Save dardo82/f7cc7c5c864fb5afa04bb12ecbcf3a9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/zsh | |
# Fix Safari Favorites Icons | |
CS="cache_settings"; TIC="Touch Icons Cache"; DIR="$HOME/Library/Safari/$TIC/Images" | |
DB="$DIR/../${${TIC// }%%s*}${${(C)CS}//_}.db"; SQL=$(sqlite3 "$DB" "SELECT host FROM $CS") | |
sqlite3 "$DB" "UPDATE $CS SET ${${${(L)TIC// /_}#*_}//s/_is_in}=1, download_status_flags=1" | |
for png in "$1"/*.png; do URL="$(plutil -convert xml1 -o - "$DIR/../../Bookmarks.plist" | \ | |
awk -F '[</>]' -v name="${${png##*/}%%.*}" '$3~name{getline;getline;getline;print $5}')"; \ | |
cp -f -v "$png" "$DIR/${(U)$(md5 -q -s $URL)}.png"; done; chflags -v uappnd $DIR $DB* |
So it's seemingly random behaviour?
Sometimes the icon will displa with a lower size, leaving borders. I could not understand why . See Netflix on the attached picture. Any one got any chance in solving this ?
Within ~/Library/Safari/Touch Icons Cache/TouchIconCacheSettings.db the column transparency_analysis_result seems to change how the image is displayed.
I've found changing it to 1 can remove the border spacing.
It initially seems to cause an issue where adding/renaming/removing bookmarks in Safari, however this seems to fix itself after a few minutes. It's possibly to do with the hashing changing on file verification.
Thanks for the interesting tidbits.
Funky thread! I landed here while investigating why the SVG favicon I added to a website I'm working on doesn't show on mobile Safari but it shows correctly on Safari Desktop. I still couldn't figure it out but while reading through these posts I gladly concluded I am not the only person completely crazy about how my icons look on the screen. And I'm not just talking about favicons. I have my own app dock icons as well. If a software update changes the icons to a white rectangled version (the current trend) I replace it with my own (a freeform icon) and clear the cache. :)
What site is it?
What site is it?
It works on Android.
That's good to know, thanks.
As I'm replacing most icons so everything looks good, I'm replacing those too. I found images cropped those properly, and ran the script again. Those two fail to show properly which is not the case of every icons. But sometimes I rerun the script and they do show properly, only, other icons don't.. For example today, YouTube fills the whole icon, yeay (but Netflix don't ..)