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Last active February 18, 2022 18:46
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  • Save danielscholl/95f5442c28bea8b9d98302361ee485d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danielscholl/95f5442c28bea8b9d98302361ee485d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Random string generator - don't change this.
RAND=$(echo $((RANDOM%9999+1000)))
if [ -z $1 ]; then
tput setaf 1; echo 'ERROR: URL Location of Deployment Script not provided' ; tput sgr0
echo "Deployment Script: $1"
# Get commandline for Azure CLI
az=$(which az)
# Fetch the CloudShell subscription ID
subId=$($az account show --query id -o tsv 2>/dev/null)
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
if [ ! "$($az group show -n $RESOURCEGROUP --query tags.currentStatus -o tsv 2>/dev/null)" = "groupCreated" ]; then
# Deploy the resource group and update Status Tag
echo "Deploying the resource group."
$az group create -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" -l "$LOCATION" -o none 2>/dev/null
$az group update -n $RESOURCEGROUP --tag currentStatus=groupCreated 2>/dev/null
echo "done."
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
if [ ! "$($az group show -n $RESOURCEGROUP --query tags.currentStatus -o tsv 2>/dev/null)" = "containerCreated" ]; then
echo "Deploying the container (might take 2-3 minutes)..."
$az container create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --name containerdeploy --image danielscholl/container-deploy --restart-policy Never --environment-variables subId=$subId RANDOM_NUMBER=$RAND SETUP_SCRIPT=$1 -o none 2>/dev/null
$az group update -n $RESOURCEGROUP --tag currentStatus=containerCreated 2>/dev/null
echo "done."
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
echo "If cloudshell times out copy this command and run it again when cloud shell is restarted:"
echo " az container logs --follow -n containerDeploy -g $RESOURCEGROUP"
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
echo "==============================================================================================================================================================="
if [ "$($az group show -n $RESOURCEGROUP --query tags.currentStatus -o tsv 2>/dev/null)" = "containerCreated" ]; then
echo "Tail Logs"
$az container logs -n containerDeploy -g $RESOURCEGROUP 2>/dev/null
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