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Created September 22, 2012 08:27
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HTML5 showing real time ASCII art. Takes video from your webcam and displays the ascii art version of it. Note: this cannot be run locally; it needs to be run from a web server.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Real time ascii art</title>
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;
var ROW_PIXELS = 8;
var COL_PIXELS = 5;
function onVideoLoaded(video) {
var width = video.clientWidth;
var height = video.clientHeight;
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
var backCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
backCanvas.width = width;
backCanvas.height = height;
var backContext = backCanvas.getContext("2d");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = (ROW_PIXELS + 4) + "px courier";
setTimeout(draw, 20, video, width, height, backContext, context);
var DARK_TO_LIGHT = "@$BW#MQ8ERN95D06&HgGOS3%UPKFIp2ZbAdq4wCha[]1{}JXekVliofunjLTz7Yst=?)(|+xcmvr^/\_*!y;,-':`.".split("");
var NORMALISER = DARK_TO_LIGHT.length / 256;
function getChar(luminance) {
var index = Math.floor(luminance * NORMALISER);
return DARK_TO_LIGHT[index];
function drawToCanvas(context, sourceImageData) {
var sourcePixels =;
var numCols = sourceImageData.width;
var numRows = sourceImageData.height;
for (var row = 0; row < numRows; row += ROW_PIXELS) {
var rowOffset = row * numCols * 4;
for (var col = 0; col < numCols; col += COL_PIXELS) {
var offset = rowOffset + 4 * col;
var r = sourcePixels[offset];
var g = sourcePixels[offset + 1];
var b = sourcePixels[offset + 2];
var luminance = Math.ceil(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b);
var c = getChar(luminance);
context.fillStyle = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";
context.fillText(c, col, row);
function draw(video, width, height, backContext, context) {
backContext.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
drawToCanvas(context, backContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height));
setTimeout(draw, 40, video, width, height, backContext, context);
navigator.getUserMedia({video:true}, function (stream) {
var video = document.querySelector("#video");
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
setTimeout(onVideoLoaded, 2000, video);
}, function (e) {
alert("Failed to capture video: " + JSON.stringify(e, null, 2));
<video id="video" autoplay></video>
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