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potentially dead corelib internals
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C:\git\coreclr\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\System.Private.CoreLib.dll | |
[2 C:\bak\System.Private.CoreLib.dll 2] | |
namespace { | |
} | |
namespace Microsoft.Win32 { | |
internal static class OAVariantLib { | |
internal static readonly Type[] ClassTypes; | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
internal static Variant ChangeType(Variant source, Type targetClass, short options, CultureInfo culture); | |
private static void ChangeTypeEx(ref Variant result, ref Variant source, int lcid, IntPtr typeHandle, int cvType, short flags); | |
private static int GetCVTypeFromClass(Type ctype); | |
} | |
internal static class Win32Native { | |
internal static extern bool FindNextFile(SafeFindHandle hndFindFile, Win32Native.WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData); | |
internal static extern int RegQueryInfoKey(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, StringBuilder lpClass, int[] lpcbClass, IntPtr lpReserved_MustBeZero, ref int lpcSubKeys, int[] lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, int[] lpcbMaxClassLen, ref int lpcValues, int[] lpcbMaxValueNameLen, int[] lpcbMaxValueLen, int[] lpcbSecurityDescriptor, int[] lpftLastWriteTime); | |
internal static extern IntPtr SysAllocStringByteLen(byte[] str, uint len); | |
internal static extern uint SysStringByteLen(IntPtr bstr); | |
internal struct NlsVersionInfoEx { | |
internal Guid guidCustomVersion; | |
internal int dwDefinedVersion; | |
internal int dwEffectiveId; | |
internal int dwNLSVersion; | |
internal int dwNLSVersionInfoSize; | |
} | |
internal class OSVERSIONINFO { | |
internal int BuildNumber; | |
internal int MajorVersion; | |
internal int MinorVersion; | |
internal int OSVersionInfoSize; | |
internal int PlatformId; | |
internal string CSDVersion; | |
internal OSVERSIONINFO(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System { | |
internal class __Canon { | |
public __Canon(); | |
} | |
internal class __ComObject : MarshalByRefObject { | |
private Hashtable m_ObjectToDataMap; | |
private object CreateEventProvider(RuntimeType t); | |
internal object GetData(object key); | |
internal object GetEventProvider(RuntimeType t); | |
internal void ReleaseAllData(); | |
internal bool SetData(object key, object data); | |
} | |
public sealed class Activator { | |
private Activator(); | |
} | |
internal static class AppContextSwitches { | |
private static int _noAsyncCurrentCulture; | |
public static bool NoAsyncCurrentCulture { get; } | |
} | |
internal sealed class AppDomain { | |
public bool IsFullyTrusted { get; } | |
private void CreateAppDomainManager(); | |
internal AppDomainHandle GetNativeHandle(); | |
internal static RuntimeAssembly GetRuntimeAssembly(Assembly asm); | |
private void InitializeCompatibilityFlags(); | |
internal void nCreateContext(); | |
private static string NormalizeAppPaths(string values); | |
internal static string NormalizePath(string path, bool fullCheck); | |
private static extern void nSetNativeDllSearchDirectories(string paths); | |
private static extern void nSetupBindingPaths(string trustedPlatformAssemblies, string platformResourceRoots, string appPath, string appNiPaths, string appLocalWinMD); | |
private void nSetupFriendlyName(string friendlyName); | |
private void OnAssemblyLoadEvent(RuntimeAssembly LoadedAssembly); | |
private RuntimeAssembly OnAssemblyResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, string assemblyFullName); | |
private string[] OnDesignerNamespaceResolveEvent(string namespaceName); | |
private RuntimeAssembly OnResourceResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, string resourceName); | |
private RuntimeAssembly OnTypeResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, string typeName); | |
private static object PrepareDataForSetup(string friendlyName, AppDomainSetup setup, string[] propertyNames, string[] propertyValues); | |
private static object Setup(object arg); | |
internal void SetupBindingPaths(string trustedPlatformAssemblies, string platformResourceRoots, string appPath, string appNiPaths, string appLocalWinMD); | |
private void SetupDomain(bool allowRedirects, string path, string configFile, string[] propertyNames, string[] propertyValues); | |
private void SetupFusionStore(AppDomainSetup info, AppDomainSetup oldInfo); | |
} | |
internal struct AppDomainHandle { | |
private IntPtr m_appDomainHandle; | |
internal AppDomainHandle(IntPtr domainHandle); | |
} | |
internal class AppDomainManager : MarshalByRefObject { | |
internal static AppDomainManager CurrentAppDomainManager { get; } | |
public virtual void InitializeNewDomain(AppDomainSetup appDomainInfo); | |
} | |
internal sealed class AppDomainSetup { | |
private string _AppBase; | |
public AppDomainSetup(); | |
public string ApplicationName { get; set; } | |
internal Dictionary<string, object> GetCompatibilityFlags(); | |
internal void SetupDefaults(string imageLocation, bool imageLocationAlreadyNormalized=false); | |
internal enum LoaderInformation { | |
ApplicationBaseValue = 0, | |
ApplicationNameValue = 4, | |
CachePathValue = 9, | |
ConfigurationBytesValue = 15, | |
ConfigurationFileValue = 1, | |
DevPathValue = 3, | |
DisallowAppBaseProbingValue = 14, | |
DisallowBindingRedirectsValue = 13, | |
DisallowCodeDownloadValue = 12, | |
DisallowPublisherPolicyValue = 11, | |
DynamicBaseValue = 2, | |
LicenseFileValue = 10, | |
LoaderMaximum = 18, | |
PrivateBinPathProbeValue = 6, | |
PrivateBinPathValue = 5, | |
ShadowCopyDirectoriesValue = 7, | |
ShadowCopyFilesValue = 8, | |
} | |
} | |
internal class CLRConfig { | |
public CLRConfig(); | |
} | |
internal static class CommonlyUsedGenericInstantiations { | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
private static Task<string> AsyncHelper2<T>(); | |
private static Task AsyncHelper3(); | |
private static void AsyncHelper<T>(); | |
private static void CommonlyUsedWinRTRedirectedInterfaceStubs(); | |
private static T NullableHelper<T>() where T : struct; | |
private static void SZArrayHelper<T>(SZArrayHelper oSZArrayHelper); | |
private static void WinRT_IDictionary<K, V>(MapToDictionaryAdapter mapToDictionaryAdapter, MapToCollectionAdapter mapToCollectionAdapter, DictionaryToMapAdapter dictionaryToMapAdapter, IMap<K, V> map); | |
private static void WinRT_IEnumerable<T>(IterableToEnumerableAdapter iterableToEnumerableAdapter, EnumerableToIterableAdapter enumerableToIterableAdapter, IIterable<T> iterable); | |
private static void WinRT_IList<T>(VectorToListAdapter vectorToListAdapter, VectorToCollectionAdapter vectorToCollectionAdapter, ListToVectorAdapter listToVectorAdapter, IVector<T> vector); | |
private static void WinRT_IReadOnlyCollection<T>(VectorViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter vectorViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter); | |
private static void WinRT_IReadOnlyDictionary<K, V>(IMapViewToIReadOnlyDictionaryAdapter mapToDictionaryAdapter, IReadOnlyDictionaryToIMapViewAdapter dictionaryToMapAdapter, IMapView<K, V> mapView, MapViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter mapViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter); | |
private static void WinRT_IReadOnlyList<T>(IVectorViewToIReadOnlyListAdapter vectorToListAdapter, IReadOnlyListToIVectorViewAdapter listToVectorAdapter, IVectorView<T> vectorView); | |
private static void WinRT_Nullable<T>() where T : struct; | |
} | |
internal static class CompatibilitySwitches { | |
private static bool s_AreSwitchesSet; | |
public static bool IsCompatibilityBehaviorDefined { get; } | |
internal static void InitializeSwitches(); | |
} | |
internal class CoreLib { | |
public CoreLib(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class CrossAppDomainMarshaledException : SystemException { | |
public CrossAppDomainMarshaledException(string message, int errorCode); | |
internal override string InternalToString(); | |
} | |
internal static class Environment { | |
public static Version Version { get; } | |
internal static void FooBar(); | |
internal static string GetResourceStringLocal(string key); | |
private static void SetCommandLineArgs(string[] cmdLineArgs); | |
} | |
internal enum InternalGCCollectionMode { | |
Blocking = 2, | |
Compacting = 8, | |
NonBlocking = 1, | |
Optimized = 4, | |
} | |
internal static class NotImplemented { | |
internal static Exception ByDesignWithMessage(string message); | |
} | |
internal class Number { | |
private Number(); | |
} | |
public class ObjectDisposedException : InvalidOperationException { | |
private ObjectDisposedException(); | |
} | |
internal class OleAutBinder : DefaultBinder { | |
public OleAutBinder(); | |
public override object ChangeType(object value, Type type, CultureInfo cultureInfo); | |
} | |
internal static class ParseNumbers { | |
public static int StringToInt(string s, int radix, int flags, ref int currPos); | |
public static long StringToLong(string s, int radix, int flags, ref int currPos); | |
} | |
internal abstract class Resolver { | |
internal abstract byte[] GetCodeInfo(ref int stackSize, ref int initLocals, ref int EHCount); | |
internal unsafe abstract void GetEHInfo(int EHNumber, void* exception); | |
internal abstract RuntimeType GetJitContext(ref int securityControlFlags); | |
internal abstract byte[] GetLocalsSignature(); | |
internal abstract byte[] GetRawEHInfo(); | |
internal abstract string GetStringLiteral(int token); | |
internal abstract byte[] ResolveSignature(int token, int fromMethod); | |
internal abstract void ResolveToken(int token, out IntPtr typeHandle, out IntPtr methodHandle, out IntPtr fieldHandle); | |
internal struct CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE { | |
internal int ClassTokenOrFilterOffset; | |
internal int Flags; | |
internal int HandlerLength; | |
internal int HandlerOffset; | |
internal int TryLength; | |
internal int TryOffset; | |
} | |
} | |
public struct RuntimeArgumentHandle { | |
internal IntPtr Value { get; } | |
} | |
public struct RuntimeFieldHandle : ISerializable { | |
internal RuntimeFieldHandle GetNativeHandle(); | |
} | |
internal class RuntimeFieldInfoStub : IRuntimeFieldInfo { | |
private int m_b; | |
private object m_c; | |
private object m_d; | |
private object m_e; | |
private object m_keepalive; | |
private RuntimeFieldHandleInternal m_fieldHandle; | |
public RuntimeFieldInfoStub(); | |
RuntimeFieldHandleInternal System.IRuntimeFieldInfo.Value { get; } | |
} | |
public struct RuntimeMethodHandle : ISerializable { | |
private static IntPtr GetValueInternal(RuntimeMethodHandle rmh); | |
} | |
internal struct RuntimeMethodHandleInternal { | |
internal static RuntimeMethodHandleInternal EmptyHandle { get; } | |
} | |
internal class RuntimeMethodInfoStub : IRuntimeMethodInfo { | |
private object m_a; | |
private object m_b; | |
private object m_c; | |
private object m_d; | |
private object m_e; | |
private object m_f; | |
private object m_g; | |
} | |
internal class RuntimeType : TypeInfo, ICloneable { | |
} | |
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : ISerializable { | |
internal static IntPtr GetValueInternal(RuntimeTypeHandle handle); | |
} | |
internal static class SR { | |
internal static string Acc_CreateAbst { get; } | |
internal static string Acc_CreateGeneric { get; } | |
internal static string Acc_CreateInterface { get; } | |
internal static string AppDomain_AppBaseNotSet { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentException_OtherNotArrayOfCorrectLength { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_AssemblyName { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_AssemblyNameName { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_Collection { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_FileName { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_GUID { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_SafeHandle { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_Type { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentNull_TypedRefType { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_ArrayLB { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_ArrayLBAndLength { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_BiggerThanCollection { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_EndIndexStartIndex { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_HugeArrayNotSupported { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_IndexLargerThanMaxValue { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_ListInsert { get; } | |
internal static string ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedValidId { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_AddingDuplicate { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_AlreadyACCW { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_ArgumentZero { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_BadConstantValue { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_BadFormatSpecifier { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_BadObjRef { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_CannotCreateTypedReference { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_CantCallSecObjFunc { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_CORDBBadMethod { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_CORDBBadVarArgCallConv { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_EmptyFileName { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_HandleLeak { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_IndexOutOfArrayBounds { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InsufficientSpaceToCopyCollection { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InterfaceMap { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidArgumentForComparison { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidArrayType { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidAssemblyName { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidGenericArg { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidRegistryViewCheck { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidTypeName { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidUnity { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_InvalidValue { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_MustHaveLayoutOrBeBlittable { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NeedNonGenericObject { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NeedStructWithNoRefs { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NoDomainManager { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NotATP { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NoUnderlyingCCW { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_NoUninitializedStrings { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_PathEmpty { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_StructMustNotBeValueClass { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_TimeZoneInfoBadTZif { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_TimeZoneInfoInvalidTZif { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_TypeMustBeVisibleFromCom { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_Unexpected_TypeSource { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_UnrecognizedLoaderOptimization { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_VerStringTooLong { get; } | |
