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angular.module("materialCalendar", ["ngMaterial", "ngSanitize"]); | |
angular.module("materialCalendar").constant("materialCalendar.config", { | |
version: "0.2.13", | |
debug: document.domain.indexOf("localhost") > -1 | |
}); | |
angular.module("materialCalendar").config(["materialCalendar.config", "$logProvider", "$compileProvider", function (config, $logProvider, $compileProvider) { | |
if (config.debug) { | |
$logProvider.debugEnabled(false); | |
$compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); | |
} | |
}]); | |
angular.module("materialCalendar").service("materialCalendar.Calendar", [function () { | |
function Calendar(year, month, options) { | |
var now = new Date(); | |
this.setWeekStartsOn = function (i) { | |
var d = parseInt(i || 0, 10); | |
if (!isNaN(d) && d >= 0 && d <= 6) { | |
this.weekStartsOn = d; | |
} else { | |
this.weekStartsOn = 0; | |
} | |
return this.weekStartsOn; | |
}; | |
this.options = angular.isObject(options) ? options : {}; | |
this.year = now.getFullYear(); | |
this.month = now.getMonth(); | |
this.weeks = []; | |
this.weekStartsOn = this.setWeekStartsOn(this.options.weekStartsOn); | | = function () { | |
if (this.start.getMonth() < 11) { | |
this.init(this.start.getFullYear(), this.start.getMonth() + 1); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.init(this.start.getFullYear() + 1, 0); | |
}; | |
this.prev = function () { | |
if (this.month) { | |
this.init(this.start.getFullYear(), this.start.getMonth() - 1); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.init(this.start.getFullYear() - 1, 11); | |
}; | |
// Month should be the javascript indexed month, 0 is January, etc. | |
this.init = function (year, month) { | |
var now = new Date(); | |
this.year = angular.isDefined(year) ? year : now.getFullYear(); | |
this.month = angular.isDefined(month) ? month : now.getMonth(); | |
var daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; | |
var monthLength = daysInMonth[this.month]; | |
// Figure out if is a leap year. | |
if (this.month === 1) { | |
if ((this.year % 4 === 0 && this.year % 100 !== 0) || this.year % 400 === 0) { | |
monthLength = 29; | |
} | |
} | |
// First day of calendar month. | |
this.start = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1); | |
var date = angular.copy(this.start); | |
while (date.getDay() !== this.weekStartsOn) { | |
date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1); | |
monthLength++; | |
} | |
// Last day of calendar month. | |
while (monthLength % 7 !== 0) { | |
monthLength++; | |
} | |
this.weeks = []; | |
for (var i = 0; i < monthLength; ++i) { | |
// Let's start a new week. | |
if (i % 7 === 0) { | |
this.weeks.push([]); | |
} | |
// Add copy of the date. If not a copy, | |
// it will get updated shortly. | |
this.weeks[this.weeks.length - 1].push(angular.copy(date)); | |
// Increment it. | |
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); | |
} | |
}; | |
this.init(year, month); | |
} | |
return Calendar; | |
}]); | |
angular.module("materialCalendar").service("MaterialCalendarData", [function () { | |
function CalendarData() { | | = {}; | |
this.getDayKey = function(date) { | |
return [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()].join("-"); | |
}; | |
this.setDayContent = function(date, content) { | |[this.getDayKey(date)] = content ||[this.getDayKey(date)] || ""; | |
}; | |
} | |
return new CalendarData(); | |
}]); | |
angular.module("materialCalendar").directive("calendarMd", ["$compile", "$parse", "$templateCache", "$q", "materialCalendar.Calendar", "MaterialCalendarData", function ($compile, $parse, $templateCache, $q, Calendar, CalendarData) { | |
var defaultTemplate = "<md-content layout='column' layout-fill md-swipe-left='next()' md-swipe-right='prev()'><md-toolbar><div class='md-toolbar-tools' layout='row'><md-button class='md-icon-button' ng-click='prev()' aria-label='Previous month'><md-tooltip ng-if='::tooltips()'>Previous month</md-tooltip>«</md-button><div flex></div><h2 class='calendar-md-title'><span>{{ calendar.start | date:titleFormat:timezone }}</span></h2><div flex></div><md-button class='md-icon-button' ng-click='next()' aria-label='Next month'><md-tooltip ng-if='::tooltips()'>Next month</md-tooltip>»</md-button></div></md-toolbar><!-- agenda view --><md-content ng-if='weekLayout === columnWeekLayout' class='agenda'><div ng-repeat='week in calendar.weeks track by $index'><div ng-if='sameMonth(day)' ng-class='{"disabled" : isDisabled(day), active: active === day }' ng-click='handleDayClick(day)' ng-repeat='day in week' layout><md-tooltip ng-if='::tooltips()'>{{ day | date:dayTooltipFormat:timezone }}</md-tooltip><div>{{ day | date:dayFormat:timezone }}</div><div flex ng-bind-html='[dayKey(day)]'></div></div></div></md-content><!