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Last active May 10, 2021 18:31
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  • Save darcyparker/1438882 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save darcyparker/1438882 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows batch file to run jsctags
@echo off
REM Windows batch file to run jsctags
REM Assumes node.exe is in your %PATH%.
REM git clone --recursive git:// d:\opt\doctorjs
REM Note: Currently, the latest jsctags only works with older versions of node
REM To manage multiple versions of node on the same machine, use `n`.
REM `npm install -g n`
REM Alternatively:
REM A patch to allow jsctags to work with node 0.10.x again is here but has not
REM been pulled into master by mozilla yet.
REM git://
REM git checkout nodejs-0.10.x-compatibility:
set NODE_PATH=D:\opt\doctorjs\lib\jsctags;%NODE_PATH%
REM n use 0.8.22 "D:\opt\doctorjs\bin\jsctags.js" %*
node "D:\opt\doctorjs\bin\jsctags.js" %*
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