Create an Azure Developer CLI (azd) project that deploys a Kubernetes cluster, a Key Vault, and a User Assigned Identity using Azure Verified Modules (AVM).
├── infra
│ ├── main.bicep
│ └── modules
├── charts
│ └── sample
│ ├── Chart.yaml
│ ├── values.yaml
│ └── templates
│ ├── deployment.yaml
│ └── service.yaml
├── software
│ └── kustomize.yaml
├── azure.yaml
├── .gitignore
└── [](
Use Azure Verified Bicep Modules referencing the provided samples to create the following resources in eastus2 with a unique naming conventions that have a common pattern for the modules.:
- Reference the AVM User Assigned Identity module and use the version 0.4.0:
module userAssignedIdentity 'br/public:avm/res/managed-identity/user-assigned-identity:<version>' = {
name: 'userAssignedIdentityDeployment'
params: {
// Required parameters
name: 'miuaimin001'
// Optional parameters
location: '<location>'
- Reference the AVM Key Vault module and use the version 0.10.2:
module vault 'br/public:avm/res/key-vault/vault:<version>' = {
name: 'vaultDeployment'
params: {
// Required parameters
name: 'kvvmin002'
// Optional parameters
enablePurgeProtection: false
location: '<location>'
- Reference the AVM AKS module and use the version 0.5.1:
module managedCluster 'br/public:avm/res/container-service/managed-cluster:<version>' = {
name: 'managedClusterDeployment'
params: {
// Required parameters
name: 'csauto001'
primaryAgentPoolProfiles: [
count: 3
mode: 'System'
name: 'systempool'
vmSize: 'Standard_DS4_v2'
// Optional parameters
autoNodeOsUpgradeProfileUpgradeChannel: 'NodeImage'
disableLocalAccounts: true
enableKeyvaultSecretsProvider: true
enableSecretRotation: true
kedaAddon: true
kubernetesVersion: '1.28'
location: '<location>'
maintenanceConfigurations: [
maintenanceWindow: {
durationHours: 4
schedule: {
weekly: {
dayOfWeek: 'Sunday'
intervalWeeks: 1
startDate: '2024-07-03'
startTime: '00:00'
utcOffset: '+00:00'
name: 'aksManagedAutoUpgradeSchedule'
managedIdentities: {
systemAssigned: true
outboundType: 'managedNATGateway'
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
- Include a sample chart that installs a cowsay pod as a service and deployment
- Create a kustomize.yaml file that deploys a Flux Helm Release of the included chart
- Create a helmrelease that installs aad pod identity and reference that in the kustomize file.
- Configure the Azure Developer CLI settings
- Document the project structure
- Provide basic usage instructions
- The necessary Bicep code for each module
- Helm chart files (
, and template manifests) - Kustomize configuration (
) azure.yaml
with instructions on how to deploy and use the project