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Last active December 18, 2020 19:20
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  • Save dangh/dd9fcf1237d70157b54a1c94f2799aac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dangh/dd9fcf1237d70157b54a1c94f2799aac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setup command alias in Windows
@echo off
:: Setup bootstrap script
IF NOT [%1]==[--skip-setup] (
:: Allow (, ), ^, <, >, |, ... in the file name
:: See
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /f /v AutoRun /d "\"!EXECUTABLE_PATH!\" --skip-setup"
ECHO Enter to exit.
:: Change start up directory
DOSKEY /=cd \
DOSKEY ..=cd ..
DOSKEY ls=dir /D $*
DOSKEY l=dir /O $*
DOSKEY r=.\node_modules\.bin\$*
:: Git alias shortcuts
:: See
DOSKEY g=git $*
DOSKEY ga=git add $*
DOSKEY gb=git branch $*
DOSKEY gc=git commit $*
DOSKEY gd=git diff $*
DOSKEY gf=git fetch -p $*
DOSKEY gg=git grep $*
DOSKEY gl=git log $*
DOSKEY gm=git merge $*
DOSKEY go=git checkout $*
DOSKEY gp=git pull $*
DOSKEY gr=git remote $*
DOSKEY gs=git status $*
DOSKEY gw=git whatchanged $*
::### add ###
::# add all
DOSKEY gaa=git add --all $*
::# add by patch - looks at each change, and asks if we want to put it in the repo.
DOSKEY gap=git add --patch $*
::# add just the files that are updated.
DOSKEY gau=git add --update $*
::### branch ###
::# branch - edit the description
DOSKEY gbe=git branch --edit-description $*
::# branch and only list branches whose tips are reachable from the specified commit (HEAD if not specified).
DOSKEY gbm=git branch --merged $*
::# branch and only list branches whose tips are not reachable from the specified commit (HEAD if not specified).
DOSKEY gbnm=git branch --no-merged $*
::### commit ###
::# commit - amend the tip of the current branch rather than creating a new commit.
DOSKEY gca=git commit --amend $*
::# commit - amend the tip of the current branch, and edit the message.
DOSKEY gcam=git commit --amend --message $*
::# commit - amend the tip of the current branch, and do not edit the message.
DOSKEY gcane=git commit --amend --no-edit $*
::# commit interactive
DOSKEY gci=git commit --interactive $*
::# commit with a message
DOSKEY gcm=git commit --message $*
::### checkout ###
::# checkout - update the working tree to match a branch or paths. [same as "o" for "out"]
DOSKEY gco=git checkout $*
::### cherry-pick ###
::# cherry-pick - apply the changes introduced by some existing commits; useful for moving small chunks of code between branches.
DOSKEY gcp=git cherry-pick $*
::### diff ###
::# diff - show changes not yet staged
DOSKEY gdc=git diff --cached $*
::# diff - changes about to be commited
DOSKEY gds=git diff --staged $*
::# diff - show changes but by word, not line
DOSKEY gdw=git diff --word-diff $*
::### clean ###
::# clean everything to be pristine
DOSKEY gcleanest=git clean -ffdx $*
::### grep ###
::# find text
DOSKEY gg=git grep $*
::# grep and show line number
DOSKEY ggl=git grep --line-number $*
::# grep group: find text and group the output lines; a.k.a. `grep-group`.
DOSKEY ggg=git grep --break --heading --line-number $*
::### log ###
::# log with a text-based graphical representation of the commit history.
DOSKEY glg=git log --graph $*
::# log with one line per item.
DOSKEY glo=git log --oneline $*
::# log with patch generation.
DOSKEY glp=git log --patch $*
::# log with items appearing in topological order, i.e. descendant commits are shown before their parents.
DOSKEY glt=git log --topo-order $*
::# log key - our favorite way to show our key performance indicators, i.e. our most useful summary.
DOSKEY glk=git log --graph --topo-order --abbrev-commit --date=short --decorate --all --boundary --pretty=format:'%Cgreen%ad %Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cblue[%cn]%Creset %Cblue%G?%Creset' $*
::# log latest - show the 10 most recent lines using `lk`
DOSKEY gll=git log -n 10 --graph --topo-order --abbrev-commit --date=short --decorate --all --boundary --pretty=format:'%Cgreen%ad' $*
::## ls-files ##
::# ls-files - show information about files in the index and the working tree; like Unix "ls" command.
