require 'spec_helper' |
module Chef::DSL::DataBindings |
module BindTypes |
class Static |
def initialize(name, value) |
@name = name |
@value = value |
end |
def call(context_object) |
@value |
end |
end |
class Lambda |
def initialize(name, block) |
@name = name |
@block = block |
end |
def call(context_object) |
@block.call |
end |
end |
class AttributePath |
attr_reader :name |
class MissingNodeAttribute < StandardError |
end |
def initialize(name, *path_specs) |
@name = name |
@path_specs = path_specs |
end |
def call(context_object) |
searched_path = [] |
@path_specs.inject(context_object.node) do |attrs_so_far, attr_key| |
searched_path << attr_key |
next_attrs = attrs_so_far[attr_key] |
if !next_attrs.nil? |
next_attrs |
else |
current_lookup = "node[:#{searched_path.join('][:')}]" |
desired_lookup = "node[:#{@path_specs.join('][:')}]" |
raise MissingNodeAttribute, |
"Error finding value `#{name}' from attributes `#{desired_lookup}`: `#{current_lookup}` is nil" |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
class DataBindingDefinition |
attr_reader :name |
def initialize(name, &block) |
@name = name |
if block_given? |
@data_binding = BindTypes::Lambda.new(name, block) |
else |
@data_binding = nil |
end |
end |
def as(value) |
@data_binding = BindTypes::Static.new(name, value) |
end |
def as_attribute(*path_specs) |
# Target object needs to define #node to return the Chef::Node object |
@data_binding = BindTypes::AttributePath.new(name, *path_specs) |
end |
def call(context_object) |
@data_binding.call(context_object) |
end |
end |
module BindingContext |
def self.for_name(recipe_name) |
# Create a module that is the same as this one for the purposes of #extend |
extension_module = Module.new |
extension_module.extend(self) |
# Create a constant name for the module. Not required, but it makes |
# debugging easier when error messages have real class/module names |
# instead of '#<Module:0x007fe53594e270>' |
clean_name = recipe_name.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_') |
const_base_name = "BindingContextFor_#{clean_name}" |
self.const_set(const_base_name, extension_module) |
extension_module |
end |
def data_bindings |
@data_bindings ||= {} |
end |
def define(binding_name, &block) |
binding_defn = DataBindingDefinition.new(binding_name, &block) |
data_bindings[binding_name] = binding_defn |
define_method(binding_name) do |
binding_defn.call(binding_context) |
end |
binding_defn |
end |
end |
def define(*args, &block) |
@local_context.define(*args, &block) |
end |
# Set up a "class hierarchy" of global_context < local_context < override_context |
def setup_bindings(object_name, override_context, global_context) |
# This is unfortunate, but since Chef recipes are objects and not |
# classes, we're forced to reinvent class hierarchy with metaprogramming :| |
# |
@local_context = BindingContext.for_name(object_name) |
# enable future debugging capabilities |
@override_context = override_context |
@global_context = global_context |
extend global_context if global_context |
extend @local_context |
extend override_context if override_context |
self |
end |
def binding_context |
self |
end |
def include_customized_recipe(recipe_spec, &customizer_block) |
override_context = BindingContext.for_name("Override_#{recipe_spec}") |
unless customizer_block && customizer_block.arity == 1 |
raise ArgumentError, "you have to pass a block with 1 argument to #include_customized_recipe" |
end |
customizer_block.call(override_context) |
run_context.load_customized_recipe(recipe_spec, override_context) |
end |
end |
class Chef::RunContext |
# The definition #load_recipe doesn't give us access to the recipe before it |
# gets evaluated, so we have to monkey patch |
def load_customized_recipe(recipe_name, override_context) |
Chef::Log.debug("Loading Recipe #{recipe_name} via include_recipe") |
cookbook_name, recipe_short_name = Chef::Recipe.parse_recipe_name(recipe_name) |
if loaded_fully_qualified_recipe?(cookbook_name, recipe_short_name) |
Chef::Log.debug("I am not loading #{recipe_name}, because I have already seen it.") |
false |
else |
loaded_recipe(cookbook_name, recipe_short_name) |
cookbook = cookbook_collection[cookbook_name] |
cookbook.load_recipe(recipe_short_name, self, override_context) |
end |
end |
end |
class Chef::CookbookVersion |
# The definition #load_recipe doesn't give us access to the recipe before it |
# gets evaluated, so we have to monkey patch |
def load_customized_recipe(recipe_name, run_context, override_context) |
