-------- 4/23/17 --------- I learned various tools and software for web development, such as Git and Github, terminal commands, etc. Update and install different development toolkits (emmit, rubocop, Sublimelinter...) Use git to keep track of changes when writing code (need to commit for changes) Learned to get unstuck when coding. These include: (step 1 to 5 I already know) 6. Decompose problems (divide the puzzle into smaller problems) 7. Ask specific questions.
-------- 4/24/17 --------- Learn to use Github to store, maintain and update codes. Steps are: git init (new repo only) git add git commit -m "message" go to Github and create a new repo with the same name as the newly created local folder git push origin master Use a SSH key to push repos (so Github won't ask username/password everytime I push) Learn various data structures in Ruby Array (simple but worst) Hash (better than Array but still not best choice) Class objects (preferred way because of data encapsulation) Use attr_reader, attr_writer, attr_accessor to initialize getters and setters Learn the Enumerable#map method to iterate a data structure
-------- 4/25/17 ---------
- Ruby inheritance subclass < superclass SublimeText shortcuts: Command + Options + [2 or more]: open 2 or more windows side by side Command + K + B: Kill or Open the sidebar method overidding: subclass methods takes precedence over superclass ones learn the use of super keyword
- Ruby modules Using modules is a way to expand object's functionality and behaviors Modules can also be used as namespace (a wrapper mechanism to easily categorize classes)
-------- 4/26/17 ---------
- Work with a partner to do various Ruby coding exercises
- Learn HTML and CSS - CSS Box Model: margin, border, padding, content
-------- 4/27/17 ---------
- CSS trick: margin: 0 auto; #make the content center-aligned In CSS, classes are more important than HTML elements (tags). Class priority is 2, element's is 1. Id is more important than class. (id is 3) Whatever defined more specificly will take precedence over others in CSS. if you combine class and element, they will take more priority than id.
- Font: Serif is more classic Sans Serif is more modern. Do not use more than 3 fonts in a website. Use @media to control the resizing (make it more mobile-friendly) Command + Option + I to open Inspect (in Google Chrome) Responsive design: when window is resized, contents are dynamically changed. Use Bootstrap to quickly set up responsive, mobile first CSS file
-------- 4/30/17 ---------
HTTP status code: 2xx: ok 3xx: redirect 4xx: cilent problem 5xx: server problem Marketing: connecting a person with a problem with a person with a solution Learned that 98% of resumes get rejected. 50% Programming skills = 50% Soft skills