DOSKEY gls=git ls-files $*
::### merge ###
::# merge but without autocommit, and with a commit even if the merge resolved as a fast-forward.
DOSKEY gme=git merge --no-commit --no-ff $*
::### pull ###
::# pull if a merge can be resolved as a fast-forward, otherwise fail.
DOSKEY gpf=git pull --ff-only $*
::# pull with rebase - to provide a cleaner, linear, bisectable history.
::# To integrate changes between branches, you can merge or rebase.
::# When we use "git pull", git does a fetch then a merge.
::# If we've made changes locally and someone else has pushed changes
::# to our git host then git will automatically merge these together
::# and create a merge commit that looks like this in the history:
::# 12345678 - Merge branch 'foo' of bar into master
::# When we use "git pull --rebase", git does a fetch then a rebase.
::# A rebase resets the HEAD of your local branch to be the same as
::# the remote HEAD, then replays your local commits back into repo.
::# This means you don't get any noisy merge messages in your history.
::# This gives us a linear history, and also helps with git bisect.
::# To automatically do "pull --rebase" for any branch based on master:
::# git config branch.master.rebase true
::# To automatically do "pull --rebase" for all branches:
::# git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
DOSKEY gpr=git pull --rebase $*
::### rebase ###
::# rebase - forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head.
DOSKEY grb=git rebase $*
::# rebase - continue the rebasing process after resolving a conflict manually and updating the index with the resolution.
DOSKEY grbc=git rebase --continue $*
::# rebase - restart the rebasing process by skipping the current patch.
DOSKEY grbs=git rebase --skip $*
::# rbi - rebase interactive on our unpushed commits.
::# Before we push our local changes, we may want to do some cleanup,
::# to improve our commit messages or squash related commits together.
::# Let's say I've pushed two commits that are related to a new feature and
::# I have another where I made a spelling mistake in the commit message.
::# When I run "git rbi" I get dropped into my editor with this:
::# pick 7f06d36 foo
::# pick ad544d0 goo
::# pick de3083a hoo
::# Let's say I want to squash the "foo" and "goo" commits together,
::# and also change "hoo" to say "whatever". To do these, I change "pick"
::# to say "s" for squash; this tells git to squash the two together;
::# I also edit "hoo". I make the file look like:
::# pick 7f06d36 foo
::# s ad544d0 goo
::# r de3083a whatever
::# This gives me two new commit messages to edit, which I update.
::# Now when I push the remote repo host receives two commits
::# 3400455 - foo
::# 5dae0a0 - whatever
DOSKEY grbi=git rebase --interactive @{upstream} $*
::### reflog ###
::# reflog - reference log that manages when tips of branches are updated.
DOSKEY grl=git reflog $*
::### remote ###
::# remote - manage set of tracked repositories [same as "r"].
DOSKEY grr=git remote $*
::# remote show - gives some information about the remote <name>.
DOSKEY grrs=git remote show $*
::# remote update - fetch updates for a named set of remotes in the repository as defined by remotes.
DOSKEY grru=git remote update $*
::# remote prune - deletes all stale remote-tracking branches under <name>.
DOSKEY grrp=git remote prune $*
DOSKEY gincoming=git !git remote update --prune; git log ..@{upstream} $*
DOSKEY goutgoing=git log @{upstream}.. $*
::### revert ###
::# revert - undo the changes from some existing commits
DOSKEY grv=git revert $*
::# revert without autocommit; useful when you're reverting more than one commits' effect to your index in a row.
DOSKEY grvnc=git revert --no-commit $*
::### show-branch ###
::# show-branch - print a list of branches and their commits.
DOSKEY gsb=git show-branch $*
::### submodule ###
::# submodule - enables foreign repositories to be embedded within a dedicated subdirectory of the source tree.
DOSKEY gsm=git submodule $*
::# submodule update
DOSKEY gsmu=git submodule update $*
::# submodule update with initialize
DOSKEY gsmui=git submodule update --init $*
::# submodule update with initialize and recursive; this is useful to bring a submodule fully up to date.
DOSKEY gsmuir=git submodule update --init --recursive $*
::### status ###
::# status with short format instead of full details
DOSKEY gss=git status --short $*
::# status with short format and showing branch and tracking info.
DOSKEY gssb=git status --short --branch $*
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