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Darin Wilson darinwilson

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darinwilson / one_file_rails_test.rb
Last active December 19, 2024 22:31
A single file that can run minitest within a full Rails environment - good for reproducing simple bugs
# frozen_string_literal: true
# to run this file:
# - bundle install
# - ruby one_file_rails_test.rb
# original source:

Infinite Red seeks contract Rails engineer

Infinite Red is looking for an experienced Rails engineer for a long-term, full-time contract position. This is a remote position available to U.S. citizens working in any one of the U.S. time zones.

About the job

You'll be working with a small team to support a portfolio of apps that are used internally by a large public university. At times, you'll be working independently, and at other times directly with other engineers. But we always collaborate to share approaches, help each other out, and keep the quality of our repos as high as we can.

darinwilson / clock_sync.txt
Created March 2, 2017 21:58
Sonic Pi MIDI clock sync
use_bpm 120
live_loop :clock do
sleep 1
live_loop :kick do
sample :bd_haus
darinwilson / cpu_dreams.txt
Created February 22, 2017 17:23
CPU Dreams - for Sonic Pi
# Source code for a Sonic Pi piece (
# This an extension of an earlier piece I wrote with
# Sonic Pi called "Ambient Experiment". I added a new
# voice and routed the notes out via MIDI so that the
# sounds could be generated in Ableton Live.
# Audio version:
# The piece consists of four long loops, each of which
darinwilson / ep8.exs
Created January 17, 2016 19:28 Episode 8 Exercise
def join(strs, separator) do
last = List.last(strs)
for str <- strs, into: "" do
if str != last do
str <> separator
darinwilson / nation_builder_events.rb
Created December 21, 2015 22:31
Exercise using the NationBuilder Events API
# This is very rudimentary web app that allows you to create and update
# an Event record using the NationBuilder API. This covers just the
# basics - many details have been left out.
# The app was built in Ruby 2.2.0, using the Sinatra web framework, and the
# NationBuilder API Ruby gem.
# To run the app:
# * gem install sinatra
darinwilson / nation_builder_people.rb
Created December 21, 2015 22:29
Exercise using the NationBuilder People API endpoint
# This is very rudimentary web app that allows you to create, update, and
# delete a Person record using the NationBuilder API. This covers just the
# basics - many details have been left out.
# The app was built in Ruby 2.2.0, using the Sinatra web framework, and the
# NationBuilder API Ruby gem.
# To run the app:
# * gem install sinatra
darinwilson / sonic_pi_examples.txt
Last active February 18, 2025 13:05
Sonic Pi Examples
## Example 1 - play a note
play 60
## Example 2 - play 4 random notes
4.times do
play rrand_i(60, 90)
sleep 0.5
darinwilson / SonicPiDrumMachine
Last active March 2, 2024 20:11
Sonic Pi Drum Machine
## Sonic Pi Drum Machine
## coded by Darin Wilson
use_bpm 95
in_thread(name: :drum_machine) do
# choose your kit here (can be :acoustic, :acoustic_soft, :electro, :toy)
# Phasing Piano for Sonic Pi, coded by Darin Wilson
# inspired by Steve Reich's Clapping Music
# This piece consists of two threads, each playing the same short melodic phrase.
# On every third pass through the phrase, one of the threads shifts the phase by
# 1/4 of a beat, moving it more and more out of phase. Eventually, it comes
# back around to where it started, and the piece ends.
use_synth :piano