----05/21/2017----- Met Luke today: learn to talk to people naturally => it may lead to a job opportunity. Learned how to use Screencast and iMovie to create a video blog cast.
----05/23/2017----- IMPORTANT! Remember to capitalize model name rails g model CartedProduct product_id: integer order_id: integer Remember controller names are plural rails g controller CartedProducts
----05/24/2017----- MVP?? Minimum Viable Product Whiteframe bundle and bundle install : THE SAME! Front End validation vs. Back end validation validates :name :presence => true #The name cannot be blank. validates :email, uniqueness: true #Email must be unique. validates :points, :numericality => true #the points attribute must be number (integer, float, decimal) validates :points, :numericality => {only_integer: true}
Whenever you have a Rollback when trying to update database, view the error with: [variable].errors.full_messages`
----05/25/2017----- root "users#index" resources users, except [:new]
rails g controller ModelNames index create new edit destroy
nested route: the "as:[]" is to specify the prefix for the route.