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Created December 5, 2017 11:12
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ZeySDK API Usage Manual



The SDK API enables SDK toolkits - e.g. the ZeyOS SDK CLI - to synchronize app data with ZeyOS.

General API Workflow

Step 1: Login

First, you should login to your ZeyOS instance using the auth endpoint.

Let's say, our ZeyOS instance is called "sdkdemo", then the full URL path would be:

Example with CURL:

curl --data 'name=admin&password=demo&identifier=ZeySDK'

Example response:


As a response, you will receive the authentication token. You can store this token in a local settings file, so that the user only needs to login once.

Step 2: Retrieving the application's remote state

No matter if you want to sync an existing application or create a new one, the first thing you do is retrieving the application's current state.

Example with CURL:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer ee0b44835f52cfe8a53c46f963f9badb2cc8eaa9'

If the app does not exist, the server will return status code 404.

Otherwise, the result will look like this:

  "lastmodified": 1511964548,
  "name": "My Demo App",
  "version": 10200,
  "vendor": "",
  "defaultsettings": null,
  "settings": null,
  "settingscode": "",
  "usersettingscode": "",
  "services": {
    "label_print": {
      "lastmodified": 1511964548,
      "name": "Label Printout",
      "type": 1,
      "entity": "",
      "schedule": 0,
      "interval": 1,
      "url": "",
      "code": "a93b0ad3b593c83af31373a37bfe8bdd"
  "resources": {
    "label_data": {
      "lastmodified": 1511968815,
      "name": "Test Data",
      "mimetype": "application/json",
      "code": ""
  "weblets": {
    "dialog": {
      "lastmodified": 1511964548,
      "name": "Labeldruck",
      "view": "inventory.details_item",
      "type": 3,
      "width": 380,
      "height": 330,
      "url": "",
      "code": "4aa28b2e01ad13154a21fa937eea711b",
      "langaliases": "{}",
      "svgpath": "",
      "color": ""

The next thing you do is is compare the lastmodified date as well as the code hash with your local files. Based on the differences you perform prepare the sync operation.

Step 3: Synchronize the app

Now is where it get's interesting. Let's say, based on previous demo app, that we want to

  • add a new service called test.ixml
  • remove the resource label_data
  • retrieve the weblet dialog

And yes, we can do all these things in one operation!

  "services": {
    "test": {  
      "GET": true,
      "name": "Label Printout",
      "type": 1,
      "entity": "",
      "schedule": 0,
      "interval": 1,
      "url": "",
      "code": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<!DOCTYPE ixml SYSTEM \"\">\r\n<ixml>\r\n\r\n<output>Hello world</output>\r\n\r\n</ixml>"
  "resources": {
    "label_data": {
      "DELETE": true
  "weblets": {
    "dialog": {
      "GET": true

API Reference



POST: /auth/v1/login



(The value for the parameter identifier is ZeySDK)

Response codes

Code 200: OK
   "token": "..."
Code 401: Authentication failed


GET: /auth/v1/logout


Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response codes

Code 204/205: OK
Code 401: Unauthorized


Checks, if a session exists

  • HEAD: /auth/v1
  • GET: /auth/v1
  • GET: /auth/v1?access=1


Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response codes

Code 204: OK
  "user":    User ID,
  "contact": Contact ID,
  "name":    Username,
  "email":   E-Mail

If param ?access=1 is set, you will receive additional session information:

  "user":     User ID,
  "contact":  Contact ID,
  "name":     Username,
  "email":    E-Mail,
  "admin":    true|false,
  "nopublic": true|false,
  "groups": {
    "My Group": true|false // Writable,
  "permissions": {
    "messages": true|false // Writable,
Code 401: Unauthorized

Retrieve application details (Pre-sync)


GET: /sdk/v1/sync/<appidentifier>

Retrieves the application details - usually called before performing a sync.


Authorization: bearer <token>

Response codes

Code 204: OK
   "name":"Data Retrieval",
   "vendor":"ZeyOS, Inc.",
         "name":"Data Retrieval API",
         "name":"Data Retrieval View Components",

When getting the application details, some field properties can be quite large. To reduce traffic, only the MD5 hash of the property value is being returned (or null if the value is empty). This is sufficient, because the GET request is only supposed to deliver information on the remote application state in order to compare it with the local application state.