internal static string Argument_WinRTSystemRuntimeType { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_CannotHaveNegativeValue { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_DriveNotFoundException { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_EmptyOrNullString { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_InvalidANSIString { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_InvalidSearchPattern { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_InvalidUTF8String { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_LongerThanDestArray { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_LongerThanSrcArray { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_LowerBoundsMustMatch { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_MethodAccessException_WithMethodName { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_MustBeInterface { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_MustBeStatic { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_MustContainEnumInfo { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_Need1DArray { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_Need2DArray { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_Need3DArray { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NeedAtLeast1Rank { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NoITypeInfo { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NoITypeLib { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NonZeroLowerBound { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NotFoundIFace { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_NullIndex { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_ObjObj { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_PrimWiden { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RankIndices { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RanksAndBounds { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RegKeyStrLenBug { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RegSetMismatchedKind { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RegSetStrArrNull { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RegSubKeyValueAbsent { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_RemoveArgNotFound { get; } | |
internal static string Arg_ThreadStartException { get; } | |
internal static string ArrayTypeMismatch_CantAssignType { get; } | |
internal static string ArrayTypeMismatch_ConstrainedCopy { get; } | |
internal static string AssertionFailed { get; } | |
internal static string AssertionFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string AssumptionFailed { get; } | |
internal static string AssumptionFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string AsyncMethodBuilder_InstanceNotInitialized { get; } | |
internal static string CancellationToken_SourceDisposed { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_ArrayIncorrectType { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_ArrayNotLargeEnough { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_CapacityMustNotBeNegative { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_ConcurrencyLevelMustBePositive { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_IndexIsNegative { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_ItemKeyIsNull { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_KeyAlreadyExisted { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_TypeOfKeyIncorrect { get; } | |
internal static string ConcurrentDictionary_TypeOfValueIncorrect { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_AbstractMustNotDeclareEventMethods { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_AbstractMustNotDeclareKTOC { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_AddScalarOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_ChannelTypeDoesNotMatchEventChannelValue { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_DataDescriptorsOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_DuplicateStringKey { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EnumKindMismatch { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventChannelOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventIdReused { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventMustHaveTaskIfNonDefaultOpcode { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventMustNotBeExplicitImplementation { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventNameDoesNotEqualTaskPlusOpcode { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventNameReused { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventParametersMismatch { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventSourceGuidInUse { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_EventWithAdminChannelMustHaveMessage { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_IllegalKeywordsValue { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_IllegalOpcodeValue { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_IllegalTaskValue { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_IncorrentlyAuthoredTypeInfo { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_InvalidCommand { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_InvalidEventFormat { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_KeywordCollision { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_KeywordNeedPowerOfTwo { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_ListenerCreatedInsideCallback { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_ListenerNotFound { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_ListenerWriteFailure { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_MaxChannelExceeded { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_MismatchIdToWriteEvent { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NeedGuid { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NeedName { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NeedPositiveId { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NoFreeBuffers { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NonCompliantTypeError { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NoRelatedActivityId { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NotSupportedArrayOfBinary { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NotSupportedArrayOfNil { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NotSupportedArrayOfNullTerminatedString { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NotSupportedCustomSerializedData { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NotSupportedNestedArraysEnums { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_NullInput { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_OpcodeCollision { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_PinArrayOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_RecursiveTypeDefinition { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_SessionIdError { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_StopsFollowStarts { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TaskCollision { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TaskOpcodePairReused { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TooManyArgs { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TooManyFields { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_ToString { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TypeMustBeSealedOrAbstract { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_TypeMustDeriveFromEventSource { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_UndefinedChannel { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_UndefinedKeyword { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_UndefinedOpcode { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_UnsupportedEventTypeInManifest { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_UnsupportedMessageProperty { get; } | |
internal static string EventSource_VarArgsParameterMismatch { get; } | |
internal static string event_Barrier_PhaseFinished { get; } | |
internal static string event_ConcurrentBag_TryPeekSteals { get; } | |
internal static string event_ConcurrentBag_TryTakeSteals { get; } | |
internal static string event_ConcurrentDictionary_AcquiringAllLocks { get; } | |
internal static string event_ConcurrentStack_FastPopFailed { get; } | |
internal static string event_ConcurrentStack_FastPushFailed { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelFork { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelInvokeBegin { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelInvokeEnd { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelJoin { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelLoopBegin { get; } | |
internal static string event_ParallelLoopEnd { get; } | |
internal static string event_SpinLock_FastPathFailed { get; } | |
internal static string event_SpinWait_NextSpinWillYield { get; } | |
internal static string event_TaskCompleted { get; } | |
internal static string event_TaskScheduled { get; } | |
internal static string event_TaskStarted { get; } | |
internal static string event_TaskWaitBegin { get; } | |
internal static string event_TaskWaitEnd { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadBase { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadDatePattern { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadDateTime { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadDateTimeCalendar { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadDayOfWeek { get; } | |
internal static string Format_BadTimeSpan { get; } | |
internal static string Format_DateOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string Format_EmptyInputString { get; } | |
internal static string Format_ExtraJunkAtEnd { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidBrace { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidBraceAfterLastNumber { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidComma { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidDashes { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidEndBrace { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidHexPrefix { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidInvalidChar { get; } | |
internal static string Format_GuidInvLen { get; } | |
internal static string Format_MissingIncompleteDate { get; } | |
internal static string Format_NoParsibleDigits { get; } | |
internal static string Format_OffsetOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string Format_RepeatDateTimePattern { get; } | |
internal static string Format_UnknowDateTimeWord { get; } | |
internal static string Format_UTCOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_1200 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_12000 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_12001 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_1201 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_20127 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_28591 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_65000 { get; } | |
internal static string Globalization_cp_65001 { get; } | |
internal static string IndexOutOfRange_ArrayRankIndex { get; } | |
internal static string Interop_COM_TypeMismatch { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_CannotCoerceByRefVariant { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_DownCastArrayElement { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_OATypeMismatch { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_StoreArrayElement { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_WinRTIPropertyValueArrayCoersion { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_WinRTIPropertyValueCoersion { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidCast_WinRTIPropertyValueElement { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_AsyncIOInProgress { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CannotRemoveLastFromEmptyCollection { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CantInstantiateAbstractClass { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CantInstantiateFunctionPointer { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CollectionBackingDictionaryTooLarge { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CollectionBackingListTooLarge { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_CriticalTransparentAreMutuallyExclusive { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_GetVersion { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_HandleIsNotInitialized { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_NoValue { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_NullArray { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_SetData_OnlyOnce { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_StrongNameKeyPairRequired { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_TypeCannotBeBoxed { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidOperation_WrongAsyncResultOrEndCalledMultiple { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidTimeZone_InvalidFileData { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidTimeZone_JulianDayNotSupported { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidTimeZone_NoTTInfoStructures { get; } | |
internal static string InvalidTimeZone_UnparseablePosixMDateString { get; } | |
internal static string InvariantFailed { get; } | |
internal static string InvariantFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string IO_FileTooLong2GB { get; } | |
internal static string Loader_ContextPolicies { get; } | |
internal static string Loader_NoContextPolicies { get; } | |
internal static string MissingManifestResource_LooselyLinked { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ByRefLike { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ByRefLikeArray { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_CollectibleAssemblyResolve { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_CollectibleBoundNonCollectible { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_CollectibleCOM { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_CollectibleDelegateMarshal { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_Constructor { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_DBNullSerial { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_DelegateMarshalToWrongDomain { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_DelegateSerHolderSerial { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_DynamicAssemblyNoRunAccess { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_FixedSizeCollection { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_GenericMethod { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_IDispInvokeDefaultMemberWithNamedArgs { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_KeyCollectionSet { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ManagedActivation { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_NativeCallableTarget { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_NonBlittableTypes { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_NonStaticMethod { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_OleAutBadVarType { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_OpenType { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_PIAInAppxProcess { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ReadOnlyCollection { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_SignalAndWaitSTAThread { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_TooManyArgs { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_Type { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_TypeCannotDeserialized { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_UnitySerHolder { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_UnknownTypeCode { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ValueClassCM { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_ValueCollectionSet { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_VoidArray { get; } | |
