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Created May 27, 2016 17:43
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# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias top='htop'
export PS1="\[\033[38;5;45m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;47m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;196m\]\h\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;48m\]:\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;11m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;196m\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]"
echo ''
echo 'Hello Danny'
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