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Sawtooth Simple Supply Chain Regression with Sawtooth 1.2.3
Attaching to simple-supply-adminer, sawtooth-validator, simple-supply-postgres, sawtooth-devmode-engine-rust-default, sawtooth-settings-tp, sawtooth-rest-api, simple-supply-shell, simple-supply-tp, simple-supply-subscriber, simple-supply-rest-api, curator-app
simple-supply-adminer | PHP 7.3.10 Development Server started at Wed Oct 23 16:18:49 2019
simple-supply-postgres | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
simple-supply-postgres | This user must also own the server process.
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
simple-supply-postgres | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
simple-supply-postgres | The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | Data page checksums are disabled.
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
sawtooth-validator | writing file: /etc/sawtooth/keys/validator.priv
sawtooth-validator | writing file: /etc/sawtooth/keys/
sawtooth-validator | creating key directory: /root/.sawtooth/keys
sawtooth-validator | writing file: /root/.sawtooth/keys/my_key.priv
sawtooth-validator | writing file: /root/.sawtooth/keys/
sawtooth-validator | Generated config-genesis.batch
sawtooth-validator | Error: The following setting(s) are required at genesis, but were not included in the genesis batches: ['', 'sawtooth.consensus.algorithm.version']
sawtooth-validator | Processing config-genesis.batch...
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:54.318 WARNING (unknown file)] [src/ 40] Started logger at level DEBUG
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:55.250 DEBUG ffi] loading library
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:55.336 DEBUG ffi] loading library
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:56.999 INFO path] Skipping path loading from non-existent config file: /etc/sawtooth/path.toml
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.000 INFO validator] Skipping validator config loading from non-existent config file: /etc/sawtooth/validator.toml
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.001 INFO keys] Loading signing key: /etc/sawtooth/keys/validator.priv
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.005 INFO cli] sawtooth-validator (Hyperledger Sawtooth) version 1.2.3
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.006 INFO cli] config [path]: config_dir = "/etc/sawtooth"; config [path]: key_dir = "/etc/sawtooth/keys"; config [path]: data_dir = "/var/lib/sawtooth"; config [path]: log_dir = "/var/log/sawtooth"; config [path]: policy_dir = "/etc/sawtooth/policy"
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.006 WARNING cli] Network key pair is not configured, Network communications between validators will not be authenticated or encrypted.
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.012 DEBUG state_verifier] verifying state in /var/lib/sawtooth/merkle-00.lmdb
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.089 DEBUG state_verifier] block store file is /var/lib/sawtooth/block-00.lmdb
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.200 INFO state_verifier] Skipping state verification: chain head's state root is present
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.259 INFO cli] Starting validator with parallel scheduler
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.259 DEBUG core] global state database file is /var/lib/sawtooth/merkle-00.lmdb
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.260 DEBUG core] txn receipt store file is /var/lib/sawtooth/txn_receipts-00.lmdb
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.260 DEBUG core] block store file is /var/lib/sawtooth/block-00.lmdb
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.261 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Component
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.262 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Network
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.262 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Client
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.263 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Signature
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.263 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor FutureCallback
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.263 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor FutureCallback
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.265 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Executing
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.265 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor Consensus
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.265 DEBUG threadpool] Creating thread pool executor FutureCallback
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.332 DEBUG selector_events] Using selector: ZMQSelector
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.392 INFO interconnect] Listening on tcp://eth0:4004
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.410 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.410 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_last_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.412 DEBUG genesis] genesis_batch_file: not found
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.412 DEBUG genesis] block_chain_id: not yet specified
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.412 INFO genesis] No chain head and not the genesis node: starting in peering mode
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.415 DEBUG selector_events] Using selector: ZMQSelector
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.416 WARNING processor_handlers] Max occupancy was not provided by transaction processor: 1463775d99f9acccc4ed53b319ee0647d7d65b0d6df3ace6a221bcd66fc13566f558c3159b355d6f08a1209de11cce80091eb7fec63279d83d5ea3c525dec9af. Using default max occupancy: 10