unless recipe_filenames_by_name.has_key?(recipe_name) |
raise Chef::Exceptions::RecipeNotFound, "could not find recipe #{recipe_name} for cookbook #{name}" |
end |
Chef::Log.debug("Found recipe #{recipe_name} in cookbook #{name}") |
recipe = Chef::Recipe.new(name, recipe_name, run_context) |
recipe.setup_bindings("#{name}::#{recipe_name}", override_context, nil) # no global context yet |
recipe_filename = recipe_filenames_by_name[recipe_name] |
unless recipe_filename |
raise Chef::Exceptions::RecipeNotFound, "could not find #{recipe_name} files for cookbook #{name}" |
end |
recipe.from_file(recipe_filename) |
recipe |
end |
end |
class DataBindingImplementor |
include Chef::DSL::DataBindings |
end |
describe Chef::DSL::DataBindings do |
let(:iteration) do |
$iteration ||= -1 |
$iteration += 1 |
end |
let(:override_context) { nil } |
let(:global_context) { nil } |
let(:recipe) do |
r = DataBindingImplementor.new |
r.setup_bindings("cookbook::some-recipe#{iteration}", override_context, global_context) |
r |
end |
describe "static data bindings" do |
it "binds a name to a value" do |
recipe.define(:named_value).as("the value") |
recipe.named_value.should == "the value" |
end |
end |
describe "binding a proc" do |
it "binds a name to a proc/lambda" do |
recipe.define(:lambda_value) do |
"this is a lambda value" |
end |
recipe.lambda_value.should == "this is a lambda value" |
end |
end |
describe "binding to node data" do |
let(:node) do |
Chef::Node.new.tap do |n| |
n.automatic_attrs[:ec2][:public_hostname] = "foo.ec2.example.com" |
end |
end |
before do |
recipe.stub!(:node).and_return(node) |
end |
it "binds a name to an attribute path" do |
recipe.define(:public_hostname).as_attribute(:ec2, :public_hostname) |
recipe.public_hostname.should == "foo.ec2.example.com" |
end |
it "raises a not-enraging error message when an intermediate value is nil" do |
recipe.define(:oops).as_attribute(:ec2, :no_attr_here, :derp) |
error_class = Chef::DSL::DataBindings::BindTypes::AttributePath::MissingNodeAttribute |
error_message = "Error finding value `oops' from attributes `node[:ec2][:no_attr_here][:derp]`: `node[:ec2][:no_attr_here]` is nil" |
lambda { recipe.oops }.should raise_error(error_class, error_message) |
end |
end |
describe "binding to search results" do |
it "binds a name to a search query" do |
pending "TODO" |
recipe.define(:searchy).as_search_result(:node, "*:*") |
# todo stubz |
recipe.searchy.should == [node1, node2] |
end |
it "binds a name to a partial search query" do |
pending "TODO" |
recipe.define(:p_searchy).as_search_result(:node, "id:*foo*") do |item| |
item.define(:name).as_attribute(:name) |
item.define(:ip).as_attribute(:ipaddress) |
item.define(:kernel_version).as_attribute(:kernel, :version) |
end |
# todo stubz |
recipe.p_searchy[0][:name].should == "node_name" |
recipe.p_searchy[0][:ip].should == "" |
recipe.p_searchy[0] |
end |
end |
describe "overriding bindings" do |
let(:global_context) do |
Chef::DSL::DataBindings::BindingContext.for_name("GlobalContext#{iteration}") |
end |
let(:override_context) do |
Chef::DSL::DataBindings::BindingContext.for_name("override cookbook::some_recipe-#{iteration}") |
end |
it "defaults to a global definition if no others override it" do |
global_context.define(:global_thing).as("follow you wherever you may go") |
recipe.global_thing.should == "follow you wherever you may go" |
end |
it "overrides a local definition" do |
override_context.define(:named_thing).as("party time") |
recipe.define(:named_thing).as("sad time") |
recipe.named_thing.should == "party time" |
end |
end |
end |
@reset this is as good a place as any to discuss, if you think we need a broader discussion, you could start a thread on chef-dev. I worked on this as much as I could during a recent Opscode hack day and what I have so far is now added to the gist. It still needs bindings for data bags and search, and it has a half-implemented global binding feature (primary motivation there is to provide a way to do a search or data bag load one time and make that available to all recipes/cookbooks).
By the way, do you have opinions on the best way to "prove" this feature? I could release it as a cookbook, or add some notion of "experimental features" to Chef that would be opt-in (and have the Caveat that they're experimental and not guaranteed to have stable APIs).