Save danmikita/d855174385b3059cd6bc399ad799555e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>e :call Fzf_dev()<CR> | |
" ripgrep | |
if executable('rg') | |
let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'rg --files --hidden --follow --glob "!.git/*"' | |
set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep | |
command! -bang -nargs=* Find call fzf#vim#grep('rg --column --line-number --no-heading --fixed-strings --ignore-case --hidden --follow --glob "!.git/*" --color "always" '.shellescape(<q-args>).'| tr -d "\017"', 1, <bang>0) | |
endif | |
" Files + devicons | |
function! Fzf_dev() | |
let l:fzf_files_options = '--preview "bat --theme="OneHalfDark" --style=numbers,changes --color always {2..-1} | head -'.&lines.'"' | |
function! s:files() | |
let l:files = split(system($FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND), '\n') | |
return s:prepend_icon(l:files) | |
endfunction | |
function! s:prepend_icon(candidates) | |
let l:result = [] | |
for l:candidate in a:candidates | |
let l:filename = fnamemodify(l:candidate, ':p:t') | |
let l:icon = WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(l:filename, isdirectory(l:filename)) | |
call add(l:result, printf('%s %s', l:icon, l:candidate)) | |
endfor | |
return l:result | |
endfunction | |
function! s:edit_file(item) | |
let l:pos = stridx(a:item, ' ') | |
let l:file_path = a:item[pos+1:-1] | |
execute 'silent e' l:file_path | |
endfunction | |
call fzf#run({ | |
\ 'source': <sid>files(), | |
\ 'sink': function('s:edit_file'), | |
\ 'options': '-m ' . l:fzf_files_options, | |
\ 'down': '40%' }) | |
endfunction |
Brilliant, thanks for sharing 👍
By the way, is there a way of making this the default thing that fires when I press Ctrl+p?
I tried altering the nnoremap <silent> <leader>e :call Fzf_dev()<CR>
to nnoremap <silent> <c-p> :call Fzf_dev()<CR>
but that has the delay built in before firing.
Also, do you know if there is a way of incorporating the same functionality into Buffers? I use FZF to view buffers like this: nnoremap <Leader>b :Buffers<CR>
Apologies, realise this is probably obvious but I'm new to Vim
will this work in a vimrc? or is this strictly for neovim? thanks for sharing!
@matthiasdebernardini This should work just fine in vim. I don't believe there are any neovim specific features being leveraged.
One of the most useful vim snippets ever! Thank you. I just added an extra column that displays each file's git status, it's a bit hacky but it works.
" Files + devicons + floating fzf
function! FzfFilePreview()
let l:fzf_files_options = '--preview "bat --theme="OneHalfDark" --style=numbers,changes --color always {3..-1} | head -200" --expect=ctrl-v,ctrl-x'
let s:files_status = {}
function! s:cacheGitStatus()
let l:gitcmd = 'git -c color.status=false -C ' . $PWD . ' status -s'
let l:statusesStr = system(l:gitcmd)
let l:statusesSplit = split(l:statusesStr, '\n')
for l:statusLine in l:statusesSplit
let l:fileStatus = split(l:statusLine, ' ')[0]
let l:fileName = split(l:statusLine, ' ')[1]
let s:files_status[l:fileName] = l:fileStatus
function! s:files()
call s:cacheGitStatus()
let l:files = split(system($FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND), '\n')
return s:prepend_indicators(l:files)
function! s:prepend_indicators(candidates)
return s:prepend_git_status(s:prepend_icon(a:candidates))
function! s:prepend_git_status(candidates)
let l:result = []
for l:candidate in a:candidates
let l:status = ''
let l:icon = split(l:candidate, ' ')[0]
let l:filePathWithIcon = split(l:candidate, ' ')[1]
let l:pos = strridx(l:filePathWithIcon, ' ')
let l:file_path = l:filePathWithIcon[pos+1:-1]
if has_key(s:files_status, l:file_path)
let l:status = s:files_status[l:file_path]
call add(l:result, printf('%s %s %s', l:status, l:icon, l:file_path))
" printf statement contains a load-bearing unicode space
" the file path is extracted from the list item using {3..-1},
" this breaks if there is a different number of spaces, which
" means if we add a space in the following printf it breaks.
" using a unicode space preserves the spacing in the fzf list
" without breaking the {3..-1} index
call add(l:result, printf('%s %s %s', ' ', l:icon, l:file_path))
return l:result
function! s:prepend_icon(candidates)
let l:result = []
for l:candidate in a:candidates
let l:filename = fnamemodify(l:candidate, ':p:t')
let l:icon = WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(l:filename, isdirectory(l:filename))
call add(l:result, printf('%s %s', l:icon, l:candidate))
return l:result
function! s:edit_file(lines)
if len(a:lines) < 2 | return | endif
let l:cmd = get({'ctrl-x': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vertical split',
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tabe'}, a:lines[0], 'e')
for l:item in a:lines[1:]
let l:pos = strridx(l:item, ' ')
let l:file_path = l:item[pos+1:-1]
execute 'silent '. l:cmd . ' ' . l:file_path
call fzf#run({
\ 'source': <sid>files(),
\ 'sink*': function('s:edit_file'),
\ 'options': '-m --preview-window=right:70%:noborder --prompt Files\> ' . l:fzf_files_options,
\ 'down': '40%',
\ 'window': 'call FloatingFZF()'})
That is a great piece of work!! Thank you.
I am unable to open the file in splits using ctrl-x or ctrl-v 😢 Please help
Any chance to make this compatible with fzf_action (CTRL-T, CTRL-X, etc).
Thanks a lot sir. Nice work!
Any chance to make this compatible with fzf_action (CTRL-T, CTRL-X, etc).
+1, useless without that. But thx, it is beautiful.
Is it just me or calling this function takes at least 10 seconds?
Is it just me or calling this function takes at least 10 seconds?
It only takes ~500ms for me... But I am running on a newer Macbook Pro with at least an i7 and 16Gb of ram...
Awesome! Works Great.