-- calendar view --><md-content ng-if='weekLayout !== columnWeekLayout' flex layout='column' class='calendar'><div layout='row' class='subheader'><div layout-padding class='subheader-day' flex ng-repeat='day in calendar.weeks[0]'><md-tooltip ng-if='::tooltips()'>{{ day | date:dayLabelTooltipFormat }}</md-tooltip>{{ day | date:dayLabelFormat }}</div></div><div ng-if='week.length' ng-repeat='week in calendar.weeks track by $index' flex layout='row'><div tabindex='{{ sameMonth(day) ? (day | date:dayFormat:timezone) : 0 }}' ng-repeat='day in week track by $index' ng-click='handleDayClick(day)' flex layout layout-padding ng-class='{"disabled" : isDisabled(day), "active": isActive(day), "md-whiteframe-12dp": hover || focus }' ng-focus='focus = true;' ng-blur='focus = false;' ng-mouseleave='hover = false' ng-mouseenter='hover = true'><md-tooltip ng-if='::tooltips()'>{{ day | date:dayTooltipFormat }}</md-tooltip><div>{{ day | date:dayFormat }}</div><div flex ng-bind-html='[dayKey(day)]'></div></div></div></md-content></md-content>"; | |
var defaultTemplateUrl = 'angular-material-calendar.html'; | |
$templateCache.put(defaultTemplateUrl, defaultTemplate); | |
var injectCss = function () { | |
var styleId = "calendarMdCss"; | |
if (!document.getElementById(styleId)) { | |
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; | |
var css = document.createElement("style"); | |
css.type = "text/css"; | | = styleId; | |
css.innerHTML = "calendar-md md-content>md-content.agenda>*>* :not(:first-child),calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>* :last-child{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}calendar-md{display:block;max-height:100%}calendar-md .md-toolbar-tools h2{overflow-x:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}calendar-md md-content>md-content{border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12)}calendar-md md-content>md-content.agenda>*>*{border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12)}calendar-md md-content>md-content.agenda>*>.disabled{color:rgba(0,0,0,.3);pointer-events:none;cursor:auto}calendar-md md-content>md-content.agenda>*>* :first-child{padding:12px;width:200px;text-align:right;color:rgba(0,0,0,.75);font-weight:100;overflow-x:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}calendar-md md-content>md-content>*>*{min-width:48px}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:first-child{background:rgba(0,0,0,.02);border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12);margin-right:0;min-height:36px}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>*{border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12);border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12);cursor:pointer}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>:hover{background:rgba(0,0,0,.04)}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>.disabled{color:rgba(0,0,0,.3);pointer-events:none;cursor:auto}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>.active{box-shadow:0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0,0,0,.12);background:rgba(0,0,0,.02)}calendar-md md-content>md-content.calendar>:not(:first-child)>* :first-child{padding:0}"; | |
head.insertBefore(css, head.firstChild); | |
} | |
}; | |
return { | |
restrict: "E", | |
templateUrl: function (element, attrs) { | |
return attrs.templateUrl || defaultTemplateUrl; | |
}, | |
scope: { | |
ngModel: "=?", | |
onDayClick: "=?", | |
onPrevMonth: "=?", | |
onNextMonth: "=?", | |
calendarDirection: "=?", | |
dayContent: "&?", | |
timezone: "=?", | |
titleFormat: "=?", | |
dayFormat: "=?", | |
dayLabelFormat: "=?", | |
dayLabelTooltipFormat: "=?", | |
dayTooltipFormat: "=?", | |
weekStartsOn: "=?", | |
tooltips: "&?", | |
clearDataCacheOnLoad: "=?", | |
disableFutureSelection: "=?" | |
}, | |
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { | |
// Add the CSS here. | |
injectCss(); | |
var date = new Date(); | |
var month = parseInt($attrs.startMonth || date.getMonth()); | |
var year = parseInt($attrs.startYear || date.getFullYear()); | |
$scope.columnWeekLayout = "column"; | |
$scope.weekLayout = "row"; | |
$scope.timezone = $scope.timezone || null; | |
$scope.noCache = $attrs.clearDataCacheOnLoad || false; | |
// Parse the parent model to determine if it's an array. | |
// If it is an array, than we'll automatically be able to select | |
// more than one date. | |
if ($attrs.ngModel) { | |
