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Created July 19, 2011 00:16
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  • Save danielmoore/1091011 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danielmoore/1091011 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gets a list of meetup RSVPs using the meetup API.
function Get-MeetupRsvps([string]$eventId, [string]$apiKey) {
$nameWord = "[\w-']{2,}"
$regex = "^(?'first'$nameWord) ((\w\.?|($nameWord )+) )?(?'last'$nameWord)|(?'last'$nameWord), ?(?'first'$nameWord)( \w\.|( $nameWord)+)?$"
function Get-AttendeeInfo {
process {
$matches = $null
$answer = $_.answers.answers_item
if(-not ($ -match $regex)) { $answer -match $regex | Out-Null }
return New-Object PSObject -Property @{
'FirstName' = $matches.first
'LastName' = $matches.last
'RSVPName' = $
'RSVPAnswer' = $answer
'RSVPGuests' = $_.guests
$xml = [Xml](New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("$eventId`&key=$apiKey")
$xml.SelectNodes('/results/items/item[response="yes"]') | Get-AttendeeInfo | select FirstName, LastName, RSVPName, RSVPAnswer, RSVPGuests
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