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Last active January 16, 2018 18:23
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Interactive regression analysis viewer w/ Bokeh filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Regression analysis visualizaer.
Quickly visualize the regression analysis for a given region. To run this app,
$ bokeh serve --args <>
at the command prompt. Then navigate to the url
On legion, the following additional command line arguments may be useful
1. allow-websocket-origin {HOST}:{PORT<default=5006>}
2. host {HOST}:{?}
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import xarray as xr
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import row, column, widgetbox, layout
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Spacer
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ResetTool, PanTool, BoxZoomTool, SaveTool
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn, NumberFormatter
from bokeh.models.widgets import Div, Select
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.charts import Scatter
import sys
MASTER_DATA_FN = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
print("Need to pass an input dataset filename '--args <>'")
print("Loading dataset -", MASTER_DATA_FN)
MASTER_DATA = xr.open_dataset(MASTER_DATA_FN)
ACTS = sorted(list(np.unique(MASTER_DATA.act)))
FIELDS = sorted(list(MASTER_DATA.data_vars))
REGIONS = sorted(list(np.unique(MASTER_DATA.region)))
SEASONS = sorted(list(np.unique(MASTER_DATA.season)))
n = max(map(len, [ACTS, REGIONS, SEASONS]))
color_list = sns.color_palette("Dark2", n).as_hex()
HUES = ['act', 'season', 'region']
HUE_MAP = {'act': ACTS, 'region': REGIONS, 'season': SEASONS}
DATA = None
def nix(val, lst):
""" Helper function to choose all *but* a given value from a list. """
return [x for x in lst if x != val]
def _colors(lst):
uniques = list(np.unique(lst))
return [color_list[uniques.index(x)] for x in lst]
def _pct_bnds(data, q=0.02):
return np.percentile(data, [q, 100-q])
def _quick_ols(data):
data = data.copy().dropna()
res = smf.ols("data_y ~ data_x", data=data).fit()
CI = res.conf_int(alpha=0.05)
CI_5, CI_95 = CI.ix['data_x'][:2]
return pd.Series({'m': res.params['data_x'],
'b': res.params['Intercept'],
'CI_5': CI_5, 'CI_95': CI_95,
'p': res.pvalues['data_x'],
'r2': res.rsquared,
'bse': res.bse['data_x'],
'n': len(data)})
def get_field_data(field_x, field_y, **selection_kws):
global DATA
subset = (
[[field_x, field_y]]
.rename({field_x: 'data_x', field_y: 'data_y'})
.assign(data_x=lambda ds: np.log10(ds.data_x),
data_y=lambda ds: np.log10(ds.data_y))
DATA = subset
def select_data(**selection_kws):
subset = DATA.copy()
if "season" in selection_kws:
season = selection_kws.pop('season')
subset = subset.where(subset['season'] == season)
subset = subset.sel(**selection_kws)
subset = (
subset[~np.isfinite(subset[['data_x', 'data_y']])] = np.nan
subset['color'] = _colors(subset[hue.value])
return subset
def get_fit_data(data):
labels = HUE_MAP[hue.value]
lo, hi = _pct_bnds(data['data_x'])
xs = np.tile(np.linspace(lo, hi, 10), (len(labels), 1))
fits = data.groupby(hue.value).apply(_quick_ols)
ys = [
fits.loc[val]['b'] + fits.loc[val]['m']*xs[i]
for i, val in enumerate(labels)
ys = np.array(ys)
colors = color_list[:len(fits)]
fits['label'] = labels = source_stats.from_df(fits)
return xs.tolist(), ys.tolist(), colors, labels
def get_ctrs(data):
means = data.groupby(hue.value).mean()
labels = HUE_MAP[hue.value]
ctrs = [
(means.loc[val]['data_x'], means.loc[val]['data_y'])
for val in labels
colors = color_list[:len(means)]
ctr_x, ctr_y = zip(*ctrs)
return ctr_x, ctr_y, colors, labels
# Set up widgets
field_x = Select(title="Field (x)", value=FIELDS[0], options=nix(FIELDS[0], FIELDS))
field_y = Select(title="Field (y)", value=FIELDS[1], options=nix(FIELDS[1], FIELDS))
# Coloring widgets
hue = Select(title="Hue", value='season', options=HUES)
sel1 = Select(title="act", value=ACTS[0], options=ACTS)
sel2 = Select(title="region", value=REGIONS[0], options=REGIONS)
# Set up plots and data
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(date=[], data_x=[], data_y=[], color=[],
season=[], region=[], act=[]))
source_fits = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(fit_x=[], fit_y=[], color=[], label=[]))
source_ctrs = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(ctr_x=[], ctr_y=[], color=[], label=[]))
source_stats = ColumnDataSource(data=dict())
# hvr = HoverTool(tooltips=[(['Label', "@label"]), ])
tooltips = """
<span style="font-size: 16px; color: @color">@label</span>
hvr = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)
tools = [hvr, BoxZoomTool(), PanTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool()]
corr = figure(webgl=True, tools=tools)
corr.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.
