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Created November 6, 2012 20:44
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Newick Parser, much simplified, with printer
package dk.linnk
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
sealed abstract class Tree
case class Node(edges: List[Edge], name: Option[String]) extends Tree
case class Leaf(name: Option[String]) extends Tree
case class Edge(to: Tree, weight: Option[Double]) extends Tree
trait Newick {
val OPEN_PAREN = "("
val CLOSE_PAREN = ")"
val SEMICOLON = ";"
val COLON = ":"
val COMMA = ","
object newickParser extends RegexParsers with Newick {
private[this] def number: Parser[Double] = """\d+(\.\d*)?""".r ^^ { _.toDouble }
private[this] def string: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9#!?=&%$@_|.- ]+""".r ^^ { _.toString }
private[this] def name: Parser[Option[String]] = string.?
private[this] def length: Parser[Option[Double]] = (COLON ~> number).?
private[this] def edges: Parser[List[Edge]] = repsep(edge, COMMA)
private[this] def node: Parser[Node] = (OPEN_PAREN ~> edges <~ CLOSE_PAREN) ~ name ^^ {
case edges ~ name => Node(edges, name)
private[this] def leaf: Parser[Leaf] = name ^^ {
case name => Leaf(name)
private[this] def edge: Parser[Edge] = subtree ~ length ^^ {
case subtree ~ length => Edge(subtree, length)
private[this] def subtree: Parser[Tree] = node | leaf
private[this] def tree: Parser[Tree] = (subtree | edge) <~ SEMICOLON
def apply(src: String): Tree = parseAll(tree, src) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure: NoSuccess => throw new Exception(failure.msg)
object newickPrinter extends Newick {
private[this] def printName(name: Option[String]): String = name.getOrElse("")
private[this] def printWeight(weight: Option[Double]): String = weight match {
case None => ""
case Some(w) => COLON + w
private[this] def printTree(e: Tree): String = e match {
case Node(edges, name) =>
OPEN_PAREN +, t) => acc + COMMA + t) +
case Leaf(name) =>
case Edge(to, weight) =>
printTree(to) //+ printWeight(weight)
def apply(tree: Tree): String = printTree(tree) + SEMICOLON
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