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Last active December 19, 2015 15:29
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Updated Chef 11.6 Release Candidate Available

Hi Chefs,

Since we announced the 11.6 Release Candidate, we've been busy running test scenarios to verify new features and bug fixes. This round of testing is complete, and we've released a new RC with a handful of fixes. Unless any new issues are found, this RC will become the 11.6.0 release. If you've been wondering how you can contribute to Chef, testing this release in your environment is a great way to help out.

For the full list of changes in this release, please see the draft release notes:

If you encounter any bugs in this RC, please create a bug report on our tracker:


Installation and upgrade instructions for various platforms/installation methods are below.

Installing the RC w/ rubygems:

gem install chef ohai mixlib-shellout --pre

Installing the RC w/ Installer Script

curl -L "" | sudo bash -s -- -p

Omnibus Package Links

Links for most platforms are below. Only the 64-bit versions are shown for Intel-based platforms. If you need a 32-bit package, use the shell script installer, or see the "omnitruck API" instructions.

Ubuntu 13.04

Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 10.04

RHEL/CentOS 6, OpenSuSE 12

RHEL/CentOS 5, SuSE Enterprise 11


Windows MSI

Solaris (Intel)

Solaris (SPARC)

Omnitruck API

To fetch a package URL and checksums, you can use the Omnitruck metadata API:

curl ''

Valid values for platform, platform version, and architecture are defined here:

Copy link

Order is sorta popularity based, I haven't looked at the metrics in a while.

The gem install command will get you all 3 of the RCs we have in-flight right now. Dependency gems might differ from omnibus, but that's the same caveat as always with gem installs.

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