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Last active November 21, 2024 22:36
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Cubed Sphere Mesh Generation and Plotting
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
INV_SQRT_3 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(3.0)
ASIN_INV_SQRT_3 = np.arcsin(INV_SQRT_3)
def gaussian_bell(xs, ys, xc=0., yc=0., xsigma=1., ysigma=1.):
""" Compute a 2D Gaussian with asymmetric standard deviations and
arbitrary center.
.. math::
Z = \exp{\left[\frac{(x - x_c)^2}{2\sigma_x} + \frac{(y - y_c)^2}{2\sigma_y}\right]}
{x,y}s : array-like of floats
x- and y-coordinates where the function should be calculated. Can be
arbitrary shape as long as they both match.
{x,y}c : float
coordinates corresponding to center of bell.
{x,y}sigma : float
width/standard deviation (σ) of distribution in each coordinate direction.
Z evaluated at the given coordinates.
expon = ((xs - xc)**2)/2./xsigma + ((ys - yc)**2)/2./ysigma
return np.exp(-expon)
def multi_wave(lons, lats, nx=2, ny=1):
""" Compute an arbitrary zonally/meridionally varying wave.
.. math::
Z = \cos{\frac{n_x \lambda}{T_\lambda}} + 2\frac{\phi - \bar{\phi}}{\mathrm{std}(\phi)}
Tx = 360. / 2. * np.pi
Ty = 180. / 2. * np.pi
# return np.sin(nx*lons/Tx + np.cos(lats/Ty)) #+ np.cos(ny*lats/Ty)
return np.cos(nx*lons/Tx) + 2*(lats - np.mean(lats))/lats.std()
def close(x, y, thresh=5):
return np.abs(x - y) < 10**(-thresh)
def shift_lons(lons):
new_lons = np.empty_like(lons)
mask = lons > 180
new_lons[mask] = -(360. - lons[mask])
new_lons[~mask] = lons[~mask]
lons = new_lons.copy()
return lons
def latlon_to_cartesian(lon, lat):
""" Convert latitude/longitude coordinates along the unit sphere to cartesian coordinates
defined by a vector pointing from the sphere's center to its surface.
lon, lat : float
Longitude and latitude coordinates in radians
Cartesian coordinate components x, y, z
x = np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
y = np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
z = np.sin(lat)
return x, y, z
vec_latlon_to_cartesian = np.vectorize(latlon_to_cartesian)
def cartesian_to_latlon(x, y, z, ret_xyz=False):
""" Convert a cartesian coordinate to latitude/longitude coordinates."""
xyz = np.array([x, y, z])
vector_length = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz*xyz, axis=0))
xyz /= vector_length
x, y, z = xyz
if (np.abs(x) + np.abs(y)) < 1e-20:
lon = 0.
lon = np.arctan2(y, x)
if lon < 0.:
lon += 2*np.pi
lat = np.arcsin(z)
# If not normalizing vector, take lat = np.arcsin(z/vector_length)
if ret_xyz:
return lon, lat, xyz
return lon, lat
vec_cartesian_to_latlon = np.vectorize(cartesian_to_latlon)
def spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi, r=1):
x = r * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta)
z = r * np.sin(phi)
return x, y, z
vec_spherical_to_cartesian = np.vectorize(spherical_to_cartesian)
def cartesian_to_spherical(x, y, z):
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
#theta = np.arccos(z / r)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
phi = np.arctan2(z, np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
# if np.abs(x) < 1e-16:
# phi = np.pi
# else:
# phi = np.arctan(y / x)
return theta, phi, r
vec_cartesian_to_spherical = np.vectorize(cartesian_to_spherical)
def rotate_sphere_3D(theta, phi, r, rot_ang, rot_axis='x'):
cos_ang = np.cos(rot_ang)
sin_ang = np.sin(rot_ang)
# print(rot_axis, cos_ang, sin_ang)
x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi, r)
if rot_axis == 'x':
x_new = x
y_new = cos_ang*y + sin_ang*z
z_new = -sin_ang*y + cos_ang*z
elif rot_axis == 'y':
x_new = cos_ang*x - sin_ang*z
y_new = y
z_new = sin_ang*x + cos_ang*z
elif rot_axis == 'z':
