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Last active October 18, 2018 07:13
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Demonstrates how you fetch, decode, and handle rendering in ReasonReact
/* Using Belt API for familiarity */
open Belt;
/* Will return an array of posts */
let fakeRealApi = "";
/* Defining types for the expected posts */
type post = {
userId: int,
id: int,
title: string,
body: string,
/* Defining all state */
type state =
| Loading
| Error
| LoadedPosts(array(post)); /* Pattern matching state too?! */
/* Like in Redux, there's 3 phases of an HTTP request */
/* Fetching, Fetched, and Failed */
type action =
| PostsFetch
| PostsFailedToFetch
| PostsFetched(array(post));
/* Bs-json provides an API to encode, decode, and even compose
JSON into Reason-compatible types
/* Common practice to wrap your decoding functions into a local module */
module Decode = {
let post = json =>
/* We're creating a custom decoder here - reference bs-json docs */
/* the field function establishes the type given a key in the json object */
userId: json |> field("userId", int),
id: json |> field("id", int),
title: json |> field("title", string),
body: json |> field("body", string),
let posts = Json.Decode.array(post);
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("FetchExample");
let make = _children => {
initialState: _state => Loading,
reducer: (action, _state) =>
switch (action) {
| PostsFetch =>
/* Notice the fetch is done within the reducer */
self =>
/* We wrap everything within a promise */
/* This looks sorta familiar right */
|> then_(Fetch.Response.json)
|> then_(json => {
/* We feed the json into the composed decoder */
|> Decode.posts
/* Now we kick off another action with the new payload */
|> (posts => self.send(PostsFetched(posts)) |> resolve);
|> catch(_err =>
/* Ignore here because Reason expects a unit type */
|> ignore
| PostsFailedToFetch => ReasonReact.Update(Error)
| PostsFetched(posts) => ReasonReact.Update(LoadedPosts(posts))
didMount: self => self.send(PostsFetch),
render: self =>
switch (self.state) {
| Error => <div> {ReasonReact.string("An error occurred!")} </div>
| Loading => <div> {ReasonReact.string("Loading...")} </div>
| LoadedPosts(posts) =>
{, post =>
<li key={string_of_int(}>
|> ReasonReact.array
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