defaults write company.thebrowser.Browser.plist ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2
defaults write ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2
Chrome Beta
defaults write company.thebrowser.Browser.plist ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2
defaults write ExtensionManifestV2Availability -int 2
Chrome Beta
Create a openVPN server on Google Cloud Platform to connect to your Google Cloud network using openVPN and/or to route your internet traffic through the VPN (Road Warrior Scenario)
$ pxctest list-tests \ | |
--testrun KIF_iphonesimulator10.2-i386.xctestrun \ | |
| jq -r '. | select(.event | test("begin-test$")) | "\(.className)/\(.methodName)"' | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testClearingAndEnteringTextIntoViewWithAccessibilityLabel | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testEnteringTextIntoViewWithAccessibilityIdentifier | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testEnteringTextIntoViewWithAccessibilityIdentifierExpectingResults | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testLongPressingViewWithAccessibilityIdentifier | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testSettingTextIntoViewWithAccessibilityIdentifier | |
AccessibilityIdentifierTests/testTappingStepperDecrement |
Some notes on remote debugging mac builds on Travisci. It's hard to tell when something hangs what the cause it. Trial and error via commits is tedious. And on Mac , sometimes it's the gui asking for input. So I worked my around to get the access I needed for faster debugging a build. | |
################################################# | |
# Enable remote ssh access to travisci build for debugging | |
################################################# | |
# Add a key so we can login to travisci vm | |
- cat ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
- chmod 600 ssh/travisci | |
# Install netcat |
man() { | |
env \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \ | |
LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \ | |
man "$@" |
An experimental change for fast Clojure REPL startup:
java -jar clojure-1.8.0-fast.jar
The code used to create this JAR is on GitHub.
What's it doing?
It is:
alias accio=wget | |
alias avadaKedavra='rm -f' | |
alias imperio=sudo | |
alias priorIncantato='echo `history |tail -n2 |head -n1` | sed "s/[0-9]* //"' | |
alias stupefy='sleep 5' | |
alias wingardiumLeviosa=mv | |
alias sonorus='set -v' | |
alias quietus='set +v' |
# Runs a specified shell command in a separate thread. | |
# If it exceeds the given timeout in seconds, kills it. | |
# Returns any output produced by the command (stdout or stderr) as a String. | |
# Uses to wait up to the tick length (in seconds) between | |
# checks on the command's status | |
# | |
# If you've got a cleaner way of doing this, I'd be interested to see it. | |
# If you think you can do it with Ruby's Timeout module, think again. | |
def run_with_timeout(command, timeout, tick) | |
output = '' |