x_new = cos_ang*x + sin_ang*y
y_new = -sin_ang*x + cos_ang*y
z_new = z
# print(x, x_new)
# print(y, y_new)
# print(z, z_new)
theta_new, phi_new, r_new = cartesian_to_spherical(x_new, y_new, z_new)
# print()
# print(theta, theta_new)
# print(phi, phi_new)
# print(r, r_new)
return theta_new, phi_new, r_new
class CSGrid(object):
def __init__(self, c, offset=None):
self.c = c
self.delta_y = 2. * ASIN_INV_SQRT_3 / c
self.nx = self.ny = c + 1
self.offset = offset
def _initialize(self):
c = self.c
nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny
lambda_rad = np.zeros((nx, ny))
lambda_rad[ 0, :] = 3.*np.pi/4. # West edge
lambda_rad[-1, :] = 5.*np.pi/4. # East edge
theta_rad = np.zeros((nx, ny))
theta_rad[ 0, :] = -ASIN_INV_SQRT_3 + (self.delta_y*np.arange(c+1)) # West edge
theta_rad[-1, :] = theta_rad[0, :] # East edge
# Cache the reflection points - our upper-left and lower-right corners
lonMir1, lonMir2 = lambda_rad[0, 0], lambda_rad[-1, -1]
latMir1, latMir2 = theta_rad[0, 0], theta_rad[-1, -1]
xyzMir1 = latlon_to_cartesian(lonMir1, latMir1)
xyzMir2 = latlon_to_cartesian(lonMir2, latMir2)
xyzCross = np.cross(xyzMir1, xyzMir2)
norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyzCross**2))
xyzCross /= norm
for i in range(1, c):
lonRef, latRef = lambda_rad[0, i], theta_rad[0, i]
xyzRef = np.asarray(latlon_to_cartesian(lonRef, latRef, ))
xyzDot = np.sum(xyzCross*xyzRef)
xyzImg = xyzRef - (2. * xyzDot * xyzCross)
xsImg, ysImg, zsImg = xyzImg
lonImg, latImg = cartesian_to_latlon(xsImg, ysImg, zsImg)
lambda_rad[i, 0] = lonImg
lambda_rad[i, -1] = lonImg
theta_rad[i, 0] = latImg
theta_rad[i, -1] = -latImg
pp = np.zeros([3, c+1, c+1])
# Set the four corners
for i, j in product([0, -1], [0, -1]):
# print(i, j)
pp[:, i, j] = latlon_to_cartesian(lambda_rad[i, j], theta_rad[i, j])
# Map the edges on the sphere back to the cube. Note that all intersections are at x = -rsq3
for ij in range(1, c+1):
# print(ij)
pp[:, 0, ij] = latlon_to_cartesian(lambda_rad[0, ij], theta_rad[0, ij])
pp[1, 0, ij] = -pp[1, 0, ij] * INV_SQRT_3 / pp[0, 0, ij]
pp[2, 0, ij] = -pp[2, 0, ij] * INV_SQRT_3 / pp[0, 0, ij]
pp[:, ij, 0] = latlon_to_cartesian(lambda_rad[ij, 0], theta_rad[ij, 0])
pp[1, ij, 0] = -pp[1, ij, 0] * INV_SQRT_3 / pp[0, ij, 0]
pp[2, ij, 0] = -pp[2, ij, 0] * INV_SQRT_3 / pp[0, ij, 0]
# # Map interiors
pp[0, :, :] = -INV_SQRT_3
for i in range(1, c+1):
for j in range(1, c+1):
# Copy y-z face of the cube along j=1
pp[1, i, j] = pp[1, i, 0]
# Copy along i=1
pp[2, i, j] = pp[2, 0, j]
_pp = pp.copy()
llr, ttr = vec_cartesian_to_latlon(_pp[0], _pp[1], _pp[2])
lambda_rad, theta_rad = llr.copy(), ttr.copy()
# Make grid symmetrical to i = im/2 + 1
for j in range(1, c+1):
for i in range(1, c+1):
# print("({}, {}) -> ({}, {})".format(i, 0, i, j))
lambda_rad[i, j] = lambda_rad[i, 0]
for j in range(c+1):
for i in range(c//2):
isymm = c - i
# print(isymm)
avgPt = 0.5*(lambda_rad[i, j] - lambda_rad[isymm, j])
# print(lambda_rad[i, j], lambda_rad[isymm, j], avgPt)
lambda_rad[i, j] = avgPt + np.pi
lambda_rad[isymm, j] = np.pi - avgPt
avgPt = 0.5*(theta_rad[i, j] + theta_rad[isymm, j])
theta_rad[i, j] = avgPt
theta_rad[isymm, j] = avgPt
# Make grid symmetrical to j = im/2 + 1
for j in range(c//2):
jsymm = c - j
for i in range(1, c+1):
avgPt = 0.5*(lambda_rad[i, j] + lambda_rad[i, jsymm])
lambda_rad[i, j] = avgPt
lambda_rad[i, jsymm] = avgPt
avgPt = 0.5*(theta_rad[i, j] - theta_rad[i, jsymm])
theta_rad[i, j] = avgPt
theta_rad[i, jsymm] = -avgPt
# Final correction
lambda_rad -= np.pi
llr, ttr = lambda_rad.copy(), theta_rad.copy()
new_xgrid = np.zeros((c+1, c+1, 6))
new_ygrid = np.zeros((c+1, c+1, 6))
xgrid = llr.copy()
ygrid = ttr.copy()
new_xgrid[..., 0] = xgrid.copy()
new_ygrid[..., 0] = ygrid.copy()
# radius = 6370.0e3
radius = 1.