line_kws = dict(line_width=6)
cs = corr.scatter(x="data_x", y="data_y", color='color',
size=2, alpha=0.5, source=source)
fits = corr.multi_line(xs='fit_x', ys='fit_y', color='color',
source=source_fits, **line_kws)
ctrs = corr.diamond(x='ctr_x', y='ctr_y', color='color',
line_color='black', line_width=2, size=20, source=source_ctrs)[0].renderers.append(ctrs)
narr, wide = 100, 200
nd = lambda n: NumberFormatter(format="0." + "0"*n)
columns = [
TableColumn(field="label", title="Hue Value", width=200),
TableColumn(field="m", title="Slope", width=150,
TableColumn(field="CI_5", title="CI = [5,", width=150,
TableColumn(field="CI_95", title="95]", width=150,
TableColumn(field="bse", title="Std Error on Slope", width=250,
TableColumn(field="p", title="P-value", width=150,
TableColumn(field="r2", title="R-squared", width=150,
stats_table = DataTable(columns=columns, source=source_stats,
row_headers=False, fit_columns=True)
header_html = """
<h1>Regression Analysis Viewer</h1>
This application lets you dig into simple regression analyses
compiled from regionally-averaged timeseries from an ensemble
of simulations. You can facet via hue over any of the three
dimensions to compare them simultaneously, and still choose
freely between the two remaining ones.
Analyzing data from: <strong>{}</strong>
<br />
header = Div(text=header_html, width=800)
def _make_legend():
for col, hv in zip(color_list, HUE_MAP[hue.value]):
print(hv, col)
l = corr.line(x=[], y=[], color=col, legend=hv,
source=ColumnDataSource(), **line_kws)
corr.legend.location = 'top_left'
# _make_legend()
# Set up callbacks
def field_x_change(attrname, old, new):
field_y.options = nix(new, FIELDS)
get_field_data(new, field_y.value)
def field_y_change(attrname, old, new):
field_x.options = nix(new, FIELDS)
get_field_data(field_x.value, new)
def update_choices(attrname, old, new):
sel1.title = nix(new, HUES)[0]
x = HUE_MAP[sel1.title]
sel1.value = x[0]
sel1.options = x
sel2.title = nix(new, HUES)[1]
y = HUE_MAP[sel2.title]
sel2.value = y[0]
sel2.options = y
# _make_legend()
def update_on_change(attrname, old, new):
def update():
fx, fy = field_x.value, field_y.value
if DATA is None:
get_field_data(fx, fy)
assert DATA is not None
sel_kws = {sel1.title: sel1.value, sel2.title: sel2.value}
data = select_data(**sel_kws) = source.from_df(data[['data_x', 'data_y', 'color', 'season', 'region', 'act']])
xs, ys, colors, labels = get_fit_data(data) = {'fit_x': xs, 'fit_y': ys,
'color': colors, 'label': labels}
ctr_x, ctr_y, colors, labels = get_ctrs(data)
# print(ctr_x)
# print(ctr_y)
# print(colors) = {'ctr_x': list(ctr_x), 'ctr_y': list(ctr_y),
'color': colors, 'label': labels}
corr.title.text = ", ".join(["{}: {}".format(key, val)
for(key, val) in sel_kws.items()]) + \
" | hue over {}".format(hue.value)
corr.xaxis.axis_label = "log10(%s)" % fx
corr.yaxis.axis_label = "log10(%s)" % fy
field_x.on_change('value', field_x_change)
field_y.on_change('value', field_y_change)
sel1.on_change('value', update_on_change)
sel2.on_change('value', update_on_change)
hue.on_change('value', update_choices)
# Set up layout
widgets = widgetbox(field_x, field_y, hue, sel1, sel2,
sizing_mode="fixed", width=150)
# layout = column(
# row(
# widgets, Spacer(width=25), corr
# ),
# row(
# stats_table
# )
# )
layout = layout([
[widgets, Spacer(width=25), corr],
# Initialize
# update()
curdoc().title = "Regression Viewer"
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