- You are using GitFlow
- You want to deploy a new version of your software every time a commit is made to the develop branch
- You are using Octopack to package your application for deployment
using System.Diagnostics; | |
using MassTransit; | |
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg => | |
{ | |
cfg.Host(new Uri($"amqps://rabbitmq:rabbitmq@localhost:5671/")); | |
foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, 50)) | |
{ | |
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint($"mt-test-{i}", e => { }); |
// requires the `Akka` NuGet package to be installed in the query | |
int entitiesPerNodeFactor = 100; | |
List<string> nodes = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(c => $"hostname-{c}").ToList(); | |
Dictionary<string, int> entityToNodeAllocations = nodes.ToDictionary(c => c, k => 0); | |
var entityIds = Enumerable.Range(0, nodes.Count * entitiesPerNodeFactor).Select(e => $"entity-{e}"); | |
foreach(var e in entityIds){ | |
var hashCode = MurmurHash.StringHash(e); |
using Markdig; | |
using Markdig.Syntax; | |
using Markdig.Syntax.Inlines; | |
using QuestPDF.Fluent; | |
using QuestPDF.Helpers; | |
using QuestPDF.Infrastructure; | |
namespace PdfExperiments; | |
public enum BlockType |
Request: | |
Proxy to teamcity. Use a proxy in IIS and redirect "input" to "output". | |
Ideas: | |
http://jonalb.com/post/2010/10/23/TeamCity-On-Port-80-In-IIS.aspx | |
http://www.wrapcode.com/infrastructure/configure-reverse-proxy-with-url-rewrite-and-arr-for-iis/ | |
Solution: | |
- Create an empty site in IIS |
public class MediatorPipeline<TRequest, TResponse> | |
: IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> | |
where TRequest : IRequest<TResponse> | |
{ | |
private readonly IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> _inner; | |
private readonly IEnumearble<IMessageValidator<TRequest>> _validators; | |
private readonly IMessageAuthorizer _authorizer; | |
private readonly IEnumerable<IPreRequestProcessor<TRequest>> _preProcessors; | |
private readonly IEnumerable<IPostRequestProcessor<TRequest, TResponse>> _postProcessors; | |
private readonly IEnumerable<IResponseProcessor<TResponse>> _responseProcessors; |
In order to access a server hosted within a vm (guest), for development purposes from the host OS, which is restricted to same origin / localhost only requests, I set up a siple nginx reverse proxy to forward my requests.
public class SqlClientSqlCommandSet : IDisposable | |
{ | |
private static readonly Type SqlCmdSetType; | |
private readonly object _instance; | |
private int _countOfCommands; | |
private readonly static Action<object, SqlConnection> SetConnection; | |
private readonly static Func<object, SqlConnection> GetConnection; | |
private readonly static Action<object, SqlTransaction> SetTransaction; | |
private readonly static Func<object, SqlCommand> GetCommand; |
using System; | |
namespace Example | |
{ | |
public abstract class ExecutionResult | |
{ | |
protected ExecutionResult(Guid aggregateId, Guid commandId, DateTime executedOn) | |
{ | |
AggregateId = aggregateId; | |
CommandId = commandId; |