for face in range(1, 6):
for j in range(c+1):
for i in range(c+1):
x = xgrid[i, j]
y = ygrid[i, j]
z = radius
if face == 1:
# Rotate about z only
new_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, -np.pi/2., 'z')
elif face == 2:
# Rotate about z, then x
temp_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, -np.pi/2., 'z')
x, y, z = temp_xyz[:]
new_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi/2., 'x')
elif face == 3:
temp_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi, 'z')
x, y, z = temp_xyz[:]
new_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi/2., 'x')
if ((c % 2) != 0) and (j == c//2 - 1):
print(i, j, face)
new_xyz[0] = np.pi
elif face == 4:
temp_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi/2., 'z')
x, y, z = temp_xyz[:]
new_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi/2., 'y')
elif face == 5:
temp_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, np.pi/2., 'y')
x, y, z = temp_xyz[:]
new_xyz = rotate_sphere_3D(x, y, z, 0., 'z')
# print((x, y, z), "\n", new_xyz, "\n" + "--"*40)
new_x, new_y, _ = new_xyz
new_xgrid[i, j, face] = new_x
new_ygrid[i, j, face] = new_y
lon_edge, lat_edge = new_xgrid.copy(), new_ygrid.copy()
if self.offset is not None:
lon_edge = lon_edge - self.offset
for i, j, f in product(range(c+1), range(c+1), range(6)):
new_lon = lon_edge[i, j, f]
if new_lon < 0:
new_lon+= 2*np.pi
if np.abs(new_lon) < 1e-10:
new_lon = 0.
lon_edge[i, j, f] = new_lon
if np.abs(lat_edge[i, j, f]) < 1e-10:
lat_edge[i, j, f] = 0.
lon_edge_deg = np.rad2deg(lon_edge)
lat_edge_deg = np.rad2deg(lat_edge)
lon_ctr = np.zeros((c, c, 6))
lat_ctr = np.zeros((c, c, 6))
xyz_ctr = np.zeros((3, c, c, 6))
xyz_edge = np.zeros((3, c+1, c+1, 6))
for f in range(6):
for i in range(c):
last_x = (i == (c-1))
for j in range(c):
last_y = (j == (c-1))
# Get the four corners
lat_corner = [lat_edge[ i, j, f], lat_edge[i+1, j, f],
lat_edge[i+1, j+1, f], lat_edge[ i, j+1, f]]
lon_corner = [lon_edge[ i, j, f], lon_edge[i+1, j, f],
lon_edge[i+1, j+1, f], lon_edge[ i, j+1, f]]
# Convert from lat-lon back to cartesian
xyz_corner = np.asarray(vec_latlon_to_cartesian(lon_corner, lat_corner))
# Store the edge information
xyz_edge[:, i, j, f] = xyz_corner[:, 0]
if last_x:
xyz_edge[:, i+1, j, f] = xyz_corner[:, 1]
if last_x or last_y:
xyz_edge[:, i+1, j+1, f] = xyz_corner[:, 2]
if last_y:
xyz_edge[:, i, j+1, f] = xyz_corner[:, 3]
e_mid = np.sum(xyz_corner, axis=1)
e_abs = np.sqrt(np.sum(e_mid * e_mid))
if e_abs > 0:
e_mid = e_mid / e_abs
xyz_ctr[:, i, j, f] = e_mid
_lon, _lat = cartesian_to_latlon(*e_mid)
lon_ctr[i, j, f] = _lon
lat_ctr[i, j, f] = _lat
lon_ctr_deg = np.rad2deg(lon_ctr)
lat_ctr_deg = np.rad2deg(lat_ctr)
self.lon_center = lon_ctr_deg
self.lat_center = lat_ctr_deg
self.lon_edge = lon_edge_deg
self.lat_edge = lat_edge_deg
self.xyz_center = xyz_ctr
self.xyz_edge = xyz_edge
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