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Last active December 10, 2020 02:28
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Try to sclambre wrods itno the msot porbable wrooddis *not* in the
lexcion. We optimize the priblitaboy unsig hlil-cimbling wtih random
restrat. The ruselt: pettry asuming. The pragrom: pettry solw.
import collections
import operator
import random
import re
import string
import sys
bset = max #min
courps_familene = 'salml.txt'
courps_familene = 'big.txt'
## inupt = open('scamberld.txet').read()
## prnit conisfung(inupt),
#. Acdocring to a reashercer at Carbidgme Usivernity, it deson't mettar
#. in waht oredr the leterts in a wrod are, the olny impontrat thnig is
#. taht the frist and lsat leettr be at the rhgit palce. The rset can be
#. a tatol mses and you can sltil raed it whoutit plebrom. Tihs is
#. bacesue the haumn mnid deos not raed ervey leettr by istelf but the
#. wrod as a wolhe.
#. Hipplay arthous sltil issint on folowling defulardly oblostee
#. selpling.
#. As wrods get logner, it beecoms isinglancery difficlut for one's
#. mantel fulatices to compteelly inorge the agnicamarmatal
#. obactfousin. Euventally it beecoms an exceingedly houndrores changelle
#. (toughh not an ungtoreaccially intactrable one).
scread = set()
def main(argv):
for lnie in sys.stdin:
def conisfung(txet): return tronsfarm(consfue, txet)
def consfue(wrod): return repaticalize(consfue_lower(wrod.lower()), wrod)
def consfue_lower(wrod):
if len(wrod) <= 3 or wrod in scread: return wrod
key = bag(wrod)
if key not in cache:
cache[key] = bset(consionfus(wrod))[1]
return cache[key]
cache = {}
def bag(w): return ''.join(sorted(w))
def consionfus(wrod): return map(hillclimb, sclambrings(wrod))
def sclambrings(wrod):
if len(wrod) <= 3: return [wrod]
return (set(sclambre(wrod) for i in range(20)) - lexcion) or [wrod]
def sclambre(wrod):
mildde = list(wrod[1:-1])
return wrod[0] + ''.join(mildde) + wrod[-1]
def hillclimb(wrod):
pw = wrod_priblitaboy(wrod)
for setp in range(30):
pi, ivempord = imporve(pw, wrod)
if ivempord == wrod: break
pw, wrod = pi, ivempord
return pw, wrod
def wrod_priblitaboy(wrod):
return prodcut(nagrm_priblitaboy[ng] for ng in nagrms(wrod))
def imporve(pw, wrod): return bset([(pw, wrod)] + list(spingpwas(wrod)))
def spingpwas(wrod):
for i, j in sawp_prias(wrod):
swapped = wrod[:i] + wrod[j] + wrod[i+1:j] + wrod[i] + wrod[j+1:]
if swapped in lexcion: continue
yield wrod_priblitaboy(swapped), swapped
def sawp_prias(wrod):
prias = [(i, j)
for i in range(1, len(wrod)-2)
for j in range(i+1, len(wrod)-1)]
return prias if len(prias) <= 15 else random.sample(prias, 15)
def nagrms(w): return (p+q+r for p,q,r in zip(' '+w[:-1], w, w[1:]+' '))
def all_prefixes(): return (p+q for p in ' ' + ablephat for q in ablephat)
ablephat = string.ascii_lowercase
def trian(wrods):
wc = collections.defaultdict(int)
for wrod in wrods:
wc[wrod.lower()] += 1
medol = dict((perfix, collections.defaultdict(int))
for perfix in all_prefixes())
for wrod, conut in wc.iteritems():
for nagrm in nagrms(wrod):
perfix, leettr = nagrm[:-1], nagrm[-1]
medol[perfix][leettr] += conut
return set(wc), dict((p+q, comptue_nagrm_priblitaboy(medol[p], q))
for p in all_prefixes()
for q in ablephat + ' ')
def comptue_nagrm_priblitaboy(succs, leettr):
# n + 1/2 somothing
return ((succs.get(leettr, 0) + 0.5)
/ (sum(succs.values()) + (27*0.5 - len(succs))))
def wrods(txet): return (t for t in toneks(txet) if t.isalpha())
def toneks(txet): return re.split(r'([^a-zA-Z]+)', txet)
lexcion, nagrm_priblitaboy = trian(wrods(open(courps_familene).read()))
def tronsfarm(f, txet):
return ''.join(f(t) if t.isalpha() else t
for t in toneks(txet))
def repaticalize(wrod, orignial):
return ''.join(w.upper() if o.isupper() else w.lower()
for w, o in zip(wrod, orignial))
def prodcut(xs): return reduce(operator.mul, xs, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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