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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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DRAFT Chef RFC for Policyfile Storage API
RFC Author Status Type
Daniel DeLeo <[email protected]>
Standards Track

Policyfile HTTP Resource API

Policyfiles are a new feature of Chef that allow the user to specify a run_list and exact set of cookbooks that chef-client will use to converge a node (host) to a desired state. In contrast with the current behaviors of Chef Client and Server, Policyfiles provide a way to describe and manage configuration code on a whole-node basis, reducing Chef Client's use of shared, mutable resources hosted on the server and providing operators easier visibility into configuration code and changes. For further description of the Policyfile feature, read the dedicated POLICYFILE README.

A preview implementation of the Policyfile feature is currently available; in this implementation, Policyfile documents are stored as data bag items. Although this implementation works, it does not provide the baseline quality users expect. In particular, there is no validation, no means to make any relational queries, and documents are indexed for search as data bag items.

This RFC describes a new Policyfile HTTP Resource API that remediates these issues.


As a Chef user,
I want Policyfiles to have a dedicated HTTP Resource API,
so that Policyfiles will be validated upon upload
and I can query the relationships between Policyfiles and other objects,
and Policyfiles will not be indexed as an incorrect data type.


General Concepts

A Policyfile lock is a JSON document that specifies a node's run list and the set of cookbooks a node will use to converge the node.

A Policy Group is a set of nodes defined by a single token. Nodes must be a member of a Policy Group in order to use the Policyfile feature, and nodes may only be a member of one policy group.

Policyfile Lock

A Policyfile lock is a JSON document that has the following structure:

  "revision_id": "edd40c30c4e0ebb3658abde4620597597d2e9c17",
  "name": "some_policy_name",
  "run_list": [
  "cookbook_locks": {
    "policyfile_example_cookbook": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "identifier": "f04cc40faf628253fe7d9566d66a1733fb1afbe9"

revision_id Field (required)

The revision_id field is used to distinguish revisions of a Policyfile lock document. It is a JSON String. It may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, the dot character and the colon character. In regular expression form: /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/. The revision ID is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. The Chef Server must reject a Policyfile lock document when the revision ID does not meet these requirements.

In ChefDK the revision will be calculated by hashing other content in the Policyfile lock document and thus will be a hexidecimal number. In order to allow alternate implementations to generate revision IDs according to different schemes (perhaps timestamps or Ci build numbers), this field will not be required to be a hexidecimal string.

name Field (required)

The name field describes the functional role that is fulfilled by a node that applies this policy. It may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, the dot character and the colon character. In regular expression form: /^[\-[:alnum:]_\.\:]+$/. The name is also limited to a maximum of 255 characters. The Chef Server must reject a Policyfile lock document if the name does not meet these criteria.

run_list Field (required)

The run_list field gives the ordered list of recipes that Chef client should apply to converge a node. Each item MUST be in fully qualified form, that is, recipe[COOKBOOK_NAME::RECIPE_NAME]. Roles are not valid run list items in the Policyfile lock document, and the Chef Server MUST reject run lists that contain roles.

cookbook_locks Field (required)

The cookbook_locks Field is a JSON object (Ruby Hash). The keys are cookbook names. The Chef Server MUST validate the keys according to the same validation rules applied to cookbook names for other APIs. The values are JSON objects that contain information about the cookbook. These objects MUST have a version field that gives the cookbook's version number. The server must apply the same validation rules to this field as it applies to cookbooks uploaded to the cookbook artifacts API, described in Chef RFC022. They MUST also have an identifier field. This gives the cookbook's identifier, as described in Chef RFC022. The Chef Server must validate this field according to the same rules as applied to cookbooks uploaded to the cookbook artifacts API. Cookbook lock objects MAY contain other fields with arbitrary information about the cookbook. The Chef Server must accept and persist this data. For example, ChefDK generates Policyfile lock documents that include source URLs, version control information, and the name of the directory where the cookbook is stored in ChefDK's cache. Cookbook lock objects MAY contain a dotted_decimal_identifier field which contains a representation of the identifier as a version number. This field is used when cookbooks are stored on a server that does not support the arbitrary cookbook identifier API described in Chef RFC022.

