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Last active July 9, 2017 01:26
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Maximum Flow, Painfully Slow
import uuid
def fast_get_mfps_flow(mfps):
flow_from_s = {n for n in mfps.G.setOfNodes if n.uid == mfps.sourceNodeUid}.pop().datum.flowOut
flow_to_t = {n for n in mfps.G.setOfNodes if n.uid == mfps.terminalNodeUid}.pop().datum.flowIn
if( (flow_to_t - flow_from_s) > 0.00):
raise Exception('Infeasible s-t flow')
return flow_to_t
def fast_e_k_preprocess(G):
G = strip_flows(G)
get = dict({})
get['nodes'] = dict({})
get['node_to_node_capacity'] = dict({})
get['node_to_node_flow'] = dict({})
get['arcs'] = dict({})
get['residual_arcs'] = dict({})
for a in G.setOfArcs:
if(a.fromNode not in G.setOfNodes):
err_msg = 'There is no Node {a.fromNode.uid!s} to match the Arc from {a.fromNode.uid!s} to {a.toNode.uid!s}'.format(**locals())
raise KeyError(err_msg)
if(a.toNode not in G.setOfNodes):
err_msg = 'There is no Node {a.toNode.uid!s} to match the Arc from {a.fromNode.uid!s} to {a.toNode.uid!s}'.format(**locals())
raise KeyError(err_msg)
get['nodes'][a.fromNode.uid] = a.fromNode
get['nodes'][a.toNode.uid] = a.toNode
lark = Arc(a.fromNode.uid, a.toNode.uid, FlowArcDatumWithUid(a.datum.capacity, a.datum.flow, uuid.uuid4()))
if(a.fromNode.uid not in get['arcs']):
get['arcs'][a.fromNode.uid] = dict({a.toNode.uid : dict({lark.datum.uid : lark})})
if(a.toNode.uid not in get['arcs'][a.fromNode.uid]):
get['arcs'][a.fromNode.uid][a.toNode.uid] = dict({lark.datum.uid : lark})
get['arcs'][a.fromNode.uid][a.toNode.uid][lark.datum.uid] = lark
for a in G.setOfArcs:
if a.toNode.uid not in get['arcs']:
get['arcs'][a.toNode.uid] = dict({})
for n in get['nodes']:
get['residual_arcs'][n] = dict()
get['node_to_node_capacity'][n] = dict()
get['node_to_node_flow'][n] = dict()
for u in get['nodes']:
n_to_u_cap_sum = sum(a.datum.capacity for a in G.setOfArcs if (a.fromNode.uid == n) and (a.toNode.uid == u) )
n_to_u_flow_sum = sum(a.datum.flow for a in G.setOfArcs if (a.fromNode.uid == n) and (a.toNode.uid == u) )
if(n_to_u_cap_sum > n_to_u_flow_sum):
flow = round(n_to_u_cap_sum - n_to_u_flow_sum, TOL)
get['residual_arcs'][n][u] = Arc(n,u,ResidualDatum(flow, 'push'))
if(n_to_u_flow_sum > 0.0):
flow = round(n_to_u_flow_sum, TOL)
get['residual_arcs'][u][n] = Arc(u,n,ResidualDatum(flow, 'pull'))
get['node_to_node_capacity'][n][u] = n_to_u_cap_sum
get['node_to_node_flow'][n][u] = n_to_u_flow_sum
return get
def fast_bfs(sid, tid, get):
parent_of = dict([])
visited = frozenset([])
deq = coll.deque([sid])
while len(deq) > 0:
n = deq.popleft()
if n == tid:
for u in get['residual_arcs'][n]:
if (u not in visited):
visited = visited.union(frozenset({u}))
parent_of[u] = get['residual_arcs'][n][u]
path = list([])
curr = tid
while(curr != sid):
if (curr not in parent_of):
err_msg = 'No augmenting path from {} to {}.'.format(sid, curr)
raise StopIteration(err_msg)
curr = parent_of[curr].fromNode
return path
def fast_edmonds_karp(mfps):
sid, tid = mfps.sourceNodeUid, mfps.terminalNodeUid
get = fast_e_k_preprocess(mfps.G)
no_more_paths, loop_count = False, 0
while(not no_more_paths):
apath = fast_bfs(sid, tid, get)
get = fast_augment(apath, get)
loop_count += 1
except StopIteration as e:
no_more_paths = True
nodes = frozenset(get['nodes'].values())
arcs = frozenset({})
for from_node in get['arcs']:
for to_node in get['arcs'][from_node]:
for arc in get['arcs'][from_node][to_node]:
arcs |= frozenset({get['arcs'][from_node][to_node][arc]})
G = DiGraph(nodes, arcs)
mfps = MaxFlowProblemState(G, sourceNodeUid=sid, terminalNodeUid=tid, maxFlowProblemStateUid=mfps.maxFlowProblemStateUid)
return mfps
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