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Created June 14, 2023 17:18
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Process MOS
"""Collection of utilities for downloading and processing MOS output.
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
full_model_name = { 'NAM': "NAM-MET", "GFS": "GFS-MAV" }
months = {"JAN":1, "FEB":2, "MAR":3, "APR":4, "MAY":5, "JUNE":6,
"JULY":7, "AUG":8, "SEPT":9, "OCT":10, "NOV":11,
data_path = "data_arch/"
def reporthook(a,b,c):
"""Custom download progress bar.
# ',' at the end of the line is important!
print "% 3.1f%% of %d bytes\r" % (min(100, float(a * b) / c * 100), c),
#you can also use sys.stdout.write
#sys.stdout.write("\r% 3.1f%% of %d bytes"
# % (min(100, float(a * b) / c * 100), c)
def station_headers(mos_file, station_id, model="GFS"):
"""Seek forward from block to block in compilation of MOS data.
lines = mos_file.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if station_id in line:
# seek forward to find end of station data
for i_end in xrange(i+1, i+30):
if "%s MOS GUIDANCE" % model in lines[i_end]: break
yield lines[i:i_end]
def download_file(url, local_filename):
"""Convenience utility for downloading and saving a file to disk.
print "downloading " + url,
f = urlopen(url)
with open(local_filename, "wb") as local_file:
def get_NAM(station, years):
"""Download NAM MOS output.
Queries the NWS MDL to download NAM MOS output (00Z and 12Z)
for a given station over a specified range of years, and saves
single-block outputs of each forecast locally.
For example, to download all the NAM MOS forecasts from 2009 for
Lousville's Standiford Field forecast location, one can execute
from an interactive Python session,
>>> get_NAM("KSDF", [2009, ])
Downloading MOS data for KSDF
Creating data_arch/KSDF/NAM
station : string
Station identifier code
years : iterable of int
The calendar years of data to download
If the requested data could not be downloaded.
print "Downloading MOS data for", station
#years = range(2009, 2012)
months = range(1, 13)
for (year, month) in itertools.product(years, months):
link = "" % (year, month)
print link
## Download file
temp_file_name = link.split("/")[-1]
full_path = os.path.join(data_path, station, "NAM")
## Make the path to store the data
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
print "Creating", full_path
full_fn = os.path.join(data_path, temp_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(full_fn):
download_file(link, full_fn)
print "done"
except HTTPError, e:
print "...resource not found. Skipping."
## Uncompress file["uncompress", full_fn])
uncomp_fn = full_fn[:-2] # trim the ".Z"
f = open(uncomp_fn)
sh = station_headers(f, station, "NAM")
for mos_lines in sh:
station_id, _, _, _, run_date, run_time, _ = mos_lines[0].split()
fcst_time = int(run_time)/100
rd_month, rd_day, rd_year = map(int, run_date.split("/"))
mos_filename = "%s.%02d%02d%4d.NAM-MET.%02dZ" % (station_id, rd_month, rd_day, rd_year, fcst_time)
print mos_filename
new_f = open("data_arch/%s/NAM/%s" % (station_id, mos_filename), 'wb')
def get_GFS(station, years):
"""Download GFS MOS output.
Queries the NWS MDL to download GFS MOS output (00Z, 06Z, 12Z, 18Z)
for a given station over a specified range of years, and saves
single-block outputs of each forecast locally.
For example, to download all the NAM MOS forecasts from 2009 for
Lousville's Standiford Field forecast location, one can execute
from an interactive Python session,
>>> get_GFS("KSDF", [2009, ])
Downloading MOS data for KSDF
Creating data_arch/KSDF/NAM
station : string
Station identifier code
years : iterable of int
The calendar years of data to download
If the requested data could not be downloaded.
print "Downloading MOS data for", station
months = range(1, 13)
for (year, month) in itertools.product(years, months):
for fcst_time in [0, 6, 12, 18]:
## 18Z
link = "" % (year, month, fcst_time)
print link
## Download file
temp_file_name = link.split("/")[-1]
## Make the path to store the data
full_path = os.path.join(data_path, station, "GFS")
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
print "Creating", full_path
full_fn = os.path.join(data_path, temp_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(full_fn):
download_file(link, full_fn)
print "done"
except HTTPError, e:
print "...resource not found. Skipping."
