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Created August 15, 2011 16:18
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import coldfusion.runtime.*;
import coldfusion.tagext.GenericTag;
import coldfusion.tagext.lang.ProcessingDirectiveTag;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
public final class cfmarkupComponent2ecfc1581765262 extends CFComponent {
public cfmarkupComponent2ecfc1581765262() {
public final Map _getImplicitMethods() {
return _implicitMethods;
public final void registerUDFs() {
registerUDF("DOSTUFF", doStuff);
public final void _setImplicitMethods(Map implicitMethods) {
_implicitMethods = implicitMethods;
public final String getOutput() {
return "false";
public final Object getMetadata() {
return metaData;
protected final Object runPage()
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out;
ProcessingDirectiveTag processingdirective0;
out = super.pageContext.getOut();
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag parent = super.parent;
processingdirective0 = (ProcessingDirectiveTag)_initTag(class$coldfusion$tagext$lang$ProcessingDirectiveTag, 0, parent);
processingdirective0.setSuppresswhitespace(CfJspPage._validateTagAttrValue("cfprocessingdirective", "suppresswhitespace", Cast._boolean("true"), null));
int mode0;
if((mode0 = processingdirective0.doStartTag()) != 0)
_whitespace(out, "\r\n\t");
_whitespace(out, "\r\n");
} while(processingdirective0.doAfterBody() != 0);
if(processingdirective0.doEndTag() != 5) goto _L2; else goto _L1
Object t6 = null;
return t6;
goto _L3
Throwable t7;
goto _L3
Throwable t8;
goto _L4
throw t8;
if(true) goto _L5; else goto _L3
_whitespace(out, "\r\n");
return null;
static final Class class$coldfusion$tagext$lang$ProcessingDirectiveTag = Class.forName("coldfusion.tagext.lang.ProcessingDirectiveTag");
private static final UDFMethod doStuff = new funcDOSTUFF();
public static final Object metaData;
private static Map _implicitMethods;
metaData = new AttributeCollection(new Object[] { "output", "false", "Name", "markupComponent", "Functions", new Object[] { funcDOSTUFF.metaData } });
private class funcDOSTUFF extends UDFMethod {
protected final String[] getParamList() {
return (new String[] { "ITERATIONS" });
//--------------REAL MEAT HERE --------------
protected final Object runFunction(LocalScope __localScope, Object instance, CFPage parentPage, ArgumentCollection __arguments) {
Variable ARGUMENTS = __localScope.bindInternal(Key.ARGUMENTS, __arguments);
Variable THIS = __localScope.bindInternal(Key.THIS, instance);
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = ((CfJspPage) (parentPage)).pageContext.getOut();
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag parent = ((CfJspPage) (parentPage)).parent;
Variable ITERATIONS = _validateArg("ITERATIONS", true, "numeric", __arguments.getVariable(0));
parentPage._whitespace(out, "\r\n\t\t");
double t11 = 1.0D;
double t13 = Cast._double(parentPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(ARGUMENTS, new String[] { "ITERATIONS" }));
double t15 = Cast._double("1");
Object value = Cast._Object(t15);
parentPage.SetVariable("local.i", value);
for (; CfJspPage._checkCondition(t11, t15, t13); CfJspPage.checkRequestTimeout("CFLOOP")) {
parentPage._whitespace(out, "\r\n\t\t\t");
Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0 = __localScope.bindInternal("___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0");
parentPage._structSetAt(___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0, new String[] { "A" }, "1");
parentPage._structSetAt(___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0, new String[] { "B" }, parentPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize("LOCAL", new String[] { "I" }));
parentPage._structSetAt("LOCAL", new String[] { "MYSTRUCT" }, parentPage._get(___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0));
parentPage._whitespace(out, "\r\n\t\t\t");
new String[] { "MYSTRUCT", "C" },
Cast._Object(Cast._double(parentPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize("LOCAL", new String[] { "MYSTRUCT", "A" }))
* Cast._double(parentPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize("LOCAL", new String[] { "MYSTRUCT", "B" }))));
parentPage._whitespace(out, "\r\n\t\t");
value = Cast._Object(t15 += t11);
parentPage.SetVariable("local.i", value);
parentPage._whitespace(out, "\r\n\t");
return null;
protected final String getName() {
return "doStuff";
public final String getReturnType() {
return "void";
public final int getAccess() {
return 0;
public final String getOutput() {
return "false";
public final Object getMetadata() {
return metaData;
static final Object metaData = new AttributeCollection(new Object[] { "access", "public", "name", "doStuff", "returntype", "void", "output", "false",
"Parameters", new Object[] { new AttributeCollection(new Object[] { "NAME", "iterations", "TYPE", "numeric", "REQUIRED", "true" }) } });
public funcDOSTUFF() {
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