internal static string NotSupported_WinRT_PartialTrust { get; } | |
internal static string NullReference_This { get; } | |
internal static string ObjectDisposed_ReaderClosed { get; } | |
internal static string ObjectDisposed_RegKeyClosed { get; } | |
internal static string OutOfMemory_GCHandleMDA { get; } | |
internal static string Overflow_Currency { get; } | |
internal static string Overflow_NegativeUnsigned { get; } | |
internal static string Overflow_TimeSpanElementTooLarge { get; } | |
internal static string PlatformNotSupported_ComInterop { get; } | |
internal static string PlatformNotSupported_NamedSynchronizationPrimitives { get; } | |
internal static string PlatformNotSupported_NamedSyncObjectWaitAnyWaitAll { get; } | |
internal static string PlatformNotSupported_OSXFileLocking { get; } | |
internal static string PlatformNotSupported_OverlappedIO { get; } | |
internal static string Policy_CannotLoadSemiTrustAssembliesDuringInit { get; } | |
internal static string PostconditionFailed { get; } | |
internal static string PostconditionFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string PostconditionOnExceptionFailed { get; } | |
internal static string PostconditionOnExceptionFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string PreconditionFailed { get; } | |
internal static string PreconditionFailed_Cnd { get; } | |
internal static string Rank_MultiDimNotSupported { get; } | |
internal static string Rank_MustMatch { get; } | |
internal static string ReflectionTypeLoad_LoadFailed { get; } | |
internal static string Remoting_AppDomainUnloaded_ThreadUnwound { get; } | |
internal static string Security_CannotReadFileData { get; } | |
internal static string Security_RegistryPermission { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_InvalidDelegateType { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_InvalidFieldState { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_MemberOutOfRange { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_MemberTypeNotRecognized { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_MissField { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_NullSignature { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_UnableToFindModule { get; } | |
internal static string Serialization_UnknownMember { get; } | |
internal static string TaskCompletionSourceT_TrySetException_NoExceptions { get; } | |
internal static string TaskCompletionSourceT_TrySetException_NullException { get; } | |
internal static string TaskT_TransitionToFinal_AlreadyCompleted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_ContinueWith_NotOnAnything { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Delay_InvalidDelay { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Delay_InvalidMillisecondsDelay { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Dispose_NotCompleted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_RunSynchronously_AlreadyStarted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_RunSynchronously_Continuation { get; } | |
internal static string Task_RunSynchronously_Promise { get; } | |
internal static string Task_RunSynchronously_TaskCompleted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Start_AlreadyStarted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Start_ContinuationTask { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Start_Promise { get; } | |
internal static string Task_Start_TaskCompleted { get; } | |
internal static string Task_ThrowIfDisposed { get; } | |
internal static string Task_WaitMulti_NullTask { get; } | |
internal static string TypeInitialization_Default { get; } | |
internal static string UnauthorizedAccess_RegistryNoWrite { get; } | |
internal static string UnauthorizedAccess_SystemDomain { get; } | |
internal static string Format(string resourceFormat, object p1, object p2, object p3); | |
} | |
internal sealed class SZArrayHelper { | |
private SZArrayHelper(); | |
private void Add<T>(T value); | |
private void Clear<T>(); | |
private bool Contains<T>(T value); | |
private void CopyTo<T>(T[] array, int index); | |
internal IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator<T>(); | |
internal int get_Count<T>(); | |
private bool get_IsReadOnly<T>(); | |
internal T get_Item<T>(int index); | |
private int IndexOf<T>(T value); | |
private void Insert<T>(int index, T value); | |
private bool Remove<T>(T value); | |
private void RemoveAt<T>(int index); | |
internal void set_Item<T>(int index, T value); | |
private sealed class SZGenericArrayEnumerator<T> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<T> { | |
private int _index; | |
internal static readonly SZArrayHelper.SZGenericArrayEnumerator<T> Empty; | |
private readonly T[] _array; | |
internal SZGenericArrayEnumerator(T[] array); | |
public T Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
public void Dispose(); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); | |
} | |
} | |
internal static class ThrowHelper { | |
private static InvalidOperationException GetInvalidOperationException_EnumCurrent(int index); | |
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperationException_EnumCurrent(int index); | |
} | |
public sealed class TimeZoneInfo : IDeserializationCallback, IEquatable<TimeZoneInfo>, ISerializable { | |
} | |
public sealed class TypeInitializationException : SystemException { | |
private TypeInitializationException(); | |
internal TypeInitializationException(string message); | |
} | |
public class TypeLoadException : SystemException, ISerializable { | |
private TypeLoadException(string className, string assemblyName, string messageArg, int resourceId); | |
} | |
internal struct Variant { | |
private int m_data1; | |
private int m_data2; | |
private int m_flags; | |
private object m_objref; | |
internal static readonly Type[] ClassTypes; | |
internal static readonly Variant DBNull; | |
internal static readonly Variant Empty; | |
internal static readonly Variant Missing; | |
public Variant(bool val); | |
public Variant(byte val); | |
public Variant(char val); | |
public Variant(DateTime val); | |
public Variant(decimal val); | |
public Variant(double val); | |
public Variant(short val); | |
public Variant(int val); | |
internal Variant(int flags, object or, int data1, int data2); | |
public Variant(long val); | |
public Variant(object obj); | |
public Variant(sbyte val); | |
public Variant(float val); | |
public Variant(ushort val); | |
public Variant(uint val); | |
public Variant(ulong val); | |
internal int CVType { get; } | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
private object BoxEnum(); | |
internal long GetI8FromVar(); | |
internal float GetR4FromVar(); | |
internal double GetR8FromVar(); | |
internal static void MarshalHelperCastVariant(object pValue, int vt, ref Variant v); | |
internal static void MarshalHelperConvertObjectToVariant(object o, ref Variant v); | |
internal static object MarshalHelperConvertVariantToObject(ref Variant v); | |
internal void SetFieldsObject(object val); | |
internal void SetFieldsR4(float val); | |
internal void SetFieldsR8(double val); | |
public object ToObject(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Buffers { | |
} | |
namespace System.Collections { | |
internal sealed class Comparer : IComparer { | |
private Comparer(); | |
} | |
internal class CompatibleComparer : IEqualityComparer { | |
internal IComparer Comparer { get; } | |
internal IHashCodeProvider HashCodeProvider { get; } | |
} | |
internal class Hashtable : ICloneable, ICollection, IDeserializationCallback, IDictionary, IEnumerable, ISerializable { | |
public Hashtable(int capacity); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Collections.Concurrent { | |
internal class ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> : ICollection, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IDictionary, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> { | |
internal IEqualityComparer<TKey> m_comparer; | |
public bool IsEmpty { get; } | |
public KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] ToArray(); | |
} | |
internal class ConcurrentQueue<T> : ICollection, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IProducerConsumerCollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T> { | |
public ConcurrentQueue(IEnumerable<T> collection); | |
public void Clear(); | |
public bool TryPeek(out T result); | |
} | |
internal class ConcurrentStack<T> : ICollection, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IProducerConsumerCollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T> { | |
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); | |
public T[] ToArray(); | |
} | |
internal interface IProducerConsumerCollection<T> : ICollection, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T> { | |
void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); | |
T[] ToArray(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Collections.Generic { | |
public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> : ICollection, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IDeserializationCallback, IDictionary, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ISerializable { | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel { | |
internal class ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> : ICollection, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IDictionary, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> { | |
private ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.KeyCollection m_keys; | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> m_dictionary; | |
private object m_syncRoot; | |
private ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.ValueCollection m_values; | |
public ReadOnlyDictionary(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
protected IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Dictionary { get; } | |
public ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.KeyCollection Keys { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
TValue System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.this[TKey key] { get; set; } | |
ICollection<TKey> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Keys { get; } | |
ICollection<TValue> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Values { get; } | |
IEnumerable<TKey> System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Keys { get; } | |
IEnumerable<TValue> System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Values { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; } | |
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.IDictionary.IsFixedSize { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.IDictionary.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IDictionary.this[object key] { get; set; } | |
ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Keys { get; } | |
ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Values { get; } | |
public TValue this[TKey key] { get; } | |
public ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.ValueCollection Values { get; } | |
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key); | |
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> GetEnumerator(); | |
private static bool IsCompatibleKey(object key); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Add(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Contains(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.CopyTo(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] array, int arrayIndex); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Remove(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Add(TKey key, TValue value); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Remove(TKey key); | |
void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); | |
void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object key, object value); | |
void System.Collections.IDictionary.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(object key); | |
IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator(); | |
void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object key); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value); | |
private struct DictionaryEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator, IEnumerator { | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> m_dictionary; | |
private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> m_enumerator; | |
public DictionaryEnumerator(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public object Current { get; } | |
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; } | |
public object Key { get; } | |
public object Value { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
} | |
public sealed class KeyCollection : ICollection, ICollection<TKey>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TKey>, IReadOnlyCollection<TKey> { | |
private readonly ICollection<TKey> m_collection; | |
private object m_syncRoot; | |
internal KeyCollection(ICollection<TKey> collection); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; } | |
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; } | |
public void CopyTo(TKey[] array, int arrayIndex); | |
public IEnumerator<TKey> GetEnumerator(); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Add(TKey item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Contains(TKey item); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Remove(TKey item); | |
void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
public sealed class ValueCollection : ICollection, ICollection<TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TValue>, IReadOnlyCollection<TValue> { | |
private readonly ICollection<TValue> m_collection; | |
private object m_syncRoot; | |
internal ValueCollection(ICollection<TValue> collection); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; } | |
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; } | |
public void CopyTo(TValue[] array, int arrayIndex); | |
public IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator(); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Add(TValue item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Contains(TValue item); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Remove(TValue item); | |
void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
} | |
internal static class ReadOnlyDictionaryHelpers { | |
internal static void CopyToNonGenericICollectionHelper<T>(ICollection<T> collection, Array array, int index); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Diagnostics { | |
public static class Debugger { | |
private static void BreakCanThrow(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class EditAndContinueHelper { | |
private object _objectReference; | |
public EditAndContinueHelper(); | |
} | |
internal class LogSwitch { | |
private LogSwitch(); | |
} | |
public class StackTrace { | |
private static string GetManagedStackTraceStringHelper(bool fNeedFileInfo); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Diagnostics.Contracts { | |
internal sealed class ContractException : Exception { | |
private ContractException(); | |
public string Condition { get; } | |
