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sawtooth-simple-wallet new feature demo: interest
28 pyclient/wallet/
@@ -71,6 +71,22 @@ def add_deposit_parser(subparsers, parent_parser):
help='the name of customer to deposit to')
+def add_interest_parser(subparsers, parent_parser):
+ parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'interest',
+ help='Adds interest of a certain percentage to an account',
+ parents=[parent_parser])
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'value',
+ type=int,
+ help='the percentage of interest to deposit')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'customerName',
+ type=str,
+ help='the name of customer to deposit to')
def add_withdraw_parser(subparsers, parent_parser):
parser = subparsers.add_parser(
@@ -149,6 +165,7 @@ def create_parser(prog_name):
subparsers.required = True
add_deposit_parser(subparsers, parent_parser)
+ add_interest_parser(subparsers, parent_parser)
add_withdraw_parser(subparsers, parent_parser)
add_balance_parser(subparsers, parent_parser)
add_transfer_parser(subparsers, parent_parser)
@@ -176,6 +193,15 @@ def do_deposit(args):
print("Response: {}".format(response))
+def do_interest(args):
+ keyfile = _get_keyfile(args.customerName)
+ client = SimpleWalletClient(baseUrl=DEFAULT_URL, keyFile=keyfile)
+ response = client.interest(args.value)
+ print("Response: {}".format(response))
def do_withdraw(args):
keyfile = _get_keyfile(args.customerName)
@@ -221,6 +247,8 @@ def main(prog_name=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), args=None):
# Get the commands from cli args and call corresponding handlers
if args.command == 'deposit':
+ elif args.command == 'interest':
+ do_interest(args)
elif args.command == 'withdraw':
elif args.command == 'balance':
5 pyclient/wallet/
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ def deposit(self, value):
+ def interest(self, value):
+ return self._wrap_and_send(
+ "interest",
+ value)
def withdraw(self, value):
retValue = self._wrap_and_send(
28 pyprocessor/processor/
@@ -56,14 +56,16 @@ def apply(self, transaction, context):
if operation == "deposit":
self._make_deposit(context, amount, from_key)
+ elif operation == "interest":
+ self._make_interest(context, amount, from_key)
elif operation == "withdraw":
self._make_withdraw(context, amount, from_key)
elif operation == "transfer":
if len(payload_list) == 3:
to_key = payload_list[2]
self._make_transfer(context, amount, to_key, from_key)
-"Unhandled action. Operation should be deposit, withdraw or transfer")
+"Unhandled action. Operation should be deposit, withdraw, interest, or transfer")
def _make_deposit(self, context, amount, from_key):
wallet_key = self._get_wallet_key(from_key)
@@ -84,6 +86,30 @@ def _make_deposit(self, context, amount, from_key):
if len(addresses) < 1:
raise InternalError("State Error")
+ def _make_interest(self, context, amount, from_key):
+ wallet_key = self._get_wallet_key(from_key)
+'Got the key {} and the wallet key {} '.format(from_key, wallet_key))
+ current_entry = context.get_state([wallet_key])
+ new_balance = 0
+'DEBUG: amount (interest) passed is {} '.format(amount))
+ if current_entry == []:
+'No previous deposits or interest, creating new deposit {} '.format(from_key))
+ new_balance = 0
+ else:
+ balance = int(current_entry[0].data)
+'DEBUG: balance retrieved is {} '.format(balance))
+ interest = int(float(balance) * (float(amount) / 100.0))
+'DEBUG: interest is {} '.format(interest))
+ new_balance = int(interest) + int(balance)
+'DEBUG: new_balance calculated is {} '.format(new_balance))
+ state_data = str(new_balance).encode()
+ addresses = context.set_state({wallet_key: state_data})
+ if len(addresses) < 1:
+ raise InternalError("State Error")
def _make_withdraw(self, context, amount, from_key):
wallet_key = self._get_wallet_key(from_key)'Got the key {} and the wallet key {} '.format(from_key, wallet_key))
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