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.416 INFO processor_handlers] registered transaction processor: connection_id=1463775d99f9acccc4ed53b319ee0647d7d65b0d6df3ace6a221bcd66fc13566f558c3159b355d6f08a1209de11cce80091eb7fec63279d83d5ea3c525dec9af, family=sawtooth_settings, version=1.0, namespaces=['000000'], max_occupancy=10
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.418 INFO interconnect] Listening on tcp://eth0:5050
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.418 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.418 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_last_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.419 DEBUG selector_events] Using selector: ZMQSelector
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.420 INFO interconnect] Listening on tcp://eth0:8800
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.421 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.421 DEBUG dispatch] Added send_last_message function for connection ServerThread
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.518 INFO handlers] Consensus engine registered: Devmode 0.1 (additional protocols: [])
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:18:57.680 DEBUG proxy] Unable to determine if engine Devmode 0.1 is configured until chain head received
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:19:17.687 WARNING processor_handlers] Max occupancy was not provided by transaction processor: 30482604e1a3846c5e10e2fcd3282303c2af939db413e8066cf380aa5266a84a472a16f24f1b9fb90d3e41ad6abf8c569ed2bc26ee3aa3b24629f7bd3bbd4153. Using default max occupancy: 10
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:19:17.690 INFO processor_handlers] registered transaction processor: connection_id=30482604e1a3846c5e10e2fcd3282303c2af939db413e8066cf380aa5266a84a472a16f24f1b9fb90d3e41ad6abf8c569ed2bc26ee3aa3b24629f7bd3bbd4153, family=simple_supply, version=0.1, namespaces=['212bd8'], max_occupancy=10
simple-supply-postgres | creating subdirectories ... ok
simple-supply-postgres | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
simple-supply-postgres | selecting default max_connections ... 100
simple-supply-postgres | selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
simple-supply-postgres | selecting default time zone ... UTC
simple-supply-postgres | creating configuration files ... ok
simple-supply-postgres | running bootstrap script ... ok
simple-supply-postgres | performing post-bootstrap initialization ... sh: locale: not found
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:54.384 UTC [26] WARNING: no usable system locales were found
simple-supply-postgres | ok
simple-supply-postgres | syncing data to disk ... ok
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | Success. You can now start the database server using:
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
simple-supply-postgres | You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
simple-supply-postgres | --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
simple-supply-postgres | waiting for server to start....2019-10-23 16:18:57.219 UTC [30] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 12.0 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 8.3.0) 8.3.0, 64-bit
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:57.315 UTC [30] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:57.915 UTC [31] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-10-23 16:18:55 UTC
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:58.045 UTC [30] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
simple-supply-postgres | done
simple-supply-postgres | server started
simple-supply-postgres | CREATE DATABASE
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | /usr/local/bin/ ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:58.908 UTC [30] LOG: received fast shutdown request
simple-supply-postgres | waiting for server to shut down....2019-10-23 16:18:58.958 UTC [30] LOG: aborting any active transactions
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:58.959 UTC [30] LOG: background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 37) exited with exit code 1
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:58.960 UTC [32] LOG: shutting down
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.201 UTC [30] LOG: database system is shut down
simple-supply-postgres | done
simple-supply-postgres | server stopped
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
simple-supply-postgres |
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.239 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 12.0 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 8.3.0) 8.3.0, 64-bit
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.239 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.239 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.328 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.469 UTC [41] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-10-23 16:18:59 UTC
simple-supply-postgres | 2019-10-23 16:18:59.526 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
sawtooth-settings-tp | INFO | settings_tp:95 | Console logging level: DEBUG
sawtooth-settings-tp | INFO | sawtooth_sdk::proces | connecting to endpoint: tcp://validator:4004
sawtooth-settings-tp | INFO | sawtooth_sdk::proces | sending TpRegisterRequest: sawtooth_settings 1.0
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:18:58.327 INFO messaging] Connecting to tcp://validator:4004
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:18:58.329 INFO rest_api] Creating handlers for validator at tcp://validator:4004
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:18:58.382 INFO rest_api] Starting REST API on rest-api:8008
simple-supply-shell | Generated protobuf classes: /project/sawtooth-simple-supply/protobuf/simple_supply_protobuf
simple-supply-shell |
simple-supply-shell | > [email protected] build /project/sawtooth-simple-supply/curator_app
simple-supply-shell | > webpack --env production
simple-supply-shell |
simple-supply-tp | [2019-10-23 16:19:17.686 INFO core] register attempt: OK
simple-supply-subscriber | Initializing subscriber...