public string Failure { get; } | |
public ContractFailureKind Kind { get; } | |
public string UserMessage { get; } | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Diagnostics.Tracing { | |
internal class ActivityTracker { | |
private Guid CurrentActivityId { get; } | |
} | |
internal struct DataCollector { | |
internal void AddBinary(Array value, int size); | |
} | |
internal sealed class EtwEventProvider : IEventProvider { | |
unsafe IntPtr System.Diagnostics.Tracing.IEventProvider.DefineEventHandle(uint eventID, string eventName, long keywords, uint eventVersion, uint level, byte* pMetadata, uint metadataLength); | |
int System.Diagnostics.Tracing.IEventProvider.EventActivityIdControl(UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl ControlCode, ref Guid ActivityId); | |
} | |
internal struct EventDescriptor { | |
public static bool operator ==(EventDescriptor event1, EventDescriptor event2); | |
public static bool operator !=(EventDescriptor event1, EventDescriptor event2); | |
} | |
public class EventListener : IDisposable { | |
private event EventHandler<EventSourceCreatedEventArgs> _EventSourceCreated; | |
private static void DisposeOnShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e); | |
} | |
internal class EventProvider : IDisposable { | |
protected EventKeywords MatchAllKeyword { get; set; } | |
public virtual void Close(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class EventSourceActivity : IDisposable { | |
private EventSourceActivity.State state; | |
private readonly EventSource eventSource; | |
private EventSourceOptions startStopOptions; | |
internal Guid activityId; | |
internal static Guid s_empty; | |
private string eventName; | |
public EventSourceActivity(EventSource eventSource); | |
public EventSource EventSource { get; } | |
public Guid Id { get; } | |
private bool StartEventWasFired { get; } | |
public void Dispose(); | |
public static implicit operator EventSourceActivity (EventSource eventSource); | |
public EventSourceActivity Start(string eventName); | |
public EventSourceActivity Start(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options); | |
private EventSourceActivity Start<T>(string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref T data); | |
public EventSourceActivity Start<T>(string eventName, T data); | |
public void Stop<T>(string eventName); | |
private void Stop<T>(string eventName, ref T data); | |
public void Stop<T>(T data); | |
public void Write(string eventName); | |
public void Write(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options); | |
private void Write<T>(EventSource eventSource, string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref T data); | |
public void Write<T>(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options, T data); | |
public void Write<T>(string eventName, T data); | |
private enum State { | |
Started = 0, | |
Stopped = 1, | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class FrameworkEventSource : EventSource { | |
public void BeginGetRequestStream(object id, string uri, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
public void BeginGetResponse(object id, string uri, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
public void EndGetRequestStream(object id, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
public void EndGetResponse(object id, bool success, bool synchronous, int statusCode); | |
private static string GetName(Assembly assembly); | |
private void GetRequestStreamStart(long id, string uri, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
private void GetRequestStreamStop(long id, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
private void GetResponseStart(long id, string uri, bool success, bool synchronous); | |
private void GetResponseStop(long id, bool success, bool synchronous, int statusCode); | |
private static long IdForObject(object obj); | |
public void ResourceManagerAddingCultureFromConfigFile(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerAddingCultureFromConfigFile(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCaseInsensitiveResourceStreamLookupFailed(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string assemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCaseInsensitiveResourceStreamLookupFailed(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string assemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCaseInsensitiveResourceStreamLookupSucceeded(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string assemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCaseInsensitiveResourceStreamLookupSucceeded(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string assemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCreatingResourceSet(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName, string fileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCreatingResourceSet(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName, string fileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCultureFoundInConfigFile(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCultureFoundInConfigFile(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCultureNotFoundInConfigFile(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerCultureNotFoundInConfigFile(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCache(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCache(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCacheUnexpected(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerFoundResourceSetInCacheUnexpected(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerGetSatelliteAssemblyFailed(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName, string assemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerGetSatelliteAssemblyFailed(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName, string assemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerGetSatelliteAssemblySucceeded(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName, string assemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerGetSatelliteAssemblySucceeded(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName, string assemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookingForResourceSet(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookingForResourceSet(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookupFailed(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookupFailed(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookupStarted(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerLookupStarted(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerManifestResourceAccessDenied(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string assemblyName, string canonicalName); | |
public void ResourceManagerManifestResourceAccessDenied(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string assemblyName, string canonicalName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourceAttributeMissing(Assembly mainAssembly); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourceAttributeMissing(string mainAssemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesFound(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string resName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesFound(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string resName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesNotFound(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string resName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesNotFound(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string resName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesSufficient(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNeutralResourcesSufficient(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNotCreatingResourceSet(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerNotCreatingResourceSet(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName); | |
public void ResourceManagerReleasingResources(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly); | |
public void ResourceManagerReleasingResources(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName); | |
public void ResourceManagerStreamFound(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName, Assembly loadedAssembly, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerStreamFound(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName, string loadedAssemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerStreamNotFound(string baseName, Assembly mainAssembly, string cultureName, Assembly loadedAssembly, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ResourceManagerStreamNotFound(string baseName, string mainAssemblyName, string cultureName, string loadedAssemblyName, string resourceFileName); | |
public void ThreadPoolDequeueWork(long workID); | |
public void ThreadPoolDequeueWorkObject(object workID); | |
public void ThreadTransferReceive(long id, int kind, string info); | |
public void ThreadTransferReceiveHandled(long id, int kind, string info); | |
public void ThreadTransferReceiveHandledObj(object id, int kind, string info); | |
public void ThreadTransferReceiveObj(object id, int kind, string info); | |
private void WriteEvent(int eventId, long arg1, bool arg2, bool arg3); | |
private void WriteEvent(int eventId, long arg1, bool arg2, bool arg3, int arg4); | |
private void WriteEvent(int eventId, long arg1, int arg2, string arg3); | |
private void WriteEvent(int eventId, long arg1, string arg2, bool arg3, bool arg4); | |
} | |
internal interface IEventProvider { | |
IntPtr DefineEventHandle(uint eventID, string eventName, long keywords, uint eventVersion, uint level, byte* pMetadata, uint metadataLength); | |
int EventActivityIdControl(UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl ControlCode, ref Guid ActivityId); | |
} | |
internal struct SessionMask { | |
public SessionMask(SessionMask m); | |
public bool this[int perEventSourceSessionId] { get; set; } | |
public static SessionMask FromId(int perEventSourceSessionId); | |
public bool IsEqualOrSupersetOf(SessionMask m); | |
public static SessionMask operator &(SessionMask m1, SessionMask m2); | |
public static SessionMask operator |(SessionMask m1, SessionMask m2); | |
public static SessionMask operator ^(SessionMask m1, SessionMask m2); | |
public static explicit operator ulong (SessionMask m); | |
public static SessionMask operator ~(SessionMask m); | |
} | |
internal static class Statics { | |
public static byte Combine(int settingValue1, int settingValue2, byte defaultValue); | |
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType, MethodInfo methodInfo); | |
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, params object[] parameters); | |
public static MethodInfo GetDeclaredStaticMethod(Type declaringType, string name); | |
} | |
internal class TraceLoggingDataCollector { | |
public TraceLoggingDataCollector AddGroup(); | |
} | |
public class TraceLoggingEventTypes { | |
internal EventKeywords Keywords { get; } | |
internal EventLevel Level { get; } | |
internal EventOpcode Opcode { get; } | |
} | |
internal class TraceLoggingMetadataCollector { | |
public void AddCustom(string name, TraceLoggingDataType type, byte[] metadata); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Diagnostics.Tracing.Internal { | |
internal static class Environment { | |
private static ResourceManager rm; | |
public static readonly string NewLine; | |
public static int TickCount { get; } | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
public static string GetResourceString(string key, params object[] args); | |
public static string GetRuntimeResourceString(string key, params object[] args); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Globalization { | |
internal class CalendricalCalculationsHelper { | |
public CalendricalCalculationsHelper(); | |
} | |
public class DaylightTime { | |
private DaylightTime(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class GlobalizationAssembly { | |
public GlobalizationAssembly(); | |
internal unsafe static byte* GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(Assembly assembly, string tableName); | |
} | |
internal sealed class GlobalizationMode { | |
public GlobalizationMode(); | |
} | |
internal class HebrewNumber { | |
private HebrewNumber(); | |
} | |
internal class InternalGlobalizationHelper { | |
public InternalGlobalizationHelper(); | |
} | |
internal static class TimeSpanParse { | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.IO { | |
internal static class __Error { | |
internal static void ReaderClosed(); | |
} | |
internal static class Directory { | |
internal static string InternalGetDirectoryRoot(string path); | |
internal sealed class SearchData { | |
public readonly SearchOption searchOption; | |
public readonly string fullPath; | |
public readonly string userPath; | |
public SearchData(string fullPath, string userPath, SearchOption searchOption); | |
} | |
} | |
internal class DriveNotFoundException : IOException { | |
public DriveNotFoundException(); | |
protected DriveNotFoundException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); | |
} | |
internal static class File { | |
public static byte[] ReadAllBytes(string path); | |
} | |
public class FileLoadException : IOException { | |
private FileLoadException(string fileName, string fusionLog, int hResult); | |
} | |
public class FileNotFoundException : IOException { | |
private FileNotFoundException(string fileName, string fusionLog, int hResult); | |
} | |
public class FileStream : Stream { | |
} | |
internal class PathHelper { | |
public PathHelper(); | |
} | |
internal static class PathInternal { | |
internal static void CheckSearchPattern(string searchPattern); | |
internal static string TrimEndingDirectorySeparator(string path); | |
} | |
internal enum SearchOption { | |
AllDirectories = 1, | |
TopDirectoryOnly = 0, | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Reflection { | |
public abstract class Assembly : ICustomAttributeProvider, ISerializable { | |
internal static Type GetType_Compat(string assemblyString, string typeName); | |
} | |
public sealed class AssemblyName : ICloneable, IDeserializationCallback, ISerializable { | |
private string nToString(); | |
internal void SetHashControl(byte[] hash, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm); | |
} | |
internal static class CustomAttribute { | |
internal static bool IsAttributeDefined(RuntimeModule decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int attributeCtorToken); | |
} | |
internal class MetadataException : Exception { | |
private int m_hr; | |
internal MetadataException(int hr); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
} | |
internal struct MetadataImport { | |
internal static void ThrowError(int hResult); | |
} | |
public abstract class MethodBase : MemberInfo { | |
internal string FullName { get; } | |
private IntPtr GetMethodDesc(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class RtFieldInfo : RuntimeFieldInfo, IRuntimeFieldInfo { | |
internal string FullName { get; } | |
internal IntPtr GetFieldHandle(); | |
private RuntimeAssembly GetRuntimeAssembly(); | |
} | |
internal class RuntimeAssembly : Assembly { | |
private RuntimeModule OnModuleResolveEvent(string moduleName); | |
} | |
internal sealed class RuntimeConstructorInfo : ConstructorInfo, IRuntimeMethodInfo { | |
private object _empty1; | |
private object _empty2; | |
private object _empty3; | |
internal RuntimeAssembly GetRuntimeAssembly(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class RuntimeEventInfo : EventInfo { | |
