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Created August 13, 2024 18:08
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TypeScript for connecting to AWS Neptune w/ v4 Signature
import { driver, structure, process as gremlinProcess } from 'gremlin';
import { fromNodeProviderChain } from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers';
import { getUrlAndHeaders } from 'gremlin-aws-sigv4/lib/utils';
async function getCredentials() {
try {
const provider = fromNodeProviderChain({
clientConfig: { region: process.env.REGION },
const credentials = await provider();
return { ...credentials, region: process.env.REGION };
} catch (e) {
console.error('No credentials found', e);
throw e;
export const getGremlinClient = async (
neptuneUrl: string,
): Promise<gremlinProcess.GraphTraversalSource> => {
const credentials = await getCredentials();
const { url, headers } = getUrlAndHeaders(
const dc = new driver.DriverRemoteConnection(url, { headers });
const graph = new structure.Graph();
return graph.traversal().withRemote(dc);
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