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Created October 5, 2017 02:33
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Test Xamarin.Forms app with Picker input issues
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
public class Scene : object
protected RelativeLayout _slidein_layout = null;
protected RelativeLayout _static_layout = null;
protected StackLayout _next_button = null;
protected Grid _grid = null;
public Scene(Grid parent_grid)
this._grid = parent_grid;
public void CleanupPreviousScene()
if ((_grid != null) && (_slidein_layout != null))
if ((_grid != null) && (_static_layout != null))
public void SetupScene(String mode)
StackLayout stack = new StackLayout
// inner black box that directly contains text and widgets
Margin = 15,
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
switch (mode)
case "welcome":
Label welcome_label = new Label
TextColor = Color.White,
Text = "Welcome to app!",
FontSize = 18
case "picker":
Label picker_label = new Label
TextColor = Color.White,
Text = "Choose something",
Picker picker = new Picker
BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("111111"),
TextColor = Color.White,
WidthRequest = 400
picker.Items.Add("Item 1");
picker.Items.Add("Item 2");
StackLayout stack_outer = new StackLayout
/* outer black box that contains the "Welcome to app!" text */
Opacity = 0.95,
HeightRequest = 100,
BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
Children = { stack }
_slidein_layout = new RelativeLayout
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
Opacity = 1.0
/* x constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
// this means it's initially off-screen
return parent.Width;
/* y constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return parent.Height * 0.15;
/* width constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return parent.Width;
/* height constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return 100;
_static_layout = new RelativeLayout
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
_grid.Children.Add(_static_layout, 0, 0);
_grid.Children.Add(_slidein_layout, 0, 0);
public void CreateNextButton()
Label next_label = new Label
Margin = 15,
TextColor = Color.White,
Text = "Next >",
FontSize = 18,
InputTransparent = true
StackLayout next_button_inner = new StackLayout
Opacity = 100.0,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Margin = 15,
Children = { new Label { TextColor = Color.White, Text = "Next >", FontSize = 18 } },
_next_button = new StackLayout
Opacity = 100.0,
HeightRequest = 100,
BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
Children = { next_button_inner }
var tgr = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tgr.Tapped += async (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
await _next_button.FadeTo(0.0, 250, Easing.CubicOut);
await ExitTransition();
/* x constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return parent.Width * 0.7;
/* y constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return parent.Height * 0.8;
/* width constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return parent.Width * 0.3;
/* height constraint */
Constraint.RelativeToParent((parent) =>
return 100;
public async Task ExitTransition()
await _next_button.ScaleTo(0.9, 250, Easing.CubicOut);
await _next_button.FadeTo(0.0, 250, Easing.CubicOut);
await _slidein_layout.TranslateTo(-2 * Application.Current.MainPage.Width, 0, 500, Easing.CubicIn);
_slidein_layout.IsVisible = false;
public void EnterTransition()
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await _slidein_layout.TranslateTo(-Application.Current.MainPage.Width, 0, 500, Easing.CubicIn);
await _next_button.ScaleTo(1.0, 250, Easing.CubicOut);
await _next_button.FadeTo(1.0, 250, Easing.CubicOut);
namespace testapp
public class MyPage : ContentPage
protected Scene _scene = null;
protected Grid _grid = null;
public MyPage()
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
this._grid = new Grid
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
RowDefinitions =
new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(30, GridUnitType.Absolute) }
ColumnDefinitions =
new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }
RowSpacing = 0,
ColumnSpacing = 0
protected override void OnAppearing()
this.Content = this._grid;
this._scene = new Scene(_grid);
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