JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
---------6/5/2017------------------ jbuilder is built by default by Rails show.jbuilder.json => build a JSON show page json.array! @employees.each do |employee|
Aside from jbuilder, we can also use responder, RABL, active_model_serializer Internal API: It can be faster It can help others find our API It aids with dynamic content ---------6/6/2017------------------ namespace to have version control do in terminal: rails g controller api/v1/ModelName (more garbage files) ---------6/7/2017------------------ ALWAYS make sure to have the models (database and relationships) to work first, before creating controllers. ---------6/8/2017------------------ PORO : Plain Old Ruby Object dotenv: it is a gem to hold all API URIs and DRY up our codes ---------6/11/2017------------------ When asked about your weaknesses, mention a weakness and ALWAYS provide a way to work on get over your weakness. (a solution to your problem).