## Uncompress file["uncompress", full_fn])
uncomp_fn = full_fn[:-2] # trim the ".Z"
f = open(uncomp_fn)
sh = station_headers(f, station, "GFS")
for mos_lines in sh:
station_id, _, _, _, run_date, run_time, _ = mos_lines[0].split()
rd_month, rd_day, rd_year = map(int, run_date.split("/"))
mos_filename = "%s.%02d%02d%4d.GFS-MAV.%02dZ" % (station_id, rd_month, rd_day, rd_year, fcst_time)
print mos_filename
new_f = open("data_arch/%s/GFS/%s" % (station_id, mos_filename), 'wb')
def process_MOS(lines):
"""Process a block of MOS output.
This method converts a block of raw MOS output into a
timeseries format using a pandas DataFrame. It accepts
the raw, individual lines of MOS output (such as the contents
of a file written to disk by `get_NAM()`. The header of the block
is analyzed to format the indices of the timeseries, and then it strips
out Day 1 and Day 2 max/min/precip forecasts while preserving all
3-hourly forecast data.
.. note:: The output has two special attributes, `maxmin` and `precip`
which contained processed Day 1 and Day 2 specific forecasts.
lines : list of strings
Individual lines comprising a MOS block forecast
MOS forecast
lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), lines)
# Line 1 - header info
station_id, _, _, _, run_date, run_time, _ = lines[0].split()
month, day, year = map(int, run_date.split("/"))
hour = int(run_time)/100
fcst_datetime = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour)
meta = {'station': station_id, 'run': fcst_datetime}
# Line 2 - forecast dates
forecast_dates = map(lambda x: x.strip(), lines[1].split("/")[1:])[::-1]
slash_indices = [m.start() for m in re.finditer("/", lines[1])]
# Line 3 - forecast hours
forecast_hours = map(int, lines[2].split()[1:])
line_length = len(lines[2])
# Line 4 - max/min temps
max_min = map(int, lines[3].split()[1:])
# Remaining lines
other_data = {}
minmax = []
## Extract field name
for line in lines[3:]:
## Pad the end of the line if its too short, i.e. the strip operation nicked off
## the last hour of data like can happen sometimes with the 12-hr fields
if len(line) < line_length: line += " "*(line_length - len(line))
name = line[:3]
## Switch based on the name
if name in ["TMP", "DPT", "CLD", "WDR", "WSP", "CIG", "VIS", "OBV", "POS", "POZ", "TYP"]:
data = [line[i:i+3] for i in xrange(4, len(line), 3)]
f = str if name in ["OBV", "CLD", "TYP"] else int
data = map(f, data)
other_data[name] = data
elif name in ["X/N", "N/X"]:
data = [line[i:i+3] for i in xrange(4, len(line), 3)]
data = [int(d) for d in data if d.strip()]
minmax = data
elif name in ["P06", "Q06", "P12", "Q12"]:
data = [line[i:i+3] for i in xrange(4, len(line), 3)]
def f(x):
if not x.strip():
return np.NaN
return int(x)
data = map(f, data)
other_data[name] = data
else: continue
# Map the forecast_hours entries to specific dates/times
proc_timestamps = []
cds = []
for i, hour in enumerate(forecast_hours):
# If first entry
if i == 0:
if (month == 12) and (day == 31) and (fcst_datetime.hour == 18):
current_year = fcst_datetime.year + 1
current_year = fcst_datetime.year
popped_date = forecast_dates.pop()
month, day = popped_date.split()
month, day = months[month], int(day)
cd = datetime.datetime(current_year, month, day)
if (i != 0) and (hour == 0):
cd += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
