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Created August 24, 2019 08:31
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Implementation of Oberski, D. L., & Satorra, A.. (2013). Measurement error models with uncertainty about the error variance. Structural equation modeling, 20, 409-428. doi:10.1080/10705511.2013.797820. See also
# This code is a lavaan implementation of the standard error correction found in
# Oberski, D. L., & Satorra, A. (2013).
# Measurement error models with uncertainty about the error variance.
# Structural equation modeling, 20, 409-428.
# DOI:10.1080/10705511.2013.797820
# Author: Daniel Oberski
# Date 27 november 2018
# License: MIT (
# Core functions that implement the correction
# This function is intended only for calling from vcov_corrected:
get_additional_variance <- function(object, fixed, Sigma_fixed) {
strict.exo <- FALSE
if(object@[email protected]) {
strict.exo <- TRUE
FIT <- lavaan:::lav_object_extended(object, add = fixed, remove.duplicated = FALSE)
LIST <- FIT@ParTable
free.idx <- LIST$free[ LIST$free > 0L & LIST$user != 10L ]
fixed.idx <- LIST$free[ LIST$free > 0L & LIST$user == 10L ]
Delta <- lavaan:::computeDelta(FIT@Model)[[1]] # Only single-group for now
Delta_free <- Delta[, free.idx, drop=FALSE]
Delta_fixed <- Delta[, fixed.idx, drop=FALSE]
V <- lavTech(fit, "WLS.V")[[1]]
H <- t(Delta_free) %*% V %*% Delta_fixed
# Ji <- t(Delta_free) %*% V %*% Delta_free
Ji <- lavTech(fit, "information.expected")
Ji %*% H %*% Sigma_fixed %*% t(H) %*% Ji
# This function is intended for calling by the user:
# Input:
# - lavaan object,
# - vector of lavaan names of fixed parameters,
# - covariance matrix of fixed parameters
# Output:
# estimated variance-covariance matrix of free parameters after correcting for uncertainty in fixed parameters
vcov_corrected <- function(object, fixed, Sigma_fixed) {
stopifnot(length(fixed) == ncol(Sigma_fixed)) # Same no. parameters
stopifnot(ncol(Sigma_fixed) == nrow(Sigma_fixed)) # Square
stopifnot(all(eigen(Sigma_fixed, only.values = TRUE)$values > 1e-4)) #Positive definite
stopifnot(all(t(Sigma_fixed) == Sigma_fixed)) # Symmetric
C_psi <- get_additional_variance(object, fixed = fixed, Sigma_fixed = Sigma_fixed)
vcov(object) + C_psi
## An example application of the se correction
# Errors-in-variables regression model
eiv_regression <- '
visual =~ 1*x1
textual =~ 1*x4
textual ~ visual
# First, fit the model as usual in lavaan
fit <- sem(eiv_regression, data=HolzingerSwineford1939)
# Specify variance-covariance matrix of parameters fixed to estimates:
Sigma_fixed <- diag(c(0.1, 1))
# Obtain corrected covariance matrix of free parameters
vcov_corrected(fit, fixed = c("x1~~x1", "x4~~x4"), Sigma_fixed = Sigma_fixed)
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