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Created January 24, 2022 23:36
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FXC broken
// Compiling this code with:
// fxc.exe /T ps_5_0 /O0 /E main broken_min16float.hlsl
// Will result in the following:
// error X8000: D3D11 Internal Compiler Error: Invalid Bytecode: Incompatible min precision type for operand #1 of opcode #6 (counts are 1-based). Expected int or uint.
// Works if compiled with Od for no optimizations
#define _h( x ) min16float( ( x ) )
cbuffer PassBuffer : register( b0 )
float param0;
min16float BRDF_AreaLightApprox( min16float a, min16float b )
return b * a;
float4 main() : SV_Target0
min16float specular = min16float( 1 );
min16float booster = _h( 4.0f );
min16float specCol = _h( 0.0 );
if( param0 > 0 )
if( param0 >= 0 )
specCol = _h( 0.5f );
min16float3 tmpColour;
tmpColour = BRDF_AreaLightApprox( specCol.x, specular );
tmpColour *= booster;
float4 outPs; = tmpColour;
outPs.w = _h( 1.0 );
return outPs;
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