internal RuntimeEventInfo(); | |
} | |
internal abstract class RuntimeFieldInfo : FieldInfo { | |
protected RuntimeFieldInfo(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class RuntimeMethodInfo : MethodInfo, IRuntimeMethodInfo { | |
internal RuntimeAssembly GetRuntimeAssembly(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class RuntimeParameterInfo : ParameterInfo { | |
internal MethodBase DefiningMethod { get; } | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Reflection.Emit { | |
internal sealed class __ExceptionInfo { | |
private __ExceptionInfo(); | |
} | |
public sealed class AssemblyBuilder : Assembly { | |
private AssemblyBuilder(); | |
} | |
internal class AssemblyBuilderData { | |
internal bool m_hasUnmanagedVersionInfo; | |
internal bool m_isSaved; | |
internal bool m_OverrideUnmanagedVersionInfo; | |
internal byte[] m_resourceBytes; | |
internal int m_iPublicComTypeCount; | |
internal Assembly m_ISymWrapperAssembly; | |
internal NativeVersionInfo m_nativeVersion; | |
internal string m_strResourceFileName; | |
internal Type[] m_publicComTypeList; | |
} | |
public sealed class ConstructorBuilder : ConstructorInfo { | |
private ConstructorBuilder(); | |
} | |
public sealed class DynamicMethod : MethodInfo { | |
private DynamicMethod(); | |
internal class RTDynamicMethod : MethodInfo { | |
private RTDynamicMethod(); | |
} | |
} | |
internal class DynamicResolver : Resolver { | |
private static int CalculateNumberOfExceptions(__ExceptionInfo[] excp); | |
internal override byte[] GetCodeInfo(ref int stackSize, ref int initLocals, ref int EHCount); | |
internal unsafe override void GetEHInfo(int excNumber, void* exc); | |
internal override RuntimeType GetJitContext(ref int securityControlFlags); | |
internal override byte[] GetLocalsSignature(); | |
internal override byte[] GetRawEHInfo(); | |
internal override string GetStringLiteral(int token); | |
internal override byte[] ResolveSignature(int token, int fromMethod); | |
internal override void ResolveToken(int token, out IntPtr typeHandle, out IntPtr methodHandle, out IntPtr fieldHandle); | |
internal enum SecurityControlFlags { | |
CanSkipCSEvaluation = 8, | |
Default = 0, | |
HasCreationContext = 4, | |
RestrictedSkipVisibilityChecks = 2, | |
SkipVisibilityChecks = 1, | |
} | |
} | |
internal class DynamicScope { | |
internal string GetString(int token); | |
internal byte[] ResolveSignature(int token, int fromMethod); | |
} | |
public sealed class EnumBuilder : TypeInfo { | |
private EnumBuilder(); | |
} | |
public sealed class EventBuilder { | |
private EventBuilder(); | |
} | |
internal struct ExceptionHandler : IEquatable<ExceptionHandler> { | |
public static bool operator ==(ExceptionHandler left, ExceptionHandler right); | |
public static bool operator !=(ExceptionHandler left, ExceptionHandler right); | |
} | |
public sealed class LocalBuilder : LocalVariableInfo { | |
private LocalBuilder(); | |
} | |
public sealed class MethodBuilder : MethodInfo { | |
private ParameterBuilder m_retParam; | |
} | |
internal class ModuleBuilderData { | |
internal bool m_isSaved; | |
internal byte[] m_resourceBytes; | |
internal string m_strResourceFileName; | |
} | |
internal class NativeVersionInfo { | |
internal int m_lcid; | |
internal string m_strCompany; | |
internal string m_strCopyright; | |
internal string m_strDescription; | |
internal string m_strFileVersion; | |
internal string m_strProduct; | |
internal string m_strProductVersion; | |
internal string m_strTitle; | |
internal string m_strTrademark; | |
internal NativeVersionInfo(); | |
} | |
public class OpCodes { | |
private OpCodes(); | |
} | |
public class ParameterBuilder { | |
private ParameterBuilder(); | |
} | |
public sealed class PropertyBuilder : PropertyInfo { | |
private PropertyBuilder(); | |
} | |
internal class ResWriterData { | |
internal Stream m_memoryStream; | |
internal ResWriterData m_nextResWriter; | |
internal ResourceAttributes m_attribute; | |
internal string m_strFileName; | |
internal string m_strFullFileName; | |
internal string m_strName; | |
public ResWriterData(); | |
} | |
internal class SymWrapperCore { | |
private SymWrapperCore(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Resources { | |
public class ResourceManager { | |
} | |
public sealed class ResourceReader : IDisposable, IEnumerable, IResourceReader { | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime { | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { | |
internal class ArrayPinningHelper { | |
public byte m_arrayData; | |
public IntPtr m_lengthAndPadding; | |
} | |
internal struct AsyncMethodBuilderCore { | |
internal static Action TryGetStateMachineForDebugger(Action action); | |
} | |
public struct AsyncTaskMethodBuilder { | |
private object ObjectIdForDebugger { get; } | |
internal void SetNotificationForWaitCompletion(bool enabled); | |
} | |
public struct AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult> { | |
private object ObjectIdForDebugger { get; } | |
internal void SetNotificationForWaitCompletion(bool enabled); | |
} | |
public struct AsyncVoidMethodBuilder { | |
private object ObjectIdForDebugger { get; } | |
} | |
internal class ICastableHelpers { | |
public ICastableHelpers(); | |
internal static RuntimeType GetImplType(ICastable castable, RuntimeType interfaceType); | |
internal static bool IsInstanceOfInterface(ICastable castable, RuntimeType type, out Exception castError); | |
} | |
public static class RuntimeHelpers { | |
internal static void ExecuteBackoutCodeHelper(object backoutCode, object userData, bool exceptionThrown); | |
} | |
internal static class Unsafe { | |
public static void WriteUnaligned<T>(ref byte destination, T value); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution { | |
internal sealed class PrePrepareMethodAttribute : Attribute { | |
public PrePrepareMethodAttribute(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices { | |
public abstract class CriticalHandle : CriticalFinalizerObject, IDisposable { | |
private CriticalHandle(); | |
} | |
public static class Marshal { | |
internal static void InitializeWrapperForWinRT(object o, ref IntPtr pUnk); | |
private static IntPtr LoadLicenseManager(); | |
} | |
internal enum PInvokeMap { | |
BestFitDisabled = 32, | |
BestFitEnabled = 16, | |
BestFitMask = 48, | |
BestFitUseAsm = 48, | |
CallConvCdecl = 512, | |
CallConvFastcall = 1280, | |
CallConvMask = 1792, | |
CallConvStdcall = 768, | |
CallConvThiscall = 1024, | |
CallConvWinapi = 256, | |
CharSetAnsi = 2, | |
CharSetAuto = 6, | |
CharSetMask = 6, | |
CharSetNotSpec = 0, | |
CharSetUnicode = 4, | |
NoMangle = 1, | |
PinvokeOLE = 32, | |
SupportsLastError = 64, | |
ThrowOnUnmappableCharDisabled = 8192, | |
ThrowOnUnmappableCharEnabled = 4096, | |
ThrowOnUnmappableCharMask = 12288, | |
ThrowOnUnmappableCharUseAsm = 12288, | |
} | |
internal static class RuntimeEnvironment { | |
internal static string GetModuleFileName(); | |
} | |
internal struct StringBuffer { | |
public bool Contains(char value); | |
public void TrimEnd(char[] values); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando { | |
internal interface IExpando : IReflect { | |
FieldInfo AddField(string name); | |
void RemoveMember(MemberInfo m); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime { | |
internal sealed class BindableIterableToEnumerableAdapter { | |
private BindableIterableToEnumerableAdapter(); | |
internal IEnumerator GetEnumerator_Stub(); | |
private sealed class NonGenericToGenericIterator : IIterator<object> { | |
private IBindableIterator iterator; | |
public NonGenericToGenericIterator(IBindableIterator iterator); | |
public object Current { get; } | |
public bool HasCurrent { get; } | |
public int GetMany(object[] items); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class BindableVectorToCollectionAdapter { | |
private BindableVectorToCollectionAdapter(); | |
internal void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); | |
internal int Count(); | |
internal bool IsSynchronized(); | |
internal object SyncRoot(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class BindableVectorToListAdapter { | |
private BindableVectorToListAdapter(); | |
internal int Add(object value); | |
internal void Clear(); | |
internal bool Contains(object item); | |
private static object GetAt(IBindableVector _this, uint index); | |
internal object Indexer_Get(int index); | |
internal void Indexer_Set(int index, object value); | |
internal int IndexOf(object item); | |
internal void Insert(int index, object item); | |
private static void InsertAtHelper(IBindableVector _this, uint index, object item); | |
internal bool IsFixedSize(); | |
internal bool IsReadOnly(); | |
internal void Remove(object item); | |
internal void RemoveAt(int index); | |
private static void RemoveAtHelper(IBindableVector _this, uint index); | |
private static void SetAt(IBindableVector _this, uint index, object value); | |
} | |
internal sealed class CLRIKeyValuePairImpl<K, V> : IGetProxyTarget, IKeyValuePair<K, V> { | |
private readonly KeyValuePair<K, V> _pair; | |
public CLRIKeyValuePairImpl(ref KeyValuePair<K, V> pair); | |
public K Key { get; } | |
public V Value { get; } | |
internal static object BoxHelper(object pair); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IGetProxyTarget.GetTarget(); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
internal static object UnboxHelper(object wrapper); | |
} | |
internal class CLRIPropertyValueImpl : IPropertyValue { | |
private object _data; | |
private PropertyType _type; | |
private static Tuple<Type, PropertyType>[] s_numericScalarTypes; | |
internal CLRIPropertyValueImpl(PropertyType type, object data); | |
public bool IsNumericScalar { get; } | |
private static Tuple<Type, PropertyType>[] NumericScalarTypes { get; } | |
public PropertyType Type { get; } | |
private T[] CoerceArrayValue<T>(PropertyType unboxType); | |
private T CoerceScalarValue<T>(PropertyType unboxType); | |
private static T CoerceScalarValue<T>(PropertyType type, object value); | |
public bool GetBoolean(); | |
public bool[] GetBooleanArray(); | |
public char GetChar16(); | |
public char[] GetChar16Array(); | |
public DateTimeOffset GetDateTime(); | |
public DateTimeOffset[] GetDateTimeArray(); | |
public double GetDouble(); | |
public double[] GetDoubleArray(); | |
public Guid GetGuid(); | |
public Guid[] GetGuidArray(); | |
public object[] GetInspectableArray(); | |
public short GetInt16(); | |
public short[] GetInt16Array(); | |
public int GetInt32(); | |
public int[] GetInt32Array(); | |
public long GetInt64(); | |
public long[] GetInt64Array(); | |
public Point GetPoint(); | |
public Point[] GetPointArray(); | |
public Rect GetRect(); | |
public Rect[] GetRectArray(); | |
public float GetSingle(); | |
public float[] GetSingleArray(); | |
public Size GetSize(); | |
public Size[] GetSizeArray(); | |
public string GetString(); | |
public string[] GetStringArray(); | |
public TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(); | |
public TimeSpan[] GetTimeSpanArray(); | |
public ushort GetUInt16(); | |
public ushort[] GetUInt16Array(); | |
public uint GetUInt32(); | |
public uint[] GetUInt32Array(); | |
public ulong GetUInt64(); | |
public ulong[] GetUInt64Array(); | |
public byte GetUInt8(); | |
public byte[] GetUInt8Array(); | |
private static bool IsCoercable(PropertyType type, object data); | |
private static bool IsNumericScalarImpl(PropertyType type, object data); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
private T Unbox<T>(Type expectedBoxedType) where T : struct; | |
private T[] UnboxArray<T>(Type expectedArrayElementType) where T : struct; | |
} | |
internal sealed class CLRIReferenceArrayImpl<T> : CLRIPropertyValueImpl, ICollection, IEnumerable, IGetProxyTarget, IList, IPropertyValue, IReferenceArray<T> { | |
private IList _list; | |
private T[] _value; | |
public CLRIReferenceArrayImpl(PropertyType type, T[] obj); | |
int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; } | |
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get; set; } | |
public T[] Value { get; } | |
void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value); | |
void System.Collections.IList.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value); | |
int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value); | |
void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value); | |
void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value); | |
void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IGetProxyTarget.GetTarget(); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
internal static object UnboxHelper(object wrapper); | |
} | |
internal sealed class CLRIReferenceImpl<T> : CLRIPropertyValueImpl, IGetProxyTarget, IPropertyValue, IReference<T> { | |
private T _value; | |
public CLRIReferenceImpl(PropertyType type, T obj); | |
public T Value { get; } | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IGetProxyTarget.GetTarget(); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
internal static object UnboxHelper(object wrapper); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ConstantSplittableMap<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IMapView<TKey, TValue> { | |
private static readonly ConstantSplittableMap<TKey, TValue>.KeyValuePairComparator keyValuePairComparator; | |
private readonly KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] items; | |
private readonly int firstItemIndex; | |
private readonly int lastItemIndex; | |
internal ConstantSplittableMap(IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> data); | |
private ConstantSplittableMap(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] items, int firstItemIndex, int lastItemIndex); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
public uint Size { get; } | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
private KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] CreateKeyValueArray(int count, IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> data); | |
public IIterator<IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> First(); | |
public IEnumerator<IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> GetEnumerator(); | |
public bool HasKey(TKey key); | |
public TValue Lookup(TKey key); | |
public void Split(out IMapView<TKey, TValue> firstPartition, out IMapView<TKey, TValue> secondPartition); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value); | |
internal struct IKeyValuePairEnumerator : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> { | |
private KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] _array; | |
private int _current; | |
private int _end; | |
private int _start; | |
internal IKeyValuePairEnumerator(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] items, int first, int end); | |
public IKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public void Dispose(); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); | |
} | |
private class KeyValuePairComparator : IComparer<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> { | |
private static readonly IComparer<TKey> keyComparator; | |
public KeyValuePairComparator(); | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
public int Compare(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> x, KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> y); | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class CustomPropertyImpl : ICustomProperty { | |
private PropertyInfo m_property; | |
public CustomPropertyImpl(PropertyInfo propertyInfo); | |
