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Created February 26, 2014 06:53
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Clojure ASCII flow diagrams from google code
;; $Rev$
;; textflow is a trivial generator of RFC like call flow (a.k.a sequence diagrams)
;; Example usage:
;; (flow [Alice Bob Tzach]
;; [[mmm Tzach Bob]
;; [xxx Bob Alice]
;; []
;; [zzz Alice Tzach]])
;; Alice Bob Tzach
;; | | mmm |
;; | |<------------------|
;; | xxx | |
;; |<------------------| |
;; | | |
;; | zzz | |
;; |-------------------------------------->|
;; The source are under Eclipse Public License 1.0
;; Comments are welcome!
;;; Tzach
(ns textflow
(:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils)
(:use clojure.contrib.graph))
;; generic util functions
(defn get-pos [elm coll]
"return the position of elm in coll"
(first (for [[idx elt] (indexed coll) :when (= elt elm)] idx)))
(defn mid [len]
(inc (int (/ len 2))))
(defn rep-string [astr nstr pos]
"replace a substiring of astr with nstr starting at position pos"
(str (subs astr 0 pos) nstr (subs astr (+ pos (count nstr)))))
(defn abs [x]
(if (> 0 x) (- x) x))
(defn rec-to-strs [f]
"recursively change parameters to strings"
(vec (for [c f]
(if (coll? c)
(vec (rec-to-strs c))
(str c)))))
(defmacro rec-to-strs-mac [f]
(rec-to-strs f))
(defn tail-cons [col e]
(reverse (cons e (reverse col))))
(defn safe-nth [seq num]
(if (>= num (count seq)) nil (nth seq num)))
;;; textflow functions
(def *space-len* 20)
(defn fill-string [times char]
"create a string from repeating char times times"
(apply str (for [_ (range times )] char)))
(defn arrow-line [len]
(fill-string len "-"))
(defn right-arrow [len]
(str (arrow-line (dec len)) ">"))
(defn left-arrow [len]
(str "<" (arrow-line (dec len))))
(defn pos-in-pic [actor actors]
(let [pos (get-pos actor actors)]
(if pos (* *space-len* (inc pos))
(throw (Exception. (str "actor " actor " not found"))))))
(defn write-space
([] (write-space (dec *space-len*)))
([len] (fill-string len " ")))
(defn write-actors
"return a string of actors name with appropriate spaces between them"
([actors prev-len]
(let [actor (first actors)
len (count actor)]
(if actor
(write-space (- (pos-in-pic actor actors) (mid len) prev-len))
(write-actors (rest actors) (dec (mid len)))))))
([actors] (write-actors actors 0)))
(defn write-empty [actors]
(fill-string (count actors) (str (write-space) "|")))
(defn err-msg [msg clg cld error]
(str "Problem in message " msg
" from " clg
" to " cld
": " error))
(defn write-msg
([actors msg clg cld]
(let [f-pos (pos-in-pic clg actors)
t-pos (pos-in-pic cld actors)
start (min f-pos t-pos)
text (- (+ start (mid *space-len*)) (mid (count msg)))
len (dec (abs (- f-pos t-pos)))
arrow (if (< f-pos t-pos) (right-arrow len) (left-arrow len))]
[(rep-string (write-empty actors) msg text)
(rep-string (write-empty actors) arrow start)])
(catch Exception e
(throw (Exception.
(err-msg msg clg cld (. e getMessage)))))))
[(write-empty actors)]))
(defn extract-actors [msgs]
(filter #(not (nil? %))
(map second msgs)
(map #(safe-nth % 2) msgs)))))
(defn write-flow
([actors msgs]
(println (write-actors actors))
(doseq [msg msgs]
(doseq [row (apply write-msg (cons actors msg))]
(println row))))
([msgs] (write-flow (extract-actors msgs) msgs)))
(defmacro flow [& flow]
(list 'apply 'write-flow (rec-to-strs flow)))
;; Example
(flow [Alice Bob Tzach Domba] ; the "actors" are Alice Bob and Tzach
[[mmm Tzach Bob]
[xxx Bob Alice]
[] ; space in the flow
[zzz Alice Tzach]])
;; actor auto extraction example
[[mmm Tzach Bob]
[xxx Bob Alice]
[zzz Alice Tzach]])
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