simple-supply-subscriber | Connecting to database
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.462 INFO messaging] Connecting to tcp://validator:4004
simple-supply-subscriber | Successfully connected to database
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.481 INFO main] Starting Simple Supply REST API on simple-supply-rest-api:8000
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: blocks
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: auth
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: records
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: record_locations
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: record_owners
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.481 INFO database] Connecting to database
simple-supply-subscriber | Creating table: agents
simple-supply-subscriber | Disconnecting from database
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.523 INFO cursor] SELECT t.oid, typarray FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace ns ON typnamespace = ns.oid WHERE typname = 'hstore';
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.523 INFO cursor] None
simple-supply-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:19:18.549 INFO database] Successfully connected to database
curator-app | [Wed Oct 23 16:19:20.212607 2019] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 140479862211712] AH00489: Apache/2.4.41 (Unix) configured -- resuming normal operations
curator-app | [Wed Oct 23 16:19:20.215473 2019] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 140479862211712] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd -D FOREGROUND'
simple-supply-subscriber | Starting subscriber...
simple-supply-subscriber | Connecting to database
simple-supply-subscriber | Successfully connected to database
simple-supply-subscriber | Connecting to validator: tcp://validator:4004
simple-supply-subscriber | Using selector: ZMQSelector
simple-supply-subscriber | Subscribing to state delta events
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:19:22.471 DEBUG broadcaster] Added Subscriber 9e8d7c72a2c9df9b9d8db5991fa713033e965a4f1b35d16705e2615900934cd4f048b4ec10c4d9a7daabf55db9627f455c7d41f1599ede8745e67f8f1d53493e for [< object at 0x7fe544440b70>, < object at 0x7fe544440ba8>]
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:19:22.473 DEBUG broadcaster] Catching up Subscriber 9e8d7c72a2c9df9b9d8db5991fa713033e965a4f1b35d16705e2615900934cd4f048b4ec10c4d9a7daabf55db9627f455c7d41f1599ede8745e67f8f1d53493e from 0000000000000000
simple-supply-subscriber | Successfully subscribed to state delta events
simple-supply-shell | Hash: c6253bbc370d78db4043
simple-supply-shell | Version: webpack 4.41.2
simple-supply-shell | Time: 15673ms
simple-supply-shell | Built at: 10/23/2019 4:19:33 PM
simple-supply-shell | Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
simple-supply-shell | bundle.js 594 KiB 0 [emitted] [big] main
simple-supply-shell | Entrypoint main [big] = bundle.js
simple-supply-shell | [3] ./src/services/api.js 2.47 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [6] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 472 bytes {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [20] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 497 bytes {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [48] ./src/services/parsing.js 825 bytes {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [49] ./src/main.js 3.45 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [53] ./styles/main.scss 1.32 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [54] ./node_modules/css-loader!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib??ref--4-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!./styles/main.scss 155 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [62] ./src/views/agent_list.js 1.48 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [160] ./src/views/agent_detail.js 1.49 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [161] ./src/views/register_artwork_form.js 2.16 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [162] ./src/views/dashboard.js 2.06 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [163] ./src/views/login_form.js 1.95 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [164] ./src/views/artwork_list.js 1.45 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [165] ./src/views/artwork_detail.js 4.2 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | [167] ./src/views/signup_form.js 1.78 KiB {0} [built]
simple-supply-shell | + 153 hidden modules
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:45:02.265 DEBUG route_handlers] Sending CLIENT_BATCH_LIST_REQUEST request to validator
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:45:02.270 DEBUG client_handlers] Unable to get chain head from block store
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:45:02.286 DEBUG route_handlers] Received CLIENT_BATCH_LIST_RESPONSE response from validator with status NOT_READY
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:45:02.290 INFO helpers] GET /batches HTTP/1.1: 503 status, 366 size, in 0.030898 s
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:46:53.994 DEBUG route_handlers] Sending CLIENT_BLOCK_LIST_REQUEST request to validator
sawtooth-validator | [2019-10-23 16:46:53.996 DEBUG client_handlers] Unable to get chain head from block store
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:46:53.998 DEBUG route_handlers] Received CLIENT_BLOCK_LIST_RESPONSE response from validator with status NOT_READY
sawtooth-rest-api | [2019-10-23 16:46:53.999 INFO helpers] GET /state HTTP/1.1: 503 status, 366 size, in 0.005788 s
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Hi, I am getting this same error. I am trying to run the javascript version of simplewallet by running the docker containers.

:8008/blocks shows the following error
"error": {
"code": 15,
"message": "The validator has no genesis block, and is not yet ready to be queried. Try your request again later.",
"title": "Validator Not Ready"

In the yaml file, I have removed the if statement, but still get the error.
As you can see in the log, it says "starting in peer mode"? What is the alternative to peer mode? Note, I only want one node for the moment.
Is there any commands or changes that I can make to forces it to start non peer mode.
Appreciate any help with this.

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