$ = $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.ngModel); | |
if ($attrs.ngModel) { | |
$scope.$watch("$parent." + $attrs.ngModel, function (val) { | |
$ = val; | |
}); | |
} | |
} else { | |
$ = null; | |
} | |
// Set the defaults here. | |
$scope.titleFormat = $scope.titleFormat || "MMMM yyyy"; | |
$scope.dayLabelFormat = $scope.dayLabelFormat || "EEE"; | |
$scope.dayLabelTooltipFormat = $scope.dayLabelTooltipFormat || "EEEE"; | |
$scope.dayFormat = $scope.dayFormat || "d"; | |
$scope.dayTooltipFormat = $scope.dayTooltipFormat || "fullDate"; | |
$scope.disableFutureSelection = $scope.disableFutureSelection || false; | |
$scope.sameMonth = function (date) { | |
var d = angular.copy(date); | |
return d.getFullYear() === $scope.calendar.year && | |
d.getMonth() === $scope.calendar.month; | |
}; | |
$scope.isDisabled = function (date) { | |
if ($scope.disableFutureSelection && date > new Date()) { return true; } | |
return !$scope.sameMonth(date); | |
}; | |
$scope.calendarDirection = $scope.calendarDirection || "horizontal"; | |
$scope.$watch("calendarDirection", function (val) { | |
$scope.weekLayout = val === "horizontal" ? "row" : "column"; | |
}); | |
$scope.$watch("weekLayout", function () { | |
year = $scope.calendar.year; | |
month = $scope.calendar.month; | |
bootstrap(); | |
}); | |
var handleCb = function (cb, data) { | |
(cb || angular.noop)(data); | |
}; | |
var dateFind = function (arr, date) { | |
var index = -1; | |
angular.forEach(arr, function (d, k) { | |
if (index < 0) { | |
if (angular.equals(date, d)) { | |
index = k; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
return index; | |
}; | |
$scope.isActive = function (date) { | |
var match; | |
var active = angular.copy($; | |
if (!angular.isArray(active)) { | |
match = angular.equals(date, active); | |
} else { | |
match = dateFind(active, date) > -1; | |
} | |
return match; | |
}; | |
$scope.prev = function () { | |
$scope.calendar.prev(); | |
var data = { | |
year: $scope.calendar.year, | |
month: $scope.calendar.month + 1 | |
}; | |
setData(); | |
handleCb($scope.onPrevMonth, data); | |
}; | |
$ = function () { | |
$; | |
var data = { | |
year: $scope.calendar.year, | |
month: $scope.calendar.month + 1 | |
}; | |
setData(); | |
handleCb($scope.onNextMonth, data); | |
}; | |
$scope.handleDayClick = function (date) { | |
if($scope.disableFutureSelection && date > new Date()) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var active = angular.copy($; | |
if (angular.isArray(active)) { | |
var idx = dateFind(active, date); | |
if (idx > -1) { | |
active.splice(idx, 1); | |
} else { | |
active.push(date); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (angular.equals(active, date)) { | |
active = null; | |
} else { | |
active = date; | |
} | |
} | |
$ = active; | |
if ($attrs.ngModel) { | |
$parse($attrs.ngModel).assign($scope.$parent, angular.copy($; | |
} | |
handleCb($scope.onDayClick, angular.copy(date)); | |
}; | |
var init = function () { | |
$scope.calendar = new Calendar(year, month, { | |
weekStartsOn: $scope.weekStartsOn || 0 | |
}); | |
}; | |
$scope.dataService = CalendarData; | |
// Set the html contents of each date. | |
var getDayKey = function (date) { | |
return $scope.dataService.getDayKey(date); | |
}; | |
$scope.dayKey = getDayKey; | |
var getDayContent = function (date) { | |
// Initialize the data in the data array. | |
if ($scope.noCache) { | |
$scope.dataService.setDayContent(date, ""); | |
} else { | |
$scope.dataService.setDayContent(date, ($[getDayKey(date)] || "")); | |
} | |
var cb = ($scope.dayContent || angular.noop)(); | |
var result = (cb || angular.noop)(date); | |
// Check for async function. This should support $http.get() and also regular $q.defer() functions. | |
if (angular.isObject(result) && "function" === typeof result.success) { | |
result.success(function (html) { | |
$scope.dataService.setDayContent(date, html); | |
}); | |
} else if (angular.isObject(result) && "function" === typeof result.then) { | |
result.then(function (html) { | |
$scope.dataService.setDayContent(date, html); | |
}); | |
} else { | |
$scope.dataService.setDayContent(date, result); | |
} | |
}; | |
var setData = function () { | |
angular.forEach($scope.calendar.weeks, function (week) { | |
angular.forEach(week, getDayContent); | |
}); | |
}; | | = $; | |
var bootstrap = function () { | |
init(); | |
setData(); | |
}; | |
$scope.$watch("weekStartsOn", init); | |
bootstrap(); | |
// These are for tests, don't remove them.. | |
$scope._$$init = init; | |
$scope._$$bootstrap = bootstrap; | |
} | |
}; | |
}]); |
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