Example cookbook locks including optional fields:

    "policyfile_demo": {
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "identifier": "f04cc40faf628253fe7d9566d66a1733fb1afbe9",
      "dotted_decimal_identifier": "67638399371010690.23642238397896298.25512023620585",
      "source": "cookbooks/policyfile_demo",
      "cache_key": null,
      "scm_info": {
        "scm": "git",
        "remote": "[email protected]:danielsdeleo/policyfile-jenkins-demo.git",
        "revision": "edd40c30c4e0ebb3658abde4620597597d2e9c17",
        "working_tree_clean": false,
        "published": false,
        "synchronized_remote_branches": [

      "source_options": {
        "path": "cookbooks/policyfile_demo"
    "apt": {
      "version": "2.6.1",
      "identifier": "5f7045a8aeaf6ccda3b3594258df9ee982b3a023",
      "dotted_decimal_identifier": "26863567272587116.57882360917678303.174725757378595",
      "cache_key": "",
      "origin": "",
      "source_options": {
        "artifactserver": "",
        "version": "2.6.1"

Other Optional Fields

A Policyfile lock can contain arbitrary information in other top-level fields. The Chef Server MUST accept and preserve the data in these fields (though the server MAY enforce a limit on overall document size). ChefDK currently uses a solution_dependencies field to store a list of all dependencies relevant to the cookbook set.

API Schema


TODO: This is where we want to apply AuthZ, so that users can do things like restrict permissions on the production policy group. But does it do anything else?

For example, policy groups could be documents that contain information about where they are located in the deployment process, e.g., the 'staging' group may have information that it comes before 'production' (or after 'development'). Then we could do atomic promotions of one or more policies by making a POST to a URL like /policy_groups/:policy_group_name/promote.



Returns the policyfile lock document at the revision that is currently associated with the given policy group and policy name.

TODO: should this instead be: /policy_groups/:policy_group_name/policies/:policy_name/policyfile or similar?



A PUT with an empty message body makes the given revision ID of the named policy the active revision in the given policy group.

TODO: This is kinda weird compared to how the other APIs work, but then again we don't have another API that manages a join table type thing like this.



Returns a list of nodes that belong to the policy group.



Returns a list of nodes that belong to the given policy group and policy name.


TODO: This is where AuthZ for policies goes, does it do anything else?



Create a new Policyfile lock document. The POST body MUST be a valid Policyfile lock document, as described above. The document can subsequently be retrieved at the relative URL /policies/:policy_name/revisions/:revision_id


Returns a list of the available revisions for the given policy name



Returns the policyfile lock document with the given name and revision ID.


Deletes the policyfile lock document with the given name and revision ID.



Returns the list of policy groups that are associated with the given policy name at the given revision ID.

End to End API Calls

The user generates a Policyfile lock document locally. When using ChefDK, the policyfile lock document is generated by gathering requirements specified in a Ruby DSL (e.g., the Policyfile.rb) and solving cookbook dependencies, but users may create the policyfile lock document in some other way if desired. Cookbooks are uploaded to the cookbook artifacts API.

TODO: finish description paragraph above:


  • POST /policies/:policy_name/revisions/: Upload the policy to the Chef Server
  • PUT /policy_groups/:policy_group_name/policies/:policy_name/revision/:revision_id: make the policyfile lock document revision uploaded in the previous step the active one for the specified policy group.

Chef Client

  • GET /policy_groups/:policy_group_name/policies/:policy_name: Get the policy document with the run list and cookbook set for the chef run.


Policy Groups

The means by which a node is associated to a Policyfile lock is designed such that it is possible to have more than one revision of a Policyfile lock active in a Chef organization at one time. That is, it must be possible to update the Policyfile lock for only some nodes with a given functional role. For example, a configuration code change may deploy a newer version of some important software that must be tested in a non-production environment before production deployment, or may cause a service restart that temporarily reduces capacity.

It is also desirable that the Policyfile lock document itself not contain any information about which nodes it is applied to, as this simplifies the overall design and makes it easy to create tooling to manage promotion of a Policyfile lock through the phases of a deployment cycle.

To accommodate these two constraints, Policyfile locks are associated to a node via both the policy name and policy group. The policy group models the phases of a deployment cycle, such as "development", "staging" and "production." Each policy group can have a different revision of a Policyfile lock, which enables configuration code to be updated in one policy group without any effect on the configuration code in other policy groups.

HTTP Resource API Considerations

TODO: This section needs to be cleaned up somewhat. But anyway, here's a list of questions we'd like to be able to answer via the API, which informs why it's designed the way it is.

  • what nodes are in group X?
  • what nodes are in group X and use policy Y?
  • what is the active policy for app X in group Y?
  • what's different in the active policy for app X between groups Y and Z
  • what groups exist?
  • (acls) who can change the policy in group X?
  • what policy types/names are available?
  • node create wizard/dialog would need group names and policy names
  • what groups are using policy lock X? (where is this code deployed)
  • auto-cleanup?
    • what happens to a group with no nodes?
    • what happens to a group with no policies?
    • what happens to a policy lock that is not active anywhere?


This work is in the public domain. In jurisdictions that do not allow for this, this work is available under CC0. To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

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