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Daniel Strebel danistrebel

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danistrebel /
Last active July 16, 2020 07:13
Lazy Typing Shortcuts
alias kc='kubectl'
alias gitlog="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
kubectl get po -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}, {}{'\n'}{range .spec.containers[*]}{'\t'}{.name}, {.resources.requests.cpu}, {.resources.limits.cpu}, {.resources.requests.memory}, {.resources.limits.memory}{'\n'}{end}{'\n'}{end}"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am danistrebel on github.
  • I am danistrebel ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAapGLZm7kcgxIXSP-Pxrm9QvHgHDLWjUpVP7WPRRV5PAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

danistrebel / srf-podcasts.json
Created December 26, 2015 19:51
JSON representation of the Podcast data as listed on
"title": "#SRFglobal",
"description": "Im Magazin zum aktuellen Weltgeschehen greift Florian Inhauser zusammen mit SRF-Korrespondenten einmal im Monat ein internationales Thema auf.",
"imageSrc": "",
"lqPodcastSrc": "",
"hqPodcastSrc": ""
"title": "1 gegen 100",
danistrebel / PrettyStringList.scala
Created October 13, 2015 13:07
Seq("a", "b", "c", "d") => "a, b, c or d"
def orJoin(list: Seq[String]) = {
(list.reverse match {
case last::secondToLast::rest => (s"$secondToLast or $last"::rest).reverse
case _ => list
}).mkString(", ")
danistrebel / ParseJiraIssues.scala
Created June 24, 2015 07:02
Parses a Jira XML export and generates Json objects for POSTing them to the Github API
object ParseJiraIssues extends App {
val pathToXMLExport = args(0)
val issues = scala.xml.XML.loadFile(pathToXMLExport)
case class Issue(title: String, summary: String, description: String,
reporter: String, assignee: String,
created: String) {
def toJson = {