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Created May 17, 2016 18:55
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Powershell script to download the latest backup from Todoist
# Get-TodoistBackup.ps1
# Created By: Daniel Smith [email protected]
# Download the latest backup from Todoist
$token = ""
# get list of backups from Todoist
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Body "token=$token" -Method Post
$code = $response.StatusCode
If ( $code -ne "200" )
Write-Error "unexpected response status code: $code"
# extract first backup
$backups = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content
$url = $backups[0].url
$date = Get-Date $backups[0].version -Format FileDateTime
If ( -not $url )
Write-Error "no backups seem to exist"
# specify output file path/name
$fileExtension = $url.split(".")[-1]
If ( $fileExtension.length -gt 5 -or $fileExtension.length -lt 2 )
Write-Host "using default file extension of zip"
$fileExtension = "zip"
$filePath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\$date.$fileExtension"
# create directory, if needed
$parentDir = Split-Path -Path $filePath -Parent
If ( (Test-Path $parentDir) -eq 0 )
Write-Host "creating directories: $parentDir"
New-Item -Path $parentDir -Type directory
# download file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -OutFile $filePath
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arberg commented Jun 11, 2018

I've added a version with logging and win10 notifications on failure here

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Great news! 👍

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