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Created March 13, 2018 04:56
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Car MP3 SE-020401 Infrared (IR) remote control scan codes

Infrared (IR) Remote Control Codes

 /                    \
|  CH-    CH     CH+   |
| FFA25D FF629D FFE21D |
|                      |
|  |<<     >>|   |>||  |
| FF22DD FF02FD FFC23D |
|                      |
|   -       +     EQ   |
| FFE01F FFA857 FF906F |
|                      |
|   0      100+  200+  |
| FF6897 FF9867 FFB04F |
|                      |
|   1       2     3    |
| FF30CF FF18E7 FF7A85 |
|                      |
|   4       5     6    |
| FF10EF FF38C7 FF5AA5 |
|                      |
|   7       8     9    |
| FF42BD FF4AB5 FF52AD |
|                      |
|         Car          |
|         mp3          |
 \                    /
(FFFFFFFF for repeat when a button is held)



  • Remote control distance: more than 8 meters
  • Launch tube infrared wavelength: 940Nm
  • Crystal: the oscillation frequency of 455 KHz
  • IR carrier frequency: 38KHz
  • Encoding: the encoding format of the NEC, upd6122 encoding scheme, the user code 00FF, key coding below picture
  • Size: 86 * 40 * 6mm
  • Frequency: 38K
  • Power supply: CR2025/160mAH
  • Button: free height is less than 3mm, the force 200-350g, the life of more than 200,000


Included in:

Elego Complete Starter Kit for Arduino Mega2560 UNO Nano (63 Items)


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