public bool CanRead { get; } | |
public bool CanWrite { get; } | |
public string Name { get; } | |
public Type Type { get; } | |
public object GetValue(object target); | |
public object GetValue(object target, object indexValue); | |
private object InvokeInternal(object target, object[] args, bool getValue); | |
public void SetValue(object target, object value); | |
public void SetValue(object target, object value, object indexValue); | |
} | |
internal class DesignerNamespaceResolveEventArgs : EventArgs { | |
private Collection<string> _ResolvedAssemblyFiles; | |
private string _NamespaceName; | |
public DesignerNamespaceResolveEventArgs(string namespaceName); | |
public Collection<string> ResolvedAssemblyFiles { get; } | |
} | |
internal sealed class DictionaryKeyCollection<TKey, TValue> : ICollection<TKey>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TKey> { | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public DictionaryKeyCollection(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
public bool Contains(TKey item); | |
public void CopyTo(TKey[] array, int index); | |
public IEnumerator<TKey> GetEnumerator(); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Add(TKey item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Remove(TKey item); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class DictionaryKeyEnumerator<TKey, TValue> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<TKey> { | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> enumeration; | |
public DictionaryKeyEnumerator(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public TKey Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class DictionaryToMapAdapter { | |
private DictionaryToMapAdapter(); | |
internal void Clear<K, V>(); | |
internal IReadOnlyDictionary<K, V> GetView<K, V>(); | |
internal bool HasKey<K, V>(K key); | |
internal bool Insert<K, V>(K key, V value); | |
internal V Lookup<K, V>(K key); | |
internal void Remove<K, V>(K key); | |
internal uint Size<K, V>(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class DictionaryValueCollection<TKey, TValue> : ICollection<TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TValue> { | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public DictionaryValueCollection(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public int Count { get; } | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly { get; } | |
public bool Contains(TValue item); | |
public void CopyTo(TValue[] array, int index); | |
public IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator(); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Add(TValue item); | |
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Clear(); | |
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Remove(TValue item); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class DictionaryValueEnumerator<TKey, TValue> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<TValue> { | |
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> enumeration; | |
public DictionaryValueEnumerator(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public TValue Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class EnumerableToBindableIterableAdapter { | |
private EnumerableToBindableIterableAdapter(); | |
internal IBindableIterator First_Stub(); | |
internal sealed class NonGenericToGenericEnumerator : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<object> { | |
private IEnumerator enumerator; | |
public NonGenericToGenericEnumerator(IEnumerator enumerator); | |
public object Current { get; } | |
public void Dispose(); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class EnumerableToIterableAdapter { | |
private EnumerableToIterableAdapter(); | |
internal IIterator<T> First_Stub<T>(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class EnumeratorToIteratorAdapter<T> : IBindableIterator, IIterator<T> { | |
private bool m_firstItem; | |
private bool m_hasCurrent; | |
private IEnumerator<T> m_enumerator; | |
internal EnumeratorToIteratorAdapter(IEnumerator<T> enumerator); | |
public T Current { get; } | |
public bool HasCurrent { get; } | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableIterator.Current { get; } | |
public int GetMany(T[] items); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
} | |
public sealed class EventRegistrationTokenTable<T> where T : class { | |
internal T ExtractHandler(EventRegistrationToken token); | |
} | |
internal delegate IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator_Delegate<out T>(); | |
internal interface IBindableIterable { | |
IBindableIterator First(); | |
} | |
internal interface IBindableIterator { | |
object Current { get; } | |
bool HasCurrent { get; } | |
bool MoveNext(); | |
} | |
internal interface IBindableVector : IBindableIterable { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
void Append(object value); | |
void Clear(); | |
object GetAt(uint index); | |
IBindableVectorView GetView(); | |
bool IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
void InsertAt(uint index, object value); | |
void RemoveAt(uint index); | |
void RemoveAtEnd(); | |
void SetAt(uint index, object value); | |
} | |
internal interface IBindableVectorView : IBindableIterable { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
object GetAt(uint index); | |
bool IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
} | |
internal interface IClosable { | |
void Close(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IClosableToIDisposableAdapter { | |
private IClosableToIDisposableAdapter(); | |
private void Dispose(); | |
} | |
internal interface ICustomProperty { | |
bool CanRead { get; } | |
bool CanWrite { get; } | |
string Name { get; } | |
Type Type { get; } | |
object GetValue(object target); | |
object GetValue(object target, object indexValue); | |
void SetValue(object target, object value); | |
void SetValue(object target, object value, object indexValue); | |
} | |
internal static class ICustomPropertyProviderImpl { | |
internal unsafe static ICustomProperty CreateIndexedProperty(object target, string propertyName, TypeNameNative* pIndexedParamType); | |
internal static ICustomProperty CreateIndexedProperty(object target, string propertyName, Type indexedParamType); | |
internal static ICustomProperty CreateProperty(object target, string propertyName); | |
internal unsafe static void GetType(object target, TypeNameNative* pIndexedParamType); | |
} | |
internal class ICustomPropertyProviderProxy<T1, T2> : IBindableIterable, IBindableVector, IBindableVectorView, ICustomQueryInterface, IEnumerable, IGetProxyTarget { | |
private object _target; | |
private InterfaceForwardingSupport _flags; | |
internal ICustomPropertyProviderProxy(object target, InterfaceForwardingSupport flags); | |
uint System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.Size { get; } | |
uint System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.Size { get; } | |
private static T ConvertTo<T>(object value); | |
internal static object CreateInstance(object target); | |
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); | |
private IBindableVector GetIBindableVectorNoThrow(); | |
private IBindableVectorView GetIBindableVectorViewNoThrow(); | |
public CustomQueryInterfaceResult GetInterface(ref Guid iid, out IntPtr ppv); | |
private IVector_Raw<T1> GetVectorOfT(); | |
private IVectorView<T2> GetVectorViewOfT(); | |
IBindableIterator System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableIterable.First(); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.Append(object value); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.Clear(); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.GetAt(uint index); | |
IBindableVectorView System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.GetView(); | |
bool System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.InsertAt(uint index, object value); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.RemoveAt(uint index); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.RemoveAtEnd(); | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVector.SetAt(uint index, object value); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.GetAt(uint index); | |
bool System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IGetProxyTarget.GetTarget(); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
private sealed class IteratorOfTToIteratorAdapter<T> : IBindableIterator { | |
private IIterator<T> _iterator; | |
public IteratorOfTToIteratorAdapter(IIterator<T> iterator); | |
public object Current { get; } | |
public bool HasCurrent { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
} | |
private sealed class IVectorViewToIBindableVectorViewAdapter<T> : IBindableIterable, IBindableVectorView { | |
private IVectorView<T> _vectorView; | |
public IVectorViewToIBindableVectorViewAdapter(IVectorView<T> vectorView); | |
uint System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.Size { get; } | |
IBindableIterator System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableIterable.First(); | |
object System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.GetAt(uint index); | |
bool System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IBindableVectorView.IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class IDisposableToIClosableAdapter { | |
private IDisposableToIClosableAdapter(); | |
public void Close(); | |
} | |
internal interface IGetProxyTarget { | |
object GetTarget(); | |
} | |
internal interface IIterable<T> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T> { | |
IIterator<T> First(); | |
} | |
internal interface IIterator<T> { | |
T Current { get; } | |
bool HasCurrent { get; } | |
int GetMany(T[] items); | |
bool MoveNext(); | |
} | |
internal interface IKeyValuePair<K, V> { | |
K Key { get; } | |
V Value { get; } | |
} | |
internal interface IManagedActivationFactory { | |
void RunClassConstructor(); | |
} | |
internal interface IMap<K, V> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
void Clear(); | |
IReadOnlyDictionary<K, V> GetView(); | |
bool HasKey(K key); | |
bool Insert(K key, V value); | |
V Lookup(K key); | |
void Remove(K key); | |
} | |
internal interface IMapView<K, V> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
bool HasKey(K key); | |
V Lookup(K key); | |
void Split(out IMapView<K, V> first, out IMapView<K, V> second); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IMapViewToIReadOnlyDictionaryAdapter { | |
private IMapViewToIReadOnlyDictionaryAdapter(); | |
internal bool ContainsKey<K, V>(K key); | |
internal V Indexer_Get<K, V>(K key); | |
internal IEnumerable<K> Keys<K, V>(); | |
private static V Lookup<K, V>(IMapView<K, V> _this, K key); | |
internal bool TryGetValue<K, V>(K key, out V value); | |
internal IEnumerable<V> Values<K, V>(); | |
} | |
internal delegate T Indexer_Get_Delegate<out T>(int index); | |
internal enum InterfaceForwardingSupport { | |
IBindableIterableOrIIterable = 16, | |
IBindableVector = 1, | |
IBindableVectorView = 4, | |
IVector = 2, | |
IVectorView = 8, | |
None = 0, | |
} | |
internal interface IPropertyValue { | |
bool IsNumericScalar { get; } | |
PropertyType Type { get; } | |
bool GetBoolean(); | |
bool[] GetBooleanArray(); | |
char GetChar16(); | |
char[] GetChar16Array(); | |
DateTimeOffset GetDateTime(); | |
DateTimeOffset[] GetDateTimeArray(); | |
double GetDouble(); | |
double[] GetDoubleArray(); | |
Guid GetGuid(); | |
Guid[] GetGuidArray(); | |
object[] GetInspectableArray(); | |
short GetInt16(); | |
short[] GetInt16Array(); | |
int GetInt32(); | |
int[] GetInt32Array(); | |
long GetInt64(); | |
long[] GetInt64Array(); | |
Point GetPoint(); | |
Point[] GetPointArray(); | |
Rect GetRect(); | |
Rect[] GetRectArray(); | |
float GetSingle(); | |
float[] GetSingleArray(); | |
Size GetSize(); | |
Size[] GetSizeArray(); | |
string GetString(); | |
string[] GetStringArray(); | |
TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(); | |
TimeSpan[] GetTimeSpanArray(); | |
ushort GetUInt16(); | |
ushort[] GetUInt16Array(); | |
uint GetUInt32(); | |
uint[] GetUInt32Array(); | |
ulong GetUInt64(); | |
ulong[] GetUInt64Array(); | |
byte GetUInt8(); | |
byte[] GetUInt8Array(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IReadOnlyDictionaryToIMapViewAdapter { | |
private IReadOnlyDictionaryToIMapViewAdapter(); | |
internal bool HasKey<K, V>(K key); | |
internal V Lookup<K, V>(K key); | |
internal uint Size<K, V>(); | |
internal void Split<K, V>(out IMapView<K, V> first, out IMapView<K, V> second); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IReadOnlyListToIVectorViewAdapter { | |
private IReadOnlyListToIVectorViewAdapter(); | |
private static void EnsureIndexInt32(uint index, int listCapacity); | |
internal T GetAt<T>(uint index); | |
internal uint GetMany<T>(uint startIndex, T[] items); | |
internal bool IndexOf<T>(T value, out uint index); | |
internal uint Size<T>(); | |
} | |
internal interface IReference<T> : IPropertyValue { | |
T Value { get; } | |
} | |
internal interface IReferenceArray<T> : IPropertyValue { | |
T[] Value { get; } | |
} | |
internal static class IReferenceFactory { | |
internal static readonly Type s_pointType; | |
internal static readonly Type s_rectType; | |
internal static readonly Type s_sizeType; | |
private static void .cctor(); | |
internal static object CreateIReference(object obj); | |
internal static object CreateIReferenceArray(Array obj); | |
} | |
internal interface IRestrictedErrorInfo { | |
void GetErrorDetails(out string description, out int error, out string restrictedDescription, out string capabilitySid); | |
void GetReference(out string reference); | |
} | |
internal class IStringableHelper { | |
public IStringableHelper(); | |
internal static string ToString(object obj); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IterableToEnumerableAdapter { | |
private IterableToEnumerableAdapter(); | |
internal IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator_Stub<T>(); | |
internal IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator_Variance_Stub<T>() where T : class; | |
} | |
internal sealed class IteratorToEnumeratorAdapter<T> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<T> { | |
private bool m_hadCurrent; | |
private bool m_isInitialized; | |
private IIterator<T> m_iterator; | |
private T m_current; | |
internal IteratorToEnumeratorAdapter(IIterator<T> iterator); | |
public T Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public void Dispose(); | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
} | |
internal interface IVector<T> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IIterable<T> { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
void Append(T value); | |
void Clear(); | |
T GetAt(uint index); | |
uint GetMany(uint startIndex, T[] items); | |
IReadOnlyList<T> GetView(); | |
bool IndexOf(T value, out uint index); | |
void InsertAt(uint index, T value); | |
void RemoveAt(uint index); | |
void RemoveAtEnd(); | |
void ReplaceAll(T[] items); | |
void SetAt(uint index, T value); | |
} | |
internal interface IVector_Raw<T> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IIterable<T> { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
void Append(T value); | |
void Clear(); | |
T GetAt(uint index); | |
IVectorView<T> GetView(); | |
bool IndexOf(T value, out uint index); | |
void InsertAt(uint index, T value); | |
void RemoveAt(uint index); | |
void RemoveAtEnd(); | |
void SetAt(uint index, T value); | |
} | |