This affects the following properties:

  • settings
  • defaultsettings
  • settingscode
  • usersettingscode
  • code (for services, resource and weblets)

Sync an application


PATCH: /sdk/v1/sync/<appidentifier>


Authorization: Bearer <token>


The body includes the application settings as well as the individual resources. There are two "magic" parameters: GET and DELETE.

GET will return the current/updated node state on the server. If not specified, only lastmodified will be returned.

DELETE will remove the asset on the server - be careful!


Retrieve application settings from the server:

   "GET": true


   "name":"Data Retrieval",
   "vendor":"ZeyOS, Inc.",
   "defaultsettings":"echte settings",
   "settingscode":"echter code",
   "usersettingscode":"echter code"

Update the application name on the server and retrieve the updated server state:

   "name":"Data Retrieval 2"


   "name":"Data Retrieval 2",
   "vendor":"ZeyOS, Inc.",
   "defaultsettings":"ECHTE SETTINGS",
   "settingscode":"ECHTER CODE",
   "usersettingscode":"ECHTER CODE"

Update a service name:

   "services": {  
      "check_contact": {  
         "name": "Check Contact Service"


   "lastmodified": 1504678737,
   "services": {
      "check_contact": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678737

Retrieve the service details:

   "services": {  
      "check_contact": {  
         "GET": true


   "lastmodified": 1504678734,
   "services": {  
      "check_contact": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678734,
         "name": "Check Contact Service",
         "type": 1,
         "entity": "",
         "schedule": 0,
         "interval": 1,
         "url": "",
         "code": "<ixml> ... REAL CODE"

Update the service name on the server and retrieve the details:

         "GET": true,
         "name": "New Service Name"


   "lastmodified": 1504678737,
      "check_contact": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678737,
         "name": "New Service Name",
         "type": 1,
         "entity": "",
         "schedule": 0,
         "interval": 1,
         "url": "",
         "code": "<ixml> ... REAL CODE"

Remove a service

         "DELETE": true


   "lastmodified": 1504678734

Combined example:

  • Retrieving the current state of one service,
  • while removing a weblet and
  • updating the application's defaultsettings
  • adding a new PDF resource

When uploading non-text content, you need to base64-encode the content. In order to determine if base64 encoding is necessary, you can use the following regular expression on the mimetype:



   "defaultsettings": "{...}" // JSON string!
      "helper": {  
         "GET": true
   "weblets": {  
      "demo_popup": {  
         "DELETE": true
   "resources": {
      "template": {
         "name": "PDF Base Template",
         "mimetype": "application/pdf",
         "code": base64.encode(filecontents)


   "lastmodified": 1504678737,
      "helper": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678737,
         "name": "Data Retrieval API 2",
         "type": 1,
         "entity": "",
         "schedule": 0,
         "interval": 1,
         "url": "",
         "code": "<ixml> ..."
   "weblets": {  
      "demo_popup": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678737
   "resources": {  
      "template": {  
         "lastmodified": 1504678737

Delete an application

DELETE: /sdk/v1/sync/<appidentifier>


Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response codes

204: OK

Run a script


PUT: /sdk/v1/run?identifier=...&appidentifier...

When developing and debugging an application is becomes necessary to execute a script on the server and check the console output.

The parameters identifier and appidentifier are optional, but should be submitted nevertheless since they define the runtime context.


Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response codes

204: OK
		"comp"    : compile time in seconds with microsecond fraction,
		"exec"    : execution time sin seconds with microsecond fraction,
		"memory"  : peak memory usage in bytes,
		"size"    : Byte size of unescaped output binary data,
		"engine"  : "iXML" oder "Zymba",
		"version" : iXML/Zymba version number, z.b. 10000,
		"error"   : 'Error message',
		"output"  : \addcslashes('Output Binary Data', "\0..\10\13..\37\177..\377"),
		"debug"   : \addcslashes('Debug Output Binary Data', "\0..\10\13..\37\177..\377")

Note: \addcslashes('...', "\0..\10\13..\37\177..\377") is taking care of Non-UTF8 Output (e.g. PDF) so that they can be submitted correctly via JSON.

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