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Last active January 17, 2021 14:21
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Rails ActiveRecord Scopes
# app/models/equipment.rb
class Equipment < ApplicationRecord
has_many :requests
has_many :customers, through: :requests
validates :brand, presence: true
validates :model, presence: true
validates :equipment_type, presence: true
validates :serial_no, presence: true
validates :accessories, presence: true
# Default Scope
default_scope {order("updated_at desc")}
default_scope {where("available = ?", true)}
# Named Scope
scope :not_available, -> { where("available = ?", false)}
scope :available, -> {where("available = ?", true)}
# Named Scope with Arguments
scope :not_available, ->(bool) {where("available = ?", bool)}
# Chaining Scopes
scope :available_and_created, -> {available.order(:created_at)}
# Scope with Conditional
scope :available, -> (bool){where("available = ?", bool) if bool.present? }
# Calling multiple scopes in a class method scope
def self.chaining(multiple_method)
multiple_method.inject(self, :send)
# Using Named Scope
# equip = Equipment.all
# equip.not_available
# Using Unscoped
# equip = Equipment.first
# equip unscoped
# Using Chaining Scope
# Equipment.brand.is_available
# Using multiple scopes in a class method Scope
# Equipment.chaining(["scope_one", "scope_two"])
# app/controllers/equipment_controller.rb
class EquipmentsController < ApplicationController
def index
@equip = Equipment.is_available
render json: @equip, status: 200
# Or
def index
@equips = Equipment.all
render json: @equips, status: 200
def availability
@equip = Equipment.is_available
render json: @equip, status: 200
# Or
def index
if params[:equipment]
args = params[:equipment][:multiple_method]
@equip = Equipment.chaining(args)
@equip = Equipment.all

Scoping allows us to make use of commonly-used queries which can be referenced as method calls on the association objects or models,

The general expectation is that all scope bodies should return an ActiveRecord::Relation or nil. As a result of this, it makes it easy to call other ActiveRecord methods on it. Simply put, a scope is just a custom chain of active record methods. They are sets of pre-defined queries that can be chained to build other complex Queries.

Default Scopes vs Named Scopes

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