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Created July 25, 2011 22:55
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Save danro/1105475 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The macvim config continues to grow!
" What a funny comment character
" .gvimrc.local
" Remember to set the following in vimrc:
" let g:snips_trigger_key='<c-space>' " Custom snipmate trigger
" let mapleader="," " Change the leader
" let g:loaded_matchparen=1 " Disable matchparen highlight
" start macvim config
if has("gui_macvim")
" Colors / font
colorscheme danro
set guifont=Monaco:h11
set noantialias
" GUI Options - remove toolbar, scrollbars
" add console dialogs, tabs, menubar.
set guioptions=cemg
" Line numbers & code folding
set number
set foldcolumn=1
set nofoldenable
" Whitespace stuff
set cindent
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
set listchars=tab:\⎯\⎯,trail:\
set formatoptions-=tcr "Don't autowrap or auto-comment
set textwidth=0 "Do not autowrap, really
set linebreak " Wrap lines at whole words
set wrap " Enable code wrapping
set nolist " Hide invisibles
" Esc - quit select mode and go straight to normal mode
smap <Esc> <C-c>
" Remove Full Screen key bind
macmenu Window.Toggle\ Full\ Screen\ Mode key=<nop>
" Remove Terminal key bind
unmap <D-e>
" Find - change key to use standard command
macmenu Edit.Find.Find\.\.\. key=<nop>
imap <D-f> <Esc>/
map <D-f> <Esc>/
imap <silent> <D-F> <Esc>:promptf<CR>
map <silent> <D-F> <Esc>:promptf<CR>
" Find Next - tweak so that it can be used instantly
macmenu Edit.Find.Find\ Next key=<nop>
cmap <D-g> <CR>
map <D-g> n
imap <D-g> <Esc>n
smap <D-g> <Esc>n
" Esc - clear any search highlights
nnoremap <silent> <Esc> <Esc>:noh<CR>
" Shift indents with Command+[ or ]
map <D-]> >gv
nmap <D-]> >>
imap <D-]> <Esc><D-]>
map <D-[> <gv
nmap <D-[> <<
imap <D-[> <Esc><D-[>
" Toggle invisibles with list shortcut
nmap <silent> <leader>l :set list!<CR>
" Shift+Space - duplicate selected lines
map <S-Space> "*_YP
" Shift+Tab omnifunc completion
imap <S-Tab> <C-X><C-O>
" Backspace / Delete tweaks:
" delete whole words with Alt+Backspace
nmap <A-BS> ciw
" delete to end of word with Alt+Delete
imap <A-Del> <C-[>lce
nmap <A-Del> ce
" always enter insert after deletion
nmap <BS> a<BS>
nmap <Del> i<Del>
vmap <BS> <BS>i
vmap <Del> <Del>i
smap <BS> <BS>i
smap <Del> <Del>i
" Command+d - delete current or visually selected line.
imap <D-d> <Esc><C-v>Vd
map <D-d> <C-v>Vd
" Tweak cursor movement during Alt / Shift
nmap <A-Right> w
nmap <A-Left> b
imap <S-M-Right> <C-[>lve<C-g>
imap <S-M-Left> <C-[>hvb<C-g>
nmap <S-M-Right> ve<C-g>
nmap <S-M-Left> vb<C-g>
vmap <S-M-Right> e
vmap <S-M-Left> b
smap <S-M-Right> <C-O>e
smap <S-M-Left> <C-O>b
" Alt + Up/Down for faster vertical cursor movement
map <A-Down> 7j
imap <A-Down> <Esc>7ji
map <A-Up> 7k
imap <A-Up> <Esc>7ki
" NERDTree options
let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.DS_Store$', '\~$']
let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
let NERDTreeDirArrows=1
let NERDTreeMouseMode=1
let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1
map <Leader>N <Esc>:let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=0<CR>:NERDTree<CR>
" Command+/ to toggle comments
map <D-/> <plug>NERDCommenterToggle
imap <D-/> <Esc><plug>NERDCommenterTogglea
" CommandT options
let g:CommandTAlwaysShowDotFiles=1
set wildignore+=-assets,.git,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png,publish
" Command+Return - ActionScript - handle .as files and map the flash preview
au Bufread,BufNewFile *.as call InitActionScript()
function InitActionScript()
set filetype=actionscript
imap <silent> <D-Return> <Esc>:w<CR>:silent exe "!open ~/scripts/gvimrc/flash-preview.jsfl"<CR>
map <silent> <D-Return> <Esc>:w<CR>:silent exe "!open ~/scripts/gvimrc/flash-preview.jsfl"<CR>
" Command+R - Web Dev - save file and reload web browser
au Bufread,BufNewFile *.html,*.css,*.js,*.php,*.json call InitWebBuild()
function InitWebBuild()
imap <silent> <D-r> <Esc>:w<CR>:silent exe "!osascript ~/scripts/gvimrc/web-build.scpt"<CR>
map <silent> <D-r> <Esc>:w<CR>:silent exe "!osascript ~/scripts/gvimrc/web-build.scpt"<CR>
" Disable backup behavior
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set noswapfile
" Command+Z - force command-mode undo
macmenu Edit.Undo key=<nop>
macmenu Edit.Redo key=<nop>
map <D-z> :undo<CR>
map <D-Z> :redo<CR>
imap <D-z> <Esc>:undo<CR>
imap <D-Z> <Esc>:redo<CR>
vmap <D-z> <Esc>:undo<CR>
vmap <D-Z> <Esc>:redo<CR>
" Disable annoying tooltips
set noballooneval
" Control + Left/Right - move splits around
" - remember to disable Spaces in OSX
map <C-Left> <C-w>H<C-w>=
map <C-Right> <C-w>x<C-w>l<C-w>=
" Return - insert normal mode line break
nmap <Return> :normal O<CR><Down>
" Control + A - append to end of line
nmap <C-a> <S-a>
" ,. - new file in vertical split, then call CommandT
imap <Leader>. <Esc>:rightb vnew<CR><C-w>=<D-t>
map <Leader>. <Esc>:rightb vnew<CR><C-w>=<D-t>
" ,h - same as above, but horizontal
imap <Leader>h <Esc>:new<CR><D-t>
map <Leader>h <Esc>:new<CR><D-t>
" ,, - activate surround.vim plugin for current line or selection
nmap <Leader><Leader> ^vg_S
smap <Leader><Leader> <C-g>S
" end macvim config
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down
end tell
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jcmuller commented Aug 1, 2011

set fuoptions=maxvert,maxhorz

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danro commented Aug 1, 2011

Nice, max out the fullscreen for a lovely code desktop.

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danro commented Aug 22, 2011

Update: added my AS3 & web build scripts so folks can see how they work.

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