timestamp = datetime.datetime(cd.year, cd.month,, hour)
df = pd.DataFrame(other_data, index=proc_timestamps)
df.meta = meta
## Map the max/mins to their appropriate dates, as well as the
maxmins = OrderedDict()
if fcst_datetime.hour < 12:
day0, day1, day2, day3 = cds
maxmins[day0] = {'TMAX': minmax[0]}
maxmins[day1] = {'TMIN': minmax[1], 'TMAX': minmax[2]}
maxmins[day2] = {'TMIN': minmax[3], 'TMAX': minmax[4]}
elif fcst_datetime.hour >= 12:
if fcst_datetime.hour == 12: day0, day1, day2, day3 = cds
if fcst_datetime.hour == 18: day1, day2, day3 = cds
maxmins[day1] = {'TMIN': minmax[0], 'TMAX': minmax[1]}
maxmins[day2] = {'TMIN': minmax[2], 'TMAX': minmax[3]}
maxmins[day3] = {'TMIN': minmax[4]}
df.maxmins = maxmins
## Map the 12hr POP/QPF forecasts to their appropriate dates (shift them to the *beginning*)
## of their forecast interval
precip = OrderedDict()
precip_df = df[["Q12", "P12"]].dropna()
precip_index = precip_df.index
precip_df = precip_df.set_index(precip_index - datetime.timedelta(hours=12))
# Only grab the Day 1 and beyond values
if fcst_datetime.hour < 12: precip_df = precip_df.ix[1:]
day1, day2 = precip_df.index[:3:2]
precip[day1] = { "Q12": [precip_df["Q12"].ix[0], precip_df["Q12"].ix[1]],
"P12": [precip_df["P12"].ix[0], precip_df["P12"].ix[1]] }
precip[day2] = { "Q12": [precip_df["Q12"].ix[2], precip_df["Q12"].ix[3]],
"P12": [precip_df["P12"].ix[2], precip_df["P12"].ix[3]] }
df.precip = precip
return df
def concatenate_MOS(station, forecast_date, gfs=True, nam=True, print_debug=False):
""" Concatenate MOS forecasts from GFS and NAM corresponding to
a given forecast date.
Forecast period is implied to be 00Z on the forecast date to
00Z on the following day. This method will align the 00Z-18Z
forecasts on the previous day to get a timeseries/snapshot of the
forecast for the forecast date.
Example usage:
>>> forecast_date = datetime.strptime("2008-09-17", "%Y-%m-%d")
station : string
Station identifier code
forecast_date : datetime.datetime
The date corresponding to the 00z-00z forecast period
gfs, nam : boolean, optional
Logical switch on which model to include (both true by
Aligned MOS forecasts
mos_pattern = "%s.%02d%02d%4d.%s.%02dZ" # station, mm, dd, yyyy, model, hh
one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
## Generate filenames of MOS data to read
model_date = forecast_date - one_day
md = model_date # alias
hours = [0, 6, 12, 18]
models = []
if gfs: models.append("GFS")
if nam: models.append("NAM")
combos = itertools.product(hours, models)
all_mos = {}
for hour, model in combos:
filename = mos_pattern % (station, md.month,, md.year,
full_model_name[model], hour)
if print_debug:
print "Processing", filename
full_path = os.path.join(data_path, station, model, filename)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
if print_debug:
print " could not find file; skipping"
model_fcst_date = datetime.datetime(md.year, md.month,, hour)
with open(full_path, 'r') as f:
proc_mos = process_MOS(f.readlines())
fcst_name = "%s%02dZ" % (model, hour)
all_mos[fcst_name] = proc_mos
mos_panel = pd.Panel(all_mos)
return mos_panel, all_mos
if __name__ == "__main__":
lines = open("data_arch/KAUS/GFS/KAUS.01012009.GFS-MAV.18Z", "r").readlines()
df = process_MOS(lines)
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