#bQuery Builder v2
This document proposes a new PHPCR-ODM query builder API and attempts to explain why it is necessary and what was wrong with the previous query builder.
The current PHPCR-ODM query builder is based upon the Doctrine ORM query builder API and uses and extends the Doctrine Commons expression builder.
$qb->expr()->eq('foo', 'bar'),
$qb->expr()->eq('bar', 'foo'),
While this API is good for people coming from the Doctrine ORM, it was created to answer the needs of the Doctrine ORM and as such is not ideally suited for building PHPCR queries.
- Joins.
- Parameter binding, Value objects.
- Ordering by dynamic operands
- No support for
Joining is not implemented in the current query builder, but using the provided API we posit the following:
$joinCondition = new PHPCR\EquiJoinCondition('foo', 'a', 'bar', 'b');
$qb->leftJoin('Doctrine\Foobar\Document\Join', 'b', $joinCondition);
So already we have some problems:
- The
source has no selector. - We manually instantiate the PHPCR join condition.
We can imagine fixing the first problem, the second would require us to create a factory class.
$qb->leftJoin('Doctrine\Foobar\Document\Join', 'b', $qb->joinCond()->equiJoin('foo', 'a', 'bar', 'b'));
Binding parameters is not supported in the Query Builder currently - there is also a note indicating that parameters may not be supported by Jackalope.
The PHPCR QOM represents operands as OperandInterface
classes. what we might call values are StaticOperandInterface
classes, whilst the field we compare the value against are DynamicOperandInterface
Currently the query builder will always convert the value part of an expr()
into a LiteralInterface
class. For parameter binding to work these values need to be classes of type BindVariableValue
With the current API we can imagine something like the following:
$qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('field', ':value');
$q = $qb->getQuery();
$q->setParameter('value', 'bar');
Note in PHPCR the "field" is a DynamicOperandInterface
and value is a StaticOperandInterface
But this poses the following problems:
- What if we literally want to compare the string value ":foobar" ?
- The equality expression above uses the
DynamicOperandInterface to compare the value of field against ":value", however PHPCR offers several types of DynamicOperandInterface:- Length
- NodeLocalName
- LowerCase
- FullTextSearchScore
We might be able to solve (1) introducing a factory
$qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('field', $qb->valOp()->literal('value'));
$qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('field', $qb->valOp()->parameter('value'));
The current builder implements some custom expressions which partially solve the problem presented in (2):
However this is incomplete, for a complete API we would need:
// and so on ..
and what if we want to compare a lowercase property value of a field? or the length of a properties value?
$qb->where$qb->expr()->eqLength('field', 10);
$qb->where$qb->expr()->gtLength('field', 10);
$qb->where$qb->expr()->gteLength('field', 10);
// and so on ...
Oops and we have forgotten about the selectors, lets add them too:
$qb->where$qb->expr()->eqLength('field', 10, 'a');
// ...
We could more efficiently solve this problem by using factories again:
$qb->dynOp()->propValue('field', 'a'),
$qb->valOp()->parameter('value', 'b')
And wait, what about ordering? PHPCR orderings operate with DynamicOperandInterface
classes. The current implementation will always use a PropertyValueInterface
, so we lose functionality. We can reuse the dynOp
factory with ordering:
$qb->orderBy($qb->dynOp()->fullTextSearchScore(), 'asc');
It would seem that we can efficiently solve the problems of the current query builder by introducing some new factories. But by now the Query Builder is not looking much like the old Doctrine ORM query builder:
$qb->from('Doctrine\Phpcr\Documentz\Generic', 'a');
$qb->leftJoin('Doctrine\Foobar\Document\Foobar', 'b',
$qb->joinCond()->equiJoin('field1', 'b', 'field2', 'a')
$qb->dynOp()->propValue('field', 'a'),
$qb->valOp()->literal('bar', 'b')
At this point it might be interesting to look at the original PHPCR method of creating a query:
$q = $qom->createQuery(
// SourceInterface (from)
$qom->selector('nt:unstructured', 'a'),
$qom->selector('nt:unstructured', 'b'),
'a', 'foobar',
'b', 'barfoo'
// ConstraintInterface (where)
$q->bindValue('test_var', 'moobar');
So it seems we are half-way along to implementing this type of API already. We have adopted factories in all cases but the from()
method. Would it not make sense to adopt a factory here too?
// or
$qb->source()->document('Document/Foobar', 'a',),
$qb->source()->document('Document/Foobar2', 'b',),
$qb->joinCond()->equiJoin('field1', 'a', 'field2', 'b')
Unlike the other cases where we have introduced factories, this one is not actually required, we can construct the correct PHPCR object graph just by using from()
and leftJoin
etc. But this method is just more consistent with how PHPCR actually seems to work.
If you are convinced so far with the using factories you may be equally unconvinced with the look of the API, its way to verbose...
The API below merges the Query Builder and Expression Builder components into one:
->column('foobar', null, 'a')
->column('barfoo', null, 'a');
->left()->document('Doctrine\Fqn\Foobar', 'a')
->right()->document('Doctrine\Fqn\Foobar', 'b')
->condition()->equi('a', 'foobar', 'b', 'barfoo');
->ascending()->propertyValue('foobar', 'a')
$q = $qb->getQuery();
The query builder will ommit "end()" requirement of similar fluent factory builders and determine and validate the context node at runtime
> builder (1..* Fundamental)
> select (0..* Column)
> column (x)
> from (1..1 Source)
> document (x)
> join (2..2 Source)
> where (1..1 Constraint)
> andx|orx (2..2 Constraint)
> eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte|like (1..1 DynamicOperand 1..1 StaticOperand)
> not (1..1 Constraint)
> sameDocument (x)
> descendant (x)
> orderBy (0..* Ordering)
> ascending (1..1 DynamicOperand)
> descending (1..1 DynamicOperand)