return observers.get(optionKey)
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
// Use `intersectionRatio` because of Edge 15's
// lack of support for `isIntersecting`.
// See:
const isIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio > 0
const target = as any
if (!isIntersecting || !target.hydrate) return
}, options)
observers.set(optionKey, observer)
return observer
function makeHydrationPromise() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
let hydrate: (value: unknown) => void = () => {}
const hydrationPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
hydrate = resolve
return {
function makeHydrationBlocker(component: Component | null, options: any) {
return defineComponent(Object.assign({
mixins: [{
beforeCreate() {
this.cleanupHandlers = []
const { hydrate, hydrationPromise } = makeHydrationPromise()
if (component) {
this.Nonce = makeNonce({ component, hydrationPromise })
this.hydrate = hydrate
this.hydrationPromise = hydrationPromise
beforeUnmount() {
mounted() {
if (this.$el.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// No SSR rendered content, hydrate immediately.
if (this.never) return
if (this.whenVisible) {
const observerOptions = this.whenVisible !== true ? this.whenVisible : undefined
const observer = makeHydrationObserver(observerOptions)
// If Intersection Observer API is not supported, hydrate immediately.
if (!observer) {
this.$el.hydrate = this.hydrate
const cleanup = () => observer.unobserve(this.$el)
if (this.whenIdle) {
// If `requestIdleCallback()` or `requestAnimationFrame()`
// is not supported, hydrate immediately.
if (!('requestIdleCallback' in window) || !('requestAnimationFrame' in window)) {
// @ts-ignore
const id = requestIdleCallback(() => {
}, { timeout: this.idleTimeout })
// @ts-ignore
const cleanup = () => cancelIdleCallback(id)
if (this.interactionEvents && this.interactionEvents.length) {
const eventListenerOptions = {
capture: true,
once: true,
passive: true,
this.interactionEvents.forEach((eventName: string) => {
this.$el.addEventListener(eventName, this.hydrate, eventListenerOptions)
const cleanup = () => {
this.$el.removeEventListener(eventName, this.hydrate, eventListenerOptions)
methods: {
cleanup() {
this.cleanupHandlers.forEach((handler: any) => handler())
render() {
return component
? h(this.Nonce, {
attrs: this.$attrs,
// on: this.$listeners,
// scopedSlots: this.$scopedSlots,
}) // prefer sending function as slot
: this.$slots.default()
} as Component],
}, options))
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tli754 commented Sep 16, 2021


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