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Created December 13, 2010 03:12
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Welcome to Racket v5.0.2.
> (require racket)
> (define rhino-process (process "rhino"))
> (define rhino-stdin (second rhino-process))
> (define rhino-stdout (first rhino-process))
> (define rhino-stderr (fourth rhino-process))
> (display-lines (list "1 + 1") rhino-stdin)
> (port->string rhino-stdout)
C-c C-cuser break
=== context ===
/usr/local/lib/racket/collects/mzlib/port.rkt:43:4: loop
/usr/local/lib/racket/collects/racket/port.rkt:28:0: port->string
> (port->string rhino-stdout)
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