internal interface IVectorView<T> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IIterable<T> { | |
uint Size { get; } | |
T GetAt(uint index); | |
uint GetMany(uint startIndex, T[] items); | |
bool IndexOf(T value, out uint index); | |
} | |
internal sealed class IVectorViewToIReadOnlyListAdapter { | |
private IVectorViewToIReadOnlyListAdapter(); | |
internal T Indexer_Get<T>(int index); | |
internal T Indexer_Get_Variance<T>(int index) where T : class; | |
} | |
internal sealed class ListToBindableVectorAdapter { | |
private ListToBindableVectorAdapter(); | |
internal void Append(object value); | |
internal void Clear(); | |
private static void EnsureIndexInt32(uint index, int listCapacity); | |
internal object GetAt(uint index); | |
internal IBindableVectorView GetView(); | |
internal bool IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
internal void InsertAt(uint index, object value); | |
internal void RemoveAt(uint index); | |
internal void RemoveAtEnd(); | |
internal void SetAt(uint index, object value); | |
internal uint Size(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ListToBindableVectorViewAdapter : IBindableIterable, IBindableVectorView { | |
private readonly IList list; | |
internal ListToBindableVectorViewAdapter(IList list); | |
public uint Size { get; } | |
private static void EnsureIndexInt32(uint index, int listCapacity); | |
public IBindableIterator First(); | |
public object GetAt(uint index); | |
public bool IndexOf(object value, out uint index); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ListToVectorAdapter { | |
private ListToVectorAdapter(); | |
internal void Append<T>(T value); | |
internal void Clear<T>(); | |
private static void EnsureIndexInt32(uint index, int listCapacity); | |
internal T GetAt<T>(uint index); | |
internal uint GetMany<T>(uint startIndex, T[] items); | |
private static uint GetManyHelper<T>(IList<T> sourceList, uint startIndex, T[] items); | |
internal IReadOnlyList<T> GetView<T>(); | |
internal bool IndexOf<T>(T value, out uint index); | |
internal void InsertAt<T>(uint index, T value); | |
internal void RemoveAt<T>(uint index); | |
internal void RemoveAtEnd<T>(); | |
internal void ReplaceAll<T>(T[] items); | |
internal void SetAt<T>(uint index, T value); | |
internal uint Size<T>(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ManagedActivationFactory : IActivationFactory, IManagedActivationFactory { | |
void System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IManagedActivationFactory.RunClassConstructor(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class MapToCollectionAdapter { | |
private MapToCollectionAdapter(); | |
internal void Add<K, V>(KeyValuePair<K, V> item); | |
internal void Clear<K, V>(); | |
internal bool Contains<K, V>(KeyValuePair<K, V> item); | |
internal void CopyTo<K, V>(KeyValuePair<K, V>[] array, int arrayIndex); | |
internal int Count<K, V>(); | |
internal bool IsReadOnly<K, V>(); | |
internal bool Remove<K, V>(KeyValuePair<K, V> item); | |
} | |
internal sealed class MapToDictionaryAdapter { | |
private MapToDictionaryAdapter(); | |
internal void Add<K, V>(K key, V value); | |
internal bool ContainsKey<K, V>(K key); | |
internal V Indexer_Get<K, V>(K key); | |
internal void Indexer_Set<K, V>(K key, V value); | |
private static bool Insert<K, V>(IMap<K, V> _this, K key, V value); | |
internal ICollection<K> Keys<K, V>(); | |
private static V Lookup<K, V>(IMap<K, V> _this, K key); | |
internal bool Remove<K, V>(K key); | |
internal bool TryGetValue<K, V>(K key, out V value); | |
internal ICollection<V> Values<K, V>(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class MapViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter { | |
private MapViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter(); | |
internal int Count<K, V>(); | |
} | |
internal enum PropertyType { | |
Boolean = 11, | |
BooleanArray = 1035, | |
Char16 = 10, | |
Char16Array = 1034, | |
DateTime = 14, | |
DateTimeArray = 1038, | |
Double = 9, | |
DoubleArray = 1033, | |
Empty = 0, | |
Guid = 16, | |
GuidArray = 1040, | |
Inspectable = 13, | |
InspectableArray = 1037, | |
Int16 = 2, | |
Int16Array = 1026, | |
Int32 = 4, | |
Int32Array = 1028, | |
Int64 = 6, | |
Int64Array = 1030, | |
Other = 20, | |
OtherArray = 1044, | |
Point = 17, | |
PointArray = 1041, | |
Rect = 19, | |
RectArray = 1043, | |
Single = 8, | |
SingleArray = 1032, | |
Size = 18, | |
SizeArray = 1042, | |
String = 12, | |
StringArray = 1036, | |
TimeSpan = 15, | |
TimeSpanArray = 1039, | |
UInt16 = 3, | |
UInt16Array = 1027, | |
UInt32 = 5, | |
UInt32Array = 1029, | |
UInt64 = 7, | |
UInt64Array = 1031, | |
UInt8 = 1, | |
UInt8Array = 1025, | |
} | |
internal sealed class ReadOnlyDictionaryKeyCollection<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TKey> { | |
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public ReadOnlyDictionaryKeyCollection(IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public IEnumerator<TKey> GetEnumerator(); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ReadOnlyDictionaryKeyEnumerator<TKey, TValue> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<TKey> { | |
private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> enumeration; | |
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public ReadOnlyDictionaryKeyEnumerator(IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public TKey Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ReadOnlyDictionaryValueCollection<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<TValue> { | |
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public ReadOnlyDictionaryValueCollection(IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator(); | |
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ReadOnlyDictionaryValueEnumerator<TKey, TValue> : IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<TValue> { | |
private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> enumeration; | |
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary; | |
public ReadOnlyDictionaryValueEnumerator(IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary); | |
public TValue Current { get; } | |
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } | |
public bool MoveNext(); | |
public void Reset(); | |
void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); | |
} | |
internal abstract class RuntimeClass : __ComObject { | |
protected RuntimeClass(); | |
public override bool Equals(object obj); | |
public override int GetHashCode(); | |
internal IntPtr GetRedirectedEqualsMD(); | |
internal IntPtr GetRedirectedGetHashCodeMD(); | |
internal IntPtr GetRedirectedToStringMD(); | |
internal bool RedirectEquals(object obj, IntPtr pMD); | |
internal int RedirectGetHashCode(IntPtr pMD); | |
internal string RedirectToString(IntPtr pMD); | |
public override string ToString(); | |
} | |
internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods { | |
internal unsafe static extern int WindowsCreateStringReference(char* sourceString, int length, HSTRING_HEADER* hstringHeader, IntPtr* hstring); | |
} | |
internal sealed class VectorToCollectionAdapter { | |
private VectorToCollectionAdapter(); | |
internal void Add<T>(T item); | |
internal void Clear<T>(); | |
internal bool Contains<T>(T item); | |
internal void CopyTo<T>(T[] array, int arrayIndex); | |
internal int Count<T>(); | |
internal bool IsReadOnly<T>(); | |
internal bool Remove<T>(T item); | |
} | |
internal sealed class VectorToListAdapter { | |
private VectorToListAdapter(); | |
internal static T GetAt<T>(IVector<T> _this, uint index); | |
internal T Indexer_Get<T>(int index); | |
internal void Indexer_Set<T>(int index, T value); | |
internal int IndexOf<T>(T item); | |
internal void Insert<T>(int index, T item); | |
private static void InsertAtHelper<T>(IVector<T> _this, uint index, T item); | |
internal void RemoveAt<T>(int index); | |
internal static void RemoveAtHelper<T>(IVector<T> _this, uint index); | |
private static void SetAt<T>(IVector<T> _this, uint index, T value); | |
} | |
internal sealed class VectorViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter { | |
private VectorViewToReadOnlyCollectionAdapter(); | |
internal int Count<T>(); | |
} | |
internal delegate void WindowsFoundationEventHandler<T>(object sender, T args); | |
internal static class WindowsRuntimeBufferHelper { | |
internal unsafe static void StoreOverlappedInCCW(object windowsRuntimeBuffer, NativeOverlapped* overlapped); | |
private unsafe static extern void StoreOverlappedPtrInCCW(ObjectHandleOnStack windowsRuntimeBuffer, NativeOverlapped* overlapped); | |
} | |
internal sealed class WindowsRuntimeImportAttribute : Attribute { | |
internal WindowsRuntimeImportAttribute(); | |
} | |
public static class WindowsRuntimeMarshal { | |
internal static IntPtr GetActivationFactoryForType(Type type); | |
internal static Exception GetExceptionForHR(int hresult, Exception innerException); | |
internal static Exception GetExceptionForHR(int hresult, Exception innerException, string messageResource); | |
internal static int GetRegistrationTokenCacheSize(); | |
} | |
internal static class WindowsRuntimeMetadata { | |
private static EventHandler<DesignerNamespaceResolveEventArgs> DesignerNamespaceResolve; | |
internal static string[] OnDesignerNamespaceResolveEvent(AppDomain appDomain, string namespaceName); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Runtime.Serialization { | |
internal class FormatterConverter : IFormatterConverter { | |
public FormatterConverter(); | |
public object Convert(object value, Type type); | |
public object Convert(object value, TypeCode typeCode); | |
public bool ToBoolean(object value); | |
public byte ToByte(object value); | |
public char ToChar(object value); | |
public DateTime ToDateTime(object value); | |
public decimal ToDecimal(object value); | |
public double ToDouble(object value); | |
public short ToInt16(object value); | |
public int ToInt32(object value); | |
public long ToInt64(object value); | |
public sbyte ToSByte(object value); | |
public float ToSingle(object value); | |
public string ToString(object value); | |
public ushort ToUInt16(object value); | |
public uint ToUInt32(object value); | |
public ulong ToUInt64(object value); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Security { | |
internal sealed class DynamicSecurityMethodAttribute : Attribute { | |
public DynamicSecurityMethodAttribute(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Security.AccessControl { | |
internal class EventWaitHandleSecurity { | |
public EventWaitHandleSecurity(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.StubHelpers { | |
internal static class AnsiBSTRMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr bstr); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(int flags, string strManaged); | |
} | |
internal static class AnsiCharMarshaler { | |
internal static char ConvertToManaged(byte nativeChar); | |
internal static byte ConvertToNative(char managedChar, bool fBestFit, bool fThrowOnUnmappableChar); | |
} | |
internal struct AsAnyMarshaler { | |
internal enum AsAnyFlags { | |
In = 268435456, | |
IsAnsi = 16711680, | |
IsBestFit = 255, | |
IsThrowOn = 65280, | |
Out = 536870912, | |
} | |
} | |
internal static class BSTRMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr bstr); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(string strManaged, IntPtr pNativeBuffer); | |
} | |
internal sealed class CleanupWorkList { | |
public void Add(CleanupWorkListElement elem); | |
} | |
internal static class CSTRMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr cstr); | |
} | |
internal static class DateMarshaler { | |
internal static long ConvertToManaged(double nativeDate); | |
internal static double ConvertToNative(DateTime managedDate); | |
} | |
internal struct DateTimeNative { | |
public long UniversalTime; | |
} | |
internal static class DateTimeOffsetMarshaler { | |
internal static void ConvertToManaged(out DateTimeOffset managedLocalDTO, ref DateTimeNative nativeTicks); | |
internal static void ConvertToNative(ref DateTimeOffset managedDTO, out DateTimeNative dateTime); | |
} | |
internal static class EventArgsMarshaler { | |
internal static IntPtr CreateNativeNCCEventArgsInstance(int action, object newItems, object oldItems, int newIndex, int oldIndex); | |
internal static extern IntPtr CreateNativeNCCEventArgsInstanceHelper(int action, IntPtr newItem, IntPtr oldItem, int newIndex, int oldIndex); | |
internal static extern IntPtr CreateNativePCEventArgsInstance(string name); | |
} | |
internal static class HResultExceptionMarshaler { | |
internal static Exception ConvertToManaged(int hr); | |
internal static int ConvertToNative(Exception ex); | |
} | |
internal static class HStringMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr hstring); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr hstring); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(string managed); | |
internal unsafe static IntPtr ConvertToNativeReference(string managed, HSTRING_HEADER* hstringHeader); | |
} | |
internal static class InterfaceMarshaler { | |
internal static extern void ClearNative(IntPtr pUnk); | |
internal static object ConvertToManaged(IntPtr pUnk, IntPtr itfMT, IntPtr classMT, int flags); | |
internal static object ConvertToManagedWithoutUnboxing(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(object objSrc, IntPtr itfMT, IntPtr classMT, int flags); | |
} | |
internal static class KeyValuePairMarshaler { | |
internal static KeyValuePair<K, V> ConvertToManaged<K, V>(IntPtr pInsp); | |
internal static object ConvertToManagedBox<K, V>(IntPtr pInsp); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative<K, V>(ref KeyValuePair<K, V> pair); | |
} | |
internal static class MngdHiddenLengthArrayMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNativeContents(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pNativeHome, int cElements); | |
internal static void ClearNativeContents_Type(IntPtr pNativeHome, int cElements); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged_DateTime(ref DateTimeOffset[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged_Exception(ref Exception[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged_KeyValuePair<K, V>(ref KeyValuePair<K, V>[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged_Nullable<T>(ref Nullable<T>[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome) where T : struct; | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged_Type(ref Type[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative_DateTime(ref DateTimeOffset[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative_Exception(ref Exception[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative_KeyValuePair<K, V>(ref KeyValuePair<K, V>[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative_Nullable<T>(ref Nullable<T>[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome) where T : struct; | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative_Type(ref Type[] managedArray, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertSpaceToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome, int elementCount); | |
internal static void ConvertSpaceToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void CreateMarshaler(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pMT, IntPtr cbElementSize, ushort vt); | |
} | |
internal static class MngdNativeArrayMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pNativeHome, int cElements); | |
internal static void ClearNativeContents(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pNativeHome, int cElements); | |
