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Last active September 21, 2018 04:04
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The Jug Algorithm for Discrete Math - MATH 3310, USU
# Credit for gcd() method -
def gcd(a, b):
"""Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor of a and b.
Unless b==0, the result will have the same sign as b (so that when
b is divided by it, the result comes out positive).
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
class Jug(object):
def size(self):
return self.__size
def filled_amount(self):
return self.__filled_amount
def filled_amount(self, amount):
self.__filled_amount = amount
if self.__filled_amount < 0:
raise Exception("jug cannot have a negative amount of water")
if self.__filled_amount > self.__size:
raise Exception("jug cannot hold more than %d units of water" % self.__filled_amount)
def __init__(self, size, name): # type: (int, str) -> None
self.__size = size # type: int
self.__filled_amount = 0 # type: int
self.states = [] # type: [int]
self.actions = [] # type: [str] = name
def concat_states(a, b, delimeter=" -> "): # type: (Jug, Jug, str) -> str
states = map(lambda x: "(%d, %d)" % (x[0], x[1]), zip(a.states, b.states))
return delimeter.join(states)
def to_tabular_latex(a, b, columns=4): # type: (Jug, Jug, int) -> [str]
states = map(lambda x: "(%d, %d)" % (x[0], x[1]), zip(a.states, b.states))
states = list(states) # type: list
actions = map(lambda x: ", ".join([x[0], x[1]]), zip(a.actions, b.actions))
actions = list(actions) # type: list
pairs = list(zip(states, actions))
def reduce_(arr, n):
for i in range(0, len(arr), n):
yield arr[i:i + n]
# chunks = int((len(states) + len(actions) / 2) / columns)
rows = [p for p in reduce_(pairs, columns)]
tabular_rows = []
for i in range(0, len(rows)):
row = rows[i]
# row[n] = ("(a, b)", "<action>, ")
for pair in row:
state = "$%s$" % pair[0]
action = pair[1].split(',')
action = list(filter(lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, action))
action = action[0].strip()
tabular_rows[i].append(action + " & " + state)
tabular_rows[i] = " & ".join(tabular_rows[i]) + "\\\\"
# tabular_rows = " \\\\".join(tabular_rows)
return tabular_rows
def pour(self, jug): # type: (Jug, Jug) -> Jug
while self.filled_amount > 0 and jug.filled_amount < jug.size:
self.filled_amount -= 1
jug.filled_amount += 1
self.update_state("Pour %s into %s" % (,
return jug
def update_state(self, action=''):
def empty(self):
self.filled_amount = 0
self.update_state("Empty %s" %
def fill(self):
self.filled_amount = self.size
self.update_state("Fill %s" %
def is_full(self):
return self.filled_amount == self.size
def is_empty(self):
return self.filled_amount == 0
def do_nothing(self):
def jugs(jug_size_a, jug_size_b, target): # type: (int, int, int) -> None
# Jugs Algorithm: Algorithm for precisely measuring water with A and B.
# One: Fill A.
# Two: Pour the contents of A into B and if B ever becomes full, empty it and continue pouring A into B.
if gcd(jug_size_a, jug_size_b) != 1:
print("WARNING: Jug sizes have a common divisor greater than 1. This can have the result in never achieving a state where you reach your target.")
a = Jug(jug_size_a, 'A')
b = Jug(jug_size_b, 'B')
count = 0
while a.filled_amount != target or b.filled_amount != target:
if a.is_empty():
elif b.is_full():
if a.filled_amount == target or b.filled_amount == target:
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print("WARNING: Fill-Empty-Pour steps exceeding %d steps" % count)
print_states = input("Print States [Y/n]? ")
if print_states.lower().strip() == 'y' or print_states.strip() == '':
print(Jug.concat_states(a, b))
continue_ = input("Continue [Y/n]?")
if not (continue_.lower().strip() == 'y' or continue_.strip() == ''):
print(Jug.concat_states(a, b))
# print(Jug.concat_states(a, b, " \\rightarrow "))
# tabular_latex_rows = Jug.to_tabular_latex(a, b, 4)
# for row in tabular_latex_rows:
# print(row)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) != 3:
print("Error: expected three arguments")
args = [int(arg) for arg in args]
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