internal static void ConvertSpaceToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome, int cElements); | |
} | |
internal static class MngdRefCustomMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void CreateMarshaler(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pCMHelper); | |
} | |
internal static class MngdSafeArrayMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertContentsToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome, object pOriginalManaged); | |
internal static void ConvertSpaceToManaged(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void ConvertSpaceToNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, ref object pManagedHome, IntPtr pNativeHome); | |
internal static void CreateMarshaler(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pMT, int iRank, int dwFlags); | |
} | |
internal struct NativeVariant { | |
private IntPtr data1; | |
private IntPtr data2; | |
private ushort vt; | |
private ushort wReserved1; | |
private ushort wReserved2; | |
private ushort wReserved3; | |
} | |
internal static class NullableMarshaler { | |
internal static Nullable<T> ConvertToManaged<T>(IntPtr pNative) where T : struct; | |
internal static void ConvertToManagedRetVoid<T>(IntPtr pNative, ref Nullable<T> retObj) where T : struct; | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative<T>(ref Nullable<T> pManaged) where T : struct; | |
} | |
internal static class ObjectMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pVariant); | |
internal static object ConvertToManaged(IntPtr pSrcVariant); | |
internal static void ConvertToNative(object objSrc, IntPtr pDstVariant); | |
} | |
internal static class StubHelpers { | |
internal static IntPtr AddToCleanupList(ref CleanupWorkList pCleanupWorkList, SafeHandle handle); | |
internal static object AllocateInternal(IntPtr typeHandle); | |
internal static void ArrayTypeCheck(object o, object[] arr); | |
internal static uint CalcVaListSize(IntPtr va_list); | |
internal static void ClearLastError(); | |
internal static IntPtr CreateCustomMarshalerHelper(IntPtr pMD, int paramToken, IntPtr hndManagedType); | |
internal static void DecimalCanonicalizeInternal(ref decimal dec); | |
internal static Exception GetCOMHRExceptionObject(int hr, IntPtr pCPCMD, object pThis); | |
internal static Exception GetCOMHRExceptionObject_WinRT(int hr, IntPtr pCPCMD, object pThis); | |
internal static IntPtr GetCOMIPFromRCW(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget, out bool pfNeedsRelease); | |
internal static IntPtr GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRT(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget); | |
internal static IntPtr GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRTDelegate(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget); | |
internal static IntPtr GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRTSharedGeneric(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget); | |
internal static IntPtr GetDelegateInvokeMethod(Delegate pThis); | |
internal static IntPtr GetDelegateTarget(Delegate pThis, ref IntPtr pStubArg); | |
internal static Exception GetHRExceptionObject(int hr); | |
internal static IntPtr GetNDirectTarget(IntPtr pMD); | |
internal static IntPtr GetOuterInspectable(object pThis, IntPtr pCtorMD); | |
internal static IntPtr GetStubContext(); | |
internal static IntPtr GetStubContextAddr(); | |
internal static Delegate GetTargetForAmbiguousVariantCall(object objSrc, IntPtr pMT, out bool fUseString); | |
internal static object GetWinRTFactoryObject(IntPtr pCPCMD); | |
internal static IntPtr GetWinRTFactoryReturnValue(object pThis, IntPtr pCtorEntry); | |
internal static void InitDeclaringType(IntPtr pMD); | |
internal static Exception InternalGetCOMHRExceptionObject(int hr, IntPtr pCPCMD, object pThis, bool fForWinRT); | |
internal static Exception InternalGetHRExceptionObject(int hr); | |
internal static bool IsQCall(IntPtr pMD); | |
internal unsafe static void LayoutDestroyNativeInternal(byte* pNative, IntPtr pMT); | |
internal static void LogPinnedArgument(IntPtr localDesc, IntPtr nativeArg); | |
internal static void MarshalToManagedVaListInternal(IntPtr va_list, IntPtr pArgIterator); | |
internal static void MarshalToUnmanagedVaListInternal(IntPtr va_list, uint vaListSize, IntPtr pArgIterator); | |
internal static void MulticastDebuggerTraceHelper(object o, int count); | |
internal static IntPtr ProfilerBeginTransitionCallback(IntPtr pSecretParam, IntPtr pThread, object pThis); | |
internal static void ProfilerEndTransitionCallback(IntPtr pMD, IntPtr pThread); | |
internal static IntPtr SafeHandleAddRef(SafeHandle pHandle, ref bool success); | |
internal static void SetLastError(); | |
internal static bool ShouldCallWinRTInterface(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD); | |
internal static void StubRegisterRCW(object pThis); | |
internal static void StubUnregisterRCW(object pThis); | |
internal static void ThrowInteropParamException(int resID, int paramIdx); | |
internal static void ValidateByref(IntPtr byref, IntPtr pMD, object pThis); | |
internal static void ValidateObject(object obj, IntPtr pMD, object pThis); | |
} | |
internal static class SystemTypeMarshaler { | |
internal unsafe static void ClearNative(TypeNameNative* pNativeType); | |
internal unsafe static void ConvertToManaged(TypeNameNative* pNativeType, ref Type managedType); | |
internal unsafe static void ConvertToNative(Type managedType, TypeNameNative* pNativeType); | |
} | |
internal enum TypeKind { | |
Metadata = 1, | |
Primitive = 0, | |
Projection = 2, | |
} | |
internal struct TypeNameNative { | |
internal IntPtr typeName; | |
internal TypeKind typeKind; | |
} | |
internal static class UriMarshaler { | |
internal static IntPtr CreateNativeUriInstance(string rawUri); | |
internal unsafe static IntPtr CreateNativeUriInstanceHelper(char* rawUri, int strLen); | |
internal static string GetRawUriFromNative(IntPtr pUri); | |
} | |
internal static class UTF8BufferMarshaler { | |
internal static void ConvertToManaged(StringBuilder sb, IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(StringBuilder sb, IntPtr pNativeBuffer, int flags); | |
} | |
internal static class UTF8Marshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr cstr); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(int flags, string strManaged, IntPtr pNativeBuffer); | |
} | |
internal static class ValueClassMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr dst, IntPtr pMT); | |
internal static void ConvertToManaged(IntPtr dst, IntPtr src, IntPtr pMT); | |
internal static void ConvertToNative(IntPtr dst, IntPtr src, IntPtr pMT, ref CleanupWorkList pCleanupWorkList); | |
} | |
internal static class VBByValStrMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr pNative, int cch); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(string strManaged, bool fBestFit, bool fThrowOnUnmappableChar, ref int cch); | |
} | |
internal static class WinRTTypeNameConverter { | |
internal static string ConvertToWinRTTypeName(Type managedType, out bool isPrimitive); | |
internal static Type GetTypeFromWinRTTypeName(string typeName, out bool isPrimitive); | |
} | |
internal static class WSTRBufferMarshaler { | |
internal static void ClearNative(IntPtr pNative); | |
internal static string ConvertToManaged(IntPtr bstr); | |
internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(string strManaged); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Text { | |
internal class DecoderNLS : Decoder { | |
internal DecoderNLS(); | |
} | |
internal class EncoderNLS : Encoder { | |
internal EncoderNLS(); | |
} | |
public abstract class Encoding : ICloneable { | |
internal class EncodingByteBuffer { | |
internal bool AddByte(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3); | |
internal bool AddByte(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, byte b4); | |
internal bool AddByte(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, int moreBytesExpected); | |
internal bool Fallback(char charFallback); | |
} | |
internal class EncodingCharBuffer { | |
internal bool AddChar(char ch1, char ch2, int numBytes); | |
internal bool EvenMoreData(int count); | |
internal bool Fallback(byte byte1, byte byte2); | |
internal bool Fallback(byte byte1, byte byte2, byte byte3, byte byte4); | |
} | |
} | |
internal enum ExtendedNormalizationForms { | |
FormC = 1, | |
FormCDisallowUnassigned = 257, | |
FormD = 2, | |
FormDDisallowUnassigned = 258, | |
FormIdna = 13, | |
FormIdnaDisallowUnassigned = 269, | |
FormKC = 5, | |
FormKCDisallowUnassigned = 261, | |
FormKD = 6, | |
FormKDDisallowUnassigned = 262, | |
} | |
internal class Normalization { | |
public Normalization(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Threading { | |
internal class _IOCompletionCallback { | |
internal unsafe static void PerformIOCompletionCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP); | |
} | |
internal static class _ThreadPoolWaitCallback { | |
internal static bool PerformWaitCallback(); | |
} | |
internal class _ThreadPoolWaitOrTimerCallback { | |
internal static void PerformWaitOrTimerCallback(object state, bool timedOut); | |
} | |
public struct CancellationToken { | |
private static void ThrowObjectDisposedException(); | |
} | |
public struct CancellationTokenRegistration : IDisposable, IEquatable<CancellationTokenRegistration> { | |
internal bool TryDeregister(); | |
} | |
public class CancellationTokenSource : IDisposable { | |
internal bool IsDisposed { get; } | |
} | |
internal struct FastRandom { | |
public int Next(int maxValue); | |
} | |
public static class Interlocked { | |
internal static int CompareExchange(ref int location1, int value, int comparand, ref bool succeeded); | |
} | |
internal delegate object InternalCrossContextDelegate(object[] args); | |
internal interface IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
void ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
public sealed class Mutex : WaitHandle { | |
internal class MutexSecurity { | |
public MutexSecurity(); | |
} | |
} | |
public class Overlapped { | |
internal _IOCompletionCallback iocbHelper { get; } | |
internal IOCompletionCallback UserCallback { get; } | |
} | |
internal sealed class OverlappedData { | |
internal unsafe static void CheckVMForIOPacket(out NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP, out uint errorCode, out uint numBytes); | |
} | |
internal sealed class QueueUserWorkItemCallback : IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
private void MarkExecuted(bool aborted); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
internal sealed class QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext : IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
private void MarkExecuted(bool aborted); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
public class SemaphoreSlim : IDisposable { | |
private sealed class TaskNode : Task<bool>, IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
} | |
internal sealed class Thread : RuntimeThread { | |
public CultureInfo CurrentCulture { get; set; } | |
public CultureInfo CurrentUICulture { get; set; } | |
internal static IntPtr InternalGetCurrentThread(); | |
private static extern void nativeInitCultureAccessors(); | |
public static void Sleep(TimeSpan timeout); | |
} | |
public static class ThreadPool { | |
internal static IEnumerable<IThreadPoolWorkItem> GetGloballyQueuedWorkItems(); | |
internal static object[] GetGloballyQueuedWorkItemsForDebugger(); | |
internal static IEnumerable<IThreadPoolWorkItem> GetLocallyQueuedWorkItems(); | |
internal static object[] GetLocallyQueuedWorkItemsForDebugger(); | |
internal static object[] GetQueuedWorkItemsForDebugger(); | |
internal static bool NotifyWorkItemComplete(); | |
internal static void ReportThreadStatus(bool isWorking); | |
private static object[] ToObjectArray(IEnumerable<IThreadPoolWorkItem> workitems); | |
} | |
internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueue { | |
public IThreadPoolWorkItem Dequeue(ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals tl, ref bool missedSteal); | |
internal static bool Dispatch(); | |
public ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals EnsureCurrentThreadHasQueue(); | |
internal void MarkThreadRequestSatisfied(); | |
internal sealed class WorkStealingQueue { | |
public bool CanSteal { get; } | |
public IThreadPoolWorkItem TrySteal(ref bool missedSteal); | |
} | |
} | |
public sealed class ThreadStartException : SystemException { | |
internal ThreadStartException(); | |
internal ThreadStartException(Exception reason); | |
} | |
internal class TimerQueue { | |
private static WaitCallback s_fireQueuedTimerCompletion; | |
internal static void AppDomainTimerCallback(); | |
private void FireNextTimers(); | |
private static void FireQueuedTimerCompletion(object state); | |
private static void QueueTimerCompletion(TimerQueueTimer timer); | |
} | |
internal sealed class TimerQueueTimer { | |
internal void CallCallback(); | |
internal void Fire(); | |
} | |
public abstract class WaitHandle : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable { | |
internal bool WaitOneWithoutFAS(); | |
} | |
} | |
namespace System.Threading.Tasks { | |
internal class AwaitTaskContinuation : TaskContinuation, IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
private void ExecuteWorkItemHelper(); | |
internal override Delegate[] GetDelegateContinuationsForDebugger(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
internal sealed class CompletionActionInvoker : IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
internal class StandardTaskContinuation : TaskContinuation { | |
internal override Delegate[] GetDelegateContinuationsForDebugger(); | |
} | |
public class Task : IAsyncResult, IDisposable, IThreadPoolWorkItem { | |
private Task ParentForDebugger { get; } | |
private int StateFlagsForDebugger { get; } | |
internal static Task FromCancellation(CancellationToken cancellationToken); | |
internal static Task<TResult> FromCancellation<TResult>(CancellationToken cancellationToken); | |
private static Task GetActiveTaskFromId(int taskId); | |
private static Task[] GetActiveTasks(); | |
internal virtual Delegate[] GetDelegateContinuationsForDebugger(); | |
internal static Delegate[] GetDelegatesFromContinuationObject(object continuationObject); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem(); | |
void System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.MarkAborted(ThreadAbortException tae); | |
} | |
internal abstract class TaskContinuation { | |
internal abstract Delegate[] GetDelegateContinuationsForDebugger(); | |
} | |
public abstract class TaskScheduler { | |
internal Task[] GetScheduledTasksForDebugger(); | |
internal static TaskScheduler[] GetTaskSchedulersForDebugger(); | |
} | |
internal sealed class TplEtwProvider : EventSource { | |
public class Keywords { | |
public Keywords(); | |
} | |
public class Tasks { | |
public Tasks(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
namespace Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics { | |
internal interface IAsyncCausalityTracerStatics { | |
void remove_TracingStatusChanged(EventRegistrationToken token); | |
} | |
internal interface ITracingStatusChangedEventArgs { | |
bool Enabled { get; } | |
CausalityTraceLevel TraceLevel { get; } | |
} | |
internal sealed class TracingStatusChangedEventArgs : ITracingStatusChangedEventArgs { | |
public CausalityTraceLevel TraceLevel